View Full Version : New interesting info on the Shatnerball FIX!

10-26-2002, 09:31 PM
Well, I played at Hell Survivors all day today... Wyn was there, as was Dr. Stockclass (TWO PHANTOMS PLAYING SIDE BY SIDE!).

I ran into Linda, who is a rather big person on the MI paintball scene, although she has retired. We talked a bit, mostly about the Shatnerball game...

She played on the Klingon team as a commander, at Shatnerball, I talked to her a bit there in the dead zone after the "final battle".

Apparently... When the Klingons had all the flag stations for a bit... several prominent Klingon scenario players (Linda, Weltman, Conan, Repoman, and the tank drivers...) tried to get their mission cards from Mancow so they would have something fun to do...

Guess what he told them??? (and yes, he was hoarding his mission cards...)

the big "F-Off!"

Was this just his Mancow showing his (yeah we all know it...) total bunghole personality? or was it an intentional act to keep his team from earning more points????


Food for thought, although to me it's just more evidence to back up the already well accepted theory that it was a big fix.


10-26-2002, 09:33 PM
well i mean comon we killed shatner and we got jack for points... and your just now thinkin about the legitimacy of it? doesnt matter though, everyone had fun and it was for charity.:D

10-26-2002, 10:04 PM
well.... it woulda been nice for the other teams to have had a fair chance at winning a game we all payed 100$+ to play in...

the way the game will be portrayed on the DVD will undoubtedly make it looks like Billy had everything to do with winning the game...

10-26-2002, 10:07 PM
ya, but i mean it was for charity and he was a "Star".

10-27-2002, 12:28 AM
All I gotta say about shatnerball is "IM PLAYIN THE SNAKE!!!!!" :p