View Full Version : gassing up rt pro

10-25-2002, 02:25 PM
Hi guys,

I have a new RT pro and i recently tried gassing it up so i can shoot it for the first time tomorrow (saturday). I was told to pull the trigger and keep it pulled while screwing in the tank to cock the bolt. However, air kept escaping out the chamber. I took it to I&I sports today in south san jose and they weren't any help. They did offer to take a look at it (for a couple days) and charge me on a per hour basis as they fix whatever the problem is. I told them no thanks (especially after buying a hundred buckx worth of misc stuff from them). Anyways, the tank still has some air in it and im gonna try to disassemble the gun and check out the regulator and o-rings....i havent taken the gun apart before but i have the video that came with the gun so i'll just watch it and follow along step by step. if you guys can lemme know if there's anything specific to look out for, or any tips on how to get my marker gassed up, please lemme know! i dont wanna miss out my game tomorrow!

thanks for any help guys,


10-25-2002, 03:32 PM
That sucks, unfortunately I&I isn't too keen on techsupport for Mag's. PM me and I can take a look at it for you, seeing as how I am in San Jose as well.

10-25-2002, 03:34 PM
ok i started taking apart the valve/regulator assy. the video shows the regulator seat holder differently from how the rt pro valve is setup i think. i dont know how to remove the regulator seat holder from the valve body. i'll keep fiddling around.

i havent noticed any torn or missing o-rings. i did notice that the outer regulator spring was stuck to the inside diameter of the RT regulator nut. the inner spring fell right out but the outer larger spring was stuck on there pretty good. could this be the cause as to why when i try to gas up the marker, air just leaks out? maybe the spring isnt doing it's job because it's binding against the housing of the regulator nut?

i called tech support but the world cup tournament closed tech support till next week.

any ideas?

should that larger outer spring be allowed to move freely within the regulator nut body?


10-25-2002, 03:36 PM
From your post it's difficult to understand where the air is coming from. If it's leaking down the barrel it's most likely a power tube spacer issue. To fix this you need to change the size of the space. AGD sells a spacer kit with all of the sizez if you don't one. If it's coming out the back, it's most likely your velocity is turned up to high. If it's leaking when you hold the trigger, it could be your on/off o-ring. Check out the video as it covers most of these common problems. Also, check out the Tech Section of the forum and do a search and you'll find answers to fix this issue. LOL

10-25-2002, 03:37 PM
there can be a couple of problems...

what kind of tank is it?? that happened to me when i fist got my gun, but i found out the tank didnt have a high-enogh out put

when its leaking, is that tank all the way in? if it is shoot a couple of times

when you mean chamber, do you meanthe valve?

if thr tank doesnt have too much air in it, and you dont have an on/off, when you screw it in it wil lleak anyway because ther isnt enough pressure to cock it

hope i hellped a lil bit.. i just got home from playing so im a lil out of it

EDIT.. WOW i am slow.. when i started this no one had replied..

10-25-2002, 03:40 PM
the important one is... DID YOU PUT OIL IN IT? if not do that!

10-25-2002, 03:46 PM
thanks for the responses guys...keep 'em coming.

i checked technical part of the forum but there's like 3 threads there! hah!

it's leaking from where the paintball would enter the "chamber". in other words, i can feel air coming out of the barrel end and out of the opening where the paintballs would enter into the gun chamber (breach?)...the air is not leaking through the macrolines or out the back of the regulator.

the tank is a system x 68/4500 tank...i believe preset at 850 psi. from what i've read, 800-800psi would be sufficient for an RT pro? the shop could only fill up to 3k psi and they charged me 10 dollars each time. it now has about 2500 psi left on the gage since the guy at the shop was fiddling around with it and tried to gas up the marker without success.

i have a system x drop forward with an on/off....the front part of the drop forward can screw forward or back and pushes on the pin on the tank. what i did was, i screwed the air tank all the way forward into the drop forward. then i released the trigger safety and pulled the trigger and held the trigger down. then i started screwing the front part of the drop-forward backwards towards the tank. that's when the air starts hissing and exiting the barrel and the breach.

i think it might be the big regulator spring....it didn't come out easily at all like in the video. it was stuck on there pretty good. could this be it?

10-25-2002, 03:49 PM
lol yes i put quite a few drops of "autolube" oil by disconnecting the macroline and putting the drops right into the fitting at the valve.

too bad i cant gas up the marker and wreak havoc at the fields tomorrow. =(

so hey, does anybody think it's because of that big regulator spring? should i grind it down so it can float easily within the regulator nut body?

i'm looking at the exploded view parts here (http://www.airgun.com/downloads/retroexploded1.pdf)

10-25-2002, 04:28 PM
This would probably get more people that could help you fix this problem if it were posted in the tech forum.

If all the orings check out (I don't suppose you have a parts kit and could replace them all, eh?), and you don't have a spacer kit to try that, can you tell if the bolt has moved forward when you gas the gun up? If it has, stick in a squeegie, or some that won't stratch anything up, and push the bolt back. My RTP has only done that to me once, but pushing the bolt back fixed that pretty quick. Keep us informed man.

(edit---oh yeah, my Pure Energy tank is preset to 850 and works great on my Pro. sorry, just noticed that in your post and figured I'd add this in)

10-25-2002, 04:51 PM
no...i dont have a parts kit or a spacer kit....didnt think i would need new parts (o-rings) for a new marker. im putting everything back together...all o-rings looked fine. the only thing that bothers me is the large regulator counter-wound spring. it does not move freely inside the regulator nut...i'm wondering if this could be it. but i dont wanna grind anything down and void my warranty.

im gonna finish reassembling everything and try gassing up...i'll tie the trigger down to the grip and use one hand to screw the dropforward on and the other hand to push down on a rod to push the bolt back.

keep the responses comin'!

hey moderators, can we move this thread to the tech section if that's more appropiate?

10-25-2002, 05:27 PM
Just stick a squeegee down there and push on the bolt when you gas it up. Mine does this all the time. The tolerances are real tight and it if doesnt get a real sharp burst of air in wont cock. Hope this helps..;)

10-25-2002, 05:32 PM
thanks bob...=)

i just put everything back together and i stuck a pen down and pressed against the bolt as i gassed up...now it's holding pressure and i can dry fire the gun! hooray!

and then i came back and just read your post tunaman! lol

anyways, things are dandy now...gonna wreak havoc on some autococker owners from work tomorrow at the fields...wish them luck. :p


10-25-2002, 05:40 PM
i noticed you fixed the problem. next time oil it up first and don't hold the trigger down. that can cause for your bolt to stick to the body and freeze up your o rings. pull the trigger and let it go. whatever you do-don't grind anything down it might cause more headaches in the long run. congrats to your new baby!!!!!

10-25-2002, 05:44 PM
ahhh ok...i thought i had to hold the trigger down as i gassed up. so all i need to do is squeeze the trigger once and let go? i just added more drops of oil to the valve line and i'll pull some dry shots to oil everything up and get things seated properly. i can't wait for tomorrow's games!

thanks for the tip bud!

p.s. how do i post pics in the body of the messages? i have one or two of my setup...

10-25-2002, 07:06 PM
Where are you playing tomorrow?

10-25-2002, 07:25 PM
Sometimes it's necessary to hold the trigger down, but only if the gun's giving you a lot of problems gassing it up(easy fix sometimes). If you don't have to and it gasses up fine, then don't hold the trigger in=)

When you put oil in it, don't forget to leave the barrel off so you don't get oil all in there. Causes paint balls to act very strangely. Dry fire about 20-30 shots without the barrel, and then you should be good to go.

Have fun with 'er. Gosh they're so much fun to shoot=)

10-25-2002, 10:43 PM
thx for the tips bud! i've dry fired it quite a bit more than 30 shots (it's just fun watching the bolt strike and the sound of the shot!)

i think i'm good to go...

oh Covadsucks, i'll be playing at TAG in santa cruz tomorrow....you're more than welcome to play man! the more mags the better! if you see a guy with an rt-pro with black tank cover, clear warp, and smoke revvy, that would be me. :cool:

we'll prolly be there by 9am...i'm unsure if i'm gonna play the whole day or half day...

if any other bay area guys have some free time and can make it out to TAG tomorrow, i'll see ya there!


thanks again everybody for the tips!

10-26-2002, 05:42 PM
When you hold the trigger back..make sure it's all the way back.. and you hold it until the tank is completely screwed in.. once the tank is all the way in... quickly release the trigger.. don't let it out slowly or else the reg will slow charge and the bolt will float on the air, instead of engaging the sear. Also make sure you chrono it correctly ;)

10-26-2002, 07:20 PM
good tips guys!

i watched the video about chronographing the marker and remembered that i needed to hold the trigger down fully and release and pull a quick shot and hold the trigger down again...this would get me accurate ball speeds to dial in the regulator.

one of my coworkers had an automag classic. one had an angel. the other had a bushmaster. they all liked mine. :D

and i had TONS of people come up to me gawking at my setup and the marker...and a few of the employees at the field admired the marker commenting "they dont see too many rt pro's or automags around here"...including a cute blond chick (maybe she's reading this right now!) who liked my rt-pro. everybody noted how heavy my setup was but after a few games, i got used to it. i chopped once but i think it was because i was still getting used to the trigger and i shortstroked it. i think i'll get a level 10 but it's not needed immediately since it's getting colder and i dont think we'll play as often. my friend had an autococker that he was gonna use but he sprained his ankle descending a steep grade (i was covering him). i ran up to him and asked if he was ok. he just yelled "gimme my gun!" and he started firing at the opponents while he was sprawled all over the ground. after the game was over, i helped him up to his feet and we walked back to the staging area. he was out for the day.

all in all, it was a blast playing with the rt-pro! i had to fill my tank up twice (68/4500) but i dont think the field was able to fill my tank to 4500 each time.

i need to pickup some ammo pods and harness too now. for some odd reason, i go through paint alot faster with the rt-pro! :p

now i gotta clean my mask and marker up...

thanks again guys for the support and for reading this if you made it this far. :)


10-26-2002, 07:22 PM
a pic

10-26-2002, 07:26 PM
safety equipment

10-26-2002, 08:02 PM
eeek your making me want to buy an invision and dye gloves and an rt valve and intelliframe!!!

10-26-2002, 08:12 PM
join the dark side....together, we shall rule the galaxy!

10-26-2002, 11:01 PM
silver-did you get your rtp from i&i? ive been waiting so long to get mine. and reading this thread makes me want it more. :(

10-26-2002, 11:09 PM
Hmmm, kinda OT, but did anyone else notice alot of people from SJ popping up around lately?

10-26-2002, 11:35 PM
<--not from san jose. walnut creek. but still bay area.

10-27-2002, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by silver0ckt
i need to pickup some ammo pods and harness too now. for some odd reason, i go through paint alot faster with the rt-pro! :p

My first night with a rental. Less than 500 balls.
My first day with a RT. 1300+ balls.
Second day with a rental. Little less than 750 balls.
Second day with a RT (RT Pro actually). Over 2200 balls.

I ended up buying a 4 pod harness on the 4th day. If I go through less than a hopper and 2 pods in a game, I count myself lucky (or hit on the break).

I think most of us can relate in some fashion or another. :)


10-27-2002, 01:01 AM
the last time i went paintballing and used a rental, i fired 500 balls throughout the entire DAY!

today, i only went through less than 1500 paintballs. i would have used more, but i only had one mini-pod that i borrowed from my friend and i had kept it in my pant pocket...sometimes when i was crawling along the ground, the pod would slip out of my pocket. then i would realize it a few yards later, and try to crawl backwards....does anybody know how hard it is to crawl backwards uphill ? :confused:

going off topic, i've always lived in san jose...i'm a lurker here on the forum....i mainly check in every now and then and read about what's been going on lately.

flatacid, i did NOT get my rt-pro from i&i sports. they don't seem too keen on automags in general and usually like to push bushmasters or autocockers or angels. plus, they have a few guys in the shop that give me the feeling that they don't want me in their shop. for example, if i was to come in just to check stuff out, one of them would come up to me and ask bluntly what i needed, what i was looking to buy, what he could help me with, etc. when i told him i was just checking things out, he seemed agitated about that.

on the other hand, another guy in the same store is really cool--you can just walk in and he'll talk and talk about paintballing.

i bought a case of house paint for $45 and the guy in the shop was very helpful and he told me the paint is consistent and they've had great success with the paint. i think the paint was a good deal and i shared some with my coworkers and they liked it compared to the diablo paint they were using (the diablo paintballs were undersized for their barrels). so, i'd buy little stuff like bottle covers or paint or valve nipples. but if you want to get an rt-pro, i would suggest looking elsewhere. I&I also has a hefty markup on all their markers. PM me if you need help finding a place to get an rt-pro.

any of you rt-pro owners feeling a "night and day" difference when going with a level 10? my gun shot so well today, that i started having second doubts about getting a level 10...i could use the 80 bucks on alot of other things. i chopped once but i think that was my fault for shortstroking. i suppose the level 10 just acts as insurance against chopping.

anyways, is anybody working on an ammo backpack that feeds to the marker? it would save time from having to stop, pull a pod, reload hopper, stow pod. i know it's wishful thinking, but with the rate i'm going, i'm gonna be using a case of paint each game! well, not that much, but you know what i mean. it's so hard NOT to use alot of paint! :D

10-28-2002, 01:07 PM
here's a pic of my outing on sat...i'm kneeling on the left. sorry for looking so dirty. :p

i spent a few hours cleaning and oiling up my marker...also took forever taking apart my dye mask and cleaning everything out...now i'm ready for next time!


10-28-2002, 01:28 PM
The Beast needs to be fed...

Just try firing an emag on hybrid... You think you go through paint quick now. ;)

Originally posted by silver0ckt

i need to pickup some ammo pods and harness too now. for some odd reason, i go through paint alot faster with the rt-pro!

10-28-2002, 02:04 PM
sounds like you need the 'ammo backpack'. haha!

somebody please help me...i have a sickness....it's called automag rapid ammo firing disease.

10-28-2002, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
The Beast needs to be fed...

Just try firing an emag on hybrid... You think you go through paint quick now. ;)

:( Thats bad.
I want an emag, and I want to conserve paint.
I guess the two dont mix! :D

10-28-2002, 04:10 PM
when i had my talon..i shot 0 balls each day(cuz the talon didnt work)
when i had my stingray 2..i shot 50balls a day(it worked,then it broke soon after)
when i got my piranha..i shot 500 each day
when i got my retro minimag..i shoot a case a day,and still run out of paint...

maybe when i get my new cocker i will slow down on the paint..

10-28-2002, 04:27 PM
You can totally conserve on paint if you want to. It's just the positions I've been in (back player and doing some front line scenario stuff) the ability to lay large amounts of paint is handy.

Originally posted by personman

:( Thats bad.
I want an emag, and I want to conserve paint.
I guess the two dont mix! :D

10-28-2002, 06:15 PM
Hey, I have an RTP Setup just like that :) I have a chrome HR body instead of a warp left, and now that I see it, I'm seriously considering trading for one!

Those Black Mainbodies look GREAT.

10-28-2002, 07:20 PM
my long lost twin!! hah! too bad you weren't at the field when i played...that way, i would get half as many people come up to me and ask me questions about my marker. :D

hey guys, one of my coworkers told me about a JT slammer pod...it allows me to refill my hopper just by "slamming" the pod in (no fussing with opening lids, closing lids, etc)...

i did a little searching (oh no!) and found on paintballgear.com this item called "JT Speed Collar and Timer"...since I've never seen a "JT Slammer", I have no idea if this is it? And I looked closer at the pic but couldn't see a timer (and the description didn't say what the timer was for). JT slammer? (http://www.actionvillage.com/041-4011.html)

anyways, if anybody has the answer to my queries, i would be much obliged...also, any recommendations on where to get one would be cool also.


10-28-2002, 07:56 PM
I've seen these "slammer" systems, and they're not all that great.

It basically replaces your hopper lid, but it's wide open, so durring rain, etc.. water would get into your hopper, but paint can't get out.

I'd actually be more worried about dirt and crap gettin' in there. NOt good to be shooting that stuff out ur gun. I personally wouldn't use one.

The Timer is basically a little stop-watch that has an adhesive pad that'll stick onto the blank spot on the speed collar. Again, I wouldn't use it.

LoL, I actually think it's kinda funny that you mentioned "Long Lost Twin" because I'm also an asian, and I dress simmilarly to you in that picture :) Not to mention I also wear Invisions :P Go figure :)

hehe, i'm guessing your Korean right? If that's the case, We're more related than you thought.

10-28-2002, 07:59 PM
Here's the Twin RT ;)


and me:


10-28-2002, 08:24 PM
what the hell? you guys play in the rain?!?? that's nuts!!

i am only considering one because me and my teammate were descending down a path and met against two opponents that were walking up the path towards us...my friend opened fire and held them as i ran off the path to the right and continued descending down the path. i got a good angle and took them out. at this time, i was low on rounds so i told him to hold and that i was reloading. when i was done reloading, i looked up and my friend was sprawled on the ground. he saw an enemy further down the hillside and wanted to take him out and he didn't wait for me. as he was running down the path, he tried to stop safely without sliding into a bunker but he slipped and his ankles rolled out from under him. i somewhat feel like i took too long reloading and that if i was loaded and ready to go, we could have descended down together and not in such a hurry (since i would be covering him) and we could have taken the target out.

but you do bring a good point about dirt and leaves and crap getting inside the hopper. did that happen to you when using the Slammer? does anybody else use the Slammer system? i'm surprised i dont see many threads about it.

i checked out other websites and found out what the timer does...i think that's pretty dumb. why would i want to carry something that will beep and give away my position? it looks like just a fad/toy.

heh, i need to get some fatigues or camo's...i need to pay a military surplus store a visit and buy some from them. i kinda felt out of place wearing a black sweatshirt and nylon basketball pants and shoes, but i figured i'd go in all black clothes (last time i went in bright blue--not smart!).

clean your invision goggles!!! i took mine apart because i had crap get in between the goggles and the lens. the invision is a PITA to take apart and put together!

no i'm not korean...i'm actually viet. but i'll call you my distant cousin. heh. the other two guys are chinese and then there's Rob, the white guy. He's got some Scottish in him and he listens to bagpipe music before he plays paintball. Sort of a celtic/Braveheart ritual he's got going on....

nice marker setup man!

10-29-2002, 12:54 AM
you know i tried that same thing with holding the trigger down on my rt and it did the same thing. all i can say is try it without holding the trigger down, that seems to work on my rt.

10-29-2002, 12:57 AM
Thanks! Yours looks better... I'm falling for the black mainbodies :p

We weren't playing in the rain, it just dark, and the window was dirty :P

If slow-reloading is a problem for you, this is what I usually do when I reload and have to shoot at the same time..

Just pop open the lid of your hopper, and the pod, point the gun with your right hand, and fill the hopper with your left while shooting at your target. Now given you can't move very well like that, it 'still allows you to make more efficient use of your time, which in many cases can be vital.

I actually have never used the slammer, but with the hopper being lower on a warped setup, and with my playing style, dirt and rocks are just BOUND to hop in there.

The main reason I play with those BDU's is because they are FREEKING Durable. I've slid around, scared up my shins/knees, heck I even have a 2" scab on my shin from the last slide, but they just keep goin and goin.

...I've actually been thinking of dying these things black or blue.