View Full Version : Sonic Rage takes 6th in Novice 10-man!!

10-27-2002, 06:01 PM
Well I finally returned back from the cup and I have some good stories to tell.

Wednesday started off with getting up early to watch alot of the AM semi's and finals to see how they played alot of the fields. We had to wait to get our scheduale to find out what fields we played to for awhile we just checked out the whole venue. The basic set-up was awesome with plenty of room and plenty of parking. The venders has some nice new products out and there was plenty of stuff to look at to keep busy. Later on at around 5 we started to walk to the fields and that lasted till it got dark.

We had the afternoon session so we got there early to watch the fields we had to play and to get everything ready. We are a ZAP sponsored team so we staged in the ZAP tent area and got to be right next to 2 fields we had to play so we got to watch alot of ballin. Thursday started out great with a 97 and a 7 minute game. From then on the tourney was awesome we didnt drop a single prelim game and our lowest prelim score was 92. Also our 4th and last game of the day was against our PRO team OBR. We dropped them pretty quick but some of us got sloppy at the end leading us to get a 92.
Our longest game through the prelims was 10 minutes. After thursday we were a suprising 14th. We knew we had to step it up on friday.

Again we started off good with a 97 our first game and a 100 the scond game. Our 7th game was a crazy one on the Raven field. A couple of bad reffing calls and a couple bad moves by us led to alot of confusion on the field. We had three left(me and 2 others). I was in the "barbell" type thing not knowing how many they had left and thinking there was somebody in there with me. Well i call for help and run down to do the guy but there was nobody there. It ended up there was only 2 of them left and they didnt know i was behind them. It seems like a small thing but it took me about 3-4 minutes to decide to run the line on them. It won us that game. Our last game of the day was on our favorite field, the PMI field. We smoked them with a 96.

Looking at the scoreboard we make it into the semi's ranked 3rd. We were bracketed with GZ silver, KAPP factory and ICON. We played ICON first and rolled them with a 96. We played KAPP on a field we never played before and didnt walk to well. They beat us pretty hard with us only shooting 5 of them. The last game of the semi's was against GZ silver on the angel field. After we dropped 2 on the break everything went smoothly. We shot 3 out of the snake and kept the push on strong winning with a 96.

When you dont make the finals winning 10 out of 11 games then something is messed up. We played exellent ball all weekend and suprised alot of people. We beat out alot of good teams and took 6th overall missing 5th by 3 points. We also has a full paint sponsor so we could throw as much paint as we wanted. This helps, belive me. So i will have to give a shout out to ZAP for giving us the Chronic Ultimate paint to shoot the week. My Matrix didnt break a ball all tourney and i didnt hear about/see any bounces through the tourney. Excellent paint!!!!

I have alot of pics that i need to scan so i'll try to get to that.

10-27-2002, 06:20 PM
Sounds like you had alot of fun. I bet having full paint sponsorship is great, I know it would help me out. I never get to shoot as much as I would like to, due to costs. Congrats on 6th by the way!

10-27-2002, 06:33 PM
Well we knew we were fortunate so some of the paint we had left over/didnt think was good enough for us to shoot we gave it away to little kids or other teams. We gave away prolly 5-6 cases of paint. It was fun to see the kids faces. LOL

10-27-2002, 07:06 PM
i would LOVE to be on a team with full paint sponsorship..

i would fling SO much paint...ah..it would be so fun!



10-28-2002, 06:35 AM
WOW looks like everybody only cares about how not good the AGD lions did. That really shows alot about some people on the forum. Seeing how they played GZ Silver too and lost and we played them and tore them apart. Well either way I know we did awesome and it sucks to see such little support from the rest of the forum.

10-28-2002, 07:42 AM
Good job! Get any pictures? that seems odd that 10/11 games doesnt get into the finals... By the way the other threads are going, it seems that the WC had some problems in other areas.

Some day, Ill get back into paintball.