View Full Version : Good idea for those who loose their wrenches

10-27-2002, 09:44 AM
I have gone through so many darn alen wrench sets and I buy them just for the wrench that fits the mag. (thank god they are only 99cents at wally world). Anyway I got the 2 wrenches i use the most and attached them to the elastic band on my barrel condom, this way it is hard to lose them since they are attached to something so bright, also you carry them with you when you have your gun. Just thought I would suggest this.

10-27-2002, 10:10 AM
don't most fields have rules against having tools on the field? Carring it on the barrel condom assuming your going to have that with you on the field , your in violation of such rule. Or is that just some old rule that's been done away with in most areas? - Seabaas

10-27-2002, 10:12 AM
never heard of such a rule on any field I have ever been on, not sure about tourneys.

10-27-2002, 10:57 AM
i have neat holes in my finger less gloves that have slots where i can put my allen wrenches in. its not designed for it but it works. and yes my field has that rule but they dont really care as long as you dont abuse. and its not like raising my velocity would be that useful anyway

10-27-2002, 11:20 AM
i just have an allen wrench set that i keep in my tool box thingy..

my field also has that rule..

10-27-2002, 01:40 PM
I've never heard of that rule. I carry my little tool box whenever I go out playing. Has lube, allen wrenches, o-rings. But I hardly ever use it my mag never goes down! :)

10-27-2002, 01:42 PM
you carry that when you are playing?
They have that rule so you cant raise your velocity, the guy at our feild (the saftey briefing says)

"and if we ever EVER catch you will a velocity changin wrench out there, you'll be gone for a month" or similar

10-27-2002, 01:46 PM
well i guess they would need that at shady fields

10-27-2002, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by hostage
well i guess they would need that at shady fields
Actually, it has nothing to do with how shady a field is… but how shady some players are. It is a good rule. Think shady players don’t play at good fields? Look at what happened at the World Cup.

Besides, if most games last from 10-20 minutes at most, and your marker craps out on you in the middle of a game… I would recommend calling yourself out and fixing your marker at a designated area. That way you can remove your mask, have less potential of losing parts, etc. If you can’t fix your problem with a leatherman’s tool and about 5 seconds, you should walk it off the field.

Shady fields…:rolleyes:

10-27-2002, 03:51 PM
well the reason why i say this, is when you are tying to crono it I walk and i forget my wrench which is usually lost in the middle of a pile. So just having it at a conveint thing makes it harder to loose.

10-27-2002, 03:54 PM
well,if you own a mag...it only takes about 3 seconds to fix whatever goes wrong..so you dont need to "up" your velocity...

10-27-2002, 05:01 PM
Sigh, people act like it is a perfect world. Well yes that works in the "perfect world" but if you go to many fields that require different velocities, then you will have to adjust it. I am just giving a reason a way for people to keep up with their parts.

10-27-2002, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by hostage
well the reason why i say this, is when you are tying to crono it I walk and i forget my wrench which is usually lost in the middle of a pile. So just having it at a conveint thing makes it harder to loose.
I can understand that. I have had to send my son back to pick up a wrench (or two ;)) I left there as well.

What I now do is stick the wrenches in the back of my gloves when I go to crono. They don't get left at the crono station, and they are too uncomfortable to forget in my gloves before going to play. Then after I get through cronoing, I drop them off at the table with all my other gear. :)

10-27-2002, 06:48 PM
i played at ag, pre-pevs and i just kept 2 or 3 wrenches i used the most in the pocket of my jt pack. i dont think there was any rule about it but its handier than bringing a gearbag to the field and trusting the dead people.

10-28-2002, 12:26 AM
I experienced that today. Real jerk was playing at Skirmish's Castle Keep 10 Hour. Guy got overshot by like 2 or 3 shots from what I could see. So he fires off a 37mm Hot Burning smoke grenade at a group of players. (he has modified his gun to look like an M4 rifle w/ grenade launcher).

He punched a ref, all the while flashing his police officer badge. Nice huh? Most of us would've gone over and helped the ref but we were busy putting out the forest fire.


Originally posted by shartley

Actually, it has nothing to do with how shady a field is… but how shady some players are. It is a good rule. Think shady players don’t play at good fields? Look at what happened at the World Cup.

10-28-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
He punched a ref, all the while flashing his police officer badge. Nice huh? Most of us would've gone over and helped the ref but we were busy putting out the forest fire.

This really bothers me. If you can get any more information on what happened, who he was, etc. I would be more than happy to have it.

10-28-2002, 10:17 AM
I'll do what I can. Unfortunately, I wasn't about to go and ask him for license and registration ;)

From what we've heard talking to the owners of Skirmish, it's a consistent problem with this guy. I heard that a ref actually got shot with one of his grenades once. Unfortunately, with the logistics of the operation, a database of jerk players isn't possible. What I do know is that he was there at World Record Game showing off the gun he was using yesterday.

In all, he was a real jerk and should be banned from Skirmish for A) hitting a ref, B) using illegal smoke grenades, C) Firing a smoke grenade at a group of kids and D) starting a fire on the fields. I heard he was esorted from the premises.