View Full Version : How Many Stars Do I Have Left?

10-24-2002, 11:04 PM
ok, i recieved my minimag in a trade, it all works fine, i am just wondering how i find out how many stars i have left on my valve.

i have a ANS Phase II valve body, but no more stock mag valve body

is there any way to find out the # of stars the valve has?

it has the front section of the minimag valve w/ the serial # on it, but the ANS back valve body

just wondering incase i ever need to send it in to AGD for a rebuild

any answers would be a big help

thanks a lot :)

10-24-2002, 11:12 PM
Unless you still have the stock on/off, you have NO stars left. Sorry bud.

I'd shoot you a link to the warranty, but my connection's crappin on itself.

10-24-2002, 11:17 PM
i have the stock on/off system, just the new ANS phase II black valve body with a better flow

10-25-2002, 12:04 AM
Either way, unless you have the Full valve, they won't count it. For that matter, the only time they'll do the warantee work for free (possibly, ever) is if there aren't any aftermarket parts on their, such as valves, on/off's, bolts, etc.

10-25-2002, 12:41 PM
here is what the AGD website has to say about warrenties.


We will no longer fix markers for free either under the limited warranty or the star warranty if the marker has an aftermarket part and/or accessory that causes a problem. Some examples of modifications and/or parts that can cause problems include:

a. painted mainbodies
b. two finger triggers (other than our own)
c. wooden grips
d. aftermarket valve assembly parts (automatic rebuild fee)
e. aftermarket o-rings and seals
f. aftermarket bolts (especially Venturi bolts)
g. aftermarket on/off assemblies

10-25-2002, 12:52 PM
See, told ya so ;-)

Something caught my eye as well. You said the ANS thingymajig has a better flow. Well, no. The best purpose I've seen one serve is as a paperweight :D

10-27-2002, 04:00 PM
yeah, seems heavier too :rolleyes: