View Full Version : L10 E-Mag Gun fails to fire or fires sporatically.

10-25-2002, 11:49 AM
I am having problems getting L10 working well in my gun. The first problem I had was that when I first aired up my gun I would have to hold down the trigger and wait several seconds for the gun to fire. It would then fire reliably for the duration of the game. If there was a long pause between games I would have hold down the trigger again. I played like this for 5 or 6 weekends. Last weekend on the last game my gun refused to fire at all. I held down the trigger for a while and it would not fire. I am using an AA Apoc2k and have the imput pressure at 900. I am also having trouble getting my gun to fire and be easy on paint. I think that the process to make the gun easier on paint involves either going to a smaller carrier or longer spring or both. In my case there seems to be no middle ground. Either it pinches a ball too hard making a crack in the shell or it wont fire. I would appreciate any feedback I can get.


10-25-2002, 12:01 PM
Make sure you lube your gun before the day of play. Just drop a couple (2-4) drops of lube in the air inlet and you should be good to go for the day.

This should also fix the problem of too hard/not firing. It should allow you to use longer springs/smaller carriers.

Good Luck ~ Jonesie

10-25-2002, 12:28 PM
I put in 6 drops of oil before each day of play. I should have mentioned that.


10-26-2002, 09:53 PM
try going to the next size up on the carrier. The problem you are experiencing is "classic" fails' to fire on the first shot 'cause the carrier is too small.

You need to use the Largest o-ring carrier that you can, without it leaking. Try adding a shim or 2 (if you don't already have any in there) if you contunue to get a small leak with the next size carrier.

Next, install the middle spring into the gun.
You weren't specific, but I'm almost willing to bet that you are using the shortest spring.

Finally, crank up your velocity till the gun fires reliably. If the gun reg starts leaking out the back BEFORE this happens, you probably need either a new reg piston or a new spring pak.

Try this stuff out, and let us know how it goes.



I just noticed that you're from pensacola. Im just over here in mobile, and I have 2 mags w/ level 10 working just fine in them. If you continue to have problems, come over to mobile and stop by the shop one day, and I'll take care of it for you. www.xpb.us

10-28-2002, 12:32 AM
Don't mess with the shims yet. Shims only control where the gun vents the air in the stroke. Play with the carrier first until you don't get any leaks. Then play with the shims. 2 Seperate pieces that control 2 different functions.

The right carrier & O-ring will allow you to dangle the bolt from the carrier w/o it falling off.