View Full Version : Locating a hardline - what's the secret?

10-27-2002, 10:20 PM
As I can not concieve of why this isn't something I can find easily, it is driving me to the point of, well . . asking for help! I will try and speak in pictures to try and most efficiently make use of your time and my vocabulary ;-).

I currently have: 68 Mag Classic

I want to replace that steel braided hose with a hardline as found (commonly?) on the RT . . er . . Retro and a gas-through grip:


Honest, I have searched the AGD site, the store, the automags.org site, the aftermarket ..

I ran across this:

which would be cool if someone out there can tell me how long that danged hose is for a 68 classic sized version (I don't have access to an assortment to try out for fit).

I even looked here in the for sale stuff for a hardline. I ran across this with a little help from one of the "senior Members" there, but they guy isn't responding to my e-mail:


It is pretty cool. If you'll notice it has an on/off too! But it's an old thread . .

*any* help you all could offer would be greatly appreciated.


10-28-2002, 01:22 AM
You mean MACROLINE. Try that search.

EDIT: Or not...oops. Sorry.

10-28-2002, 08:23 AM
You can get a venom highline from Planet Eclipse http://www.planeteclipse.com/ look under mag accessories. I got one a couple of months ago, only prob was it cost about 50 bucks after shipping to Jersey. I love it, the slide check works good and it adds a nice touch to the mag.


10-29-2002, 03:00 PM
That's actually a decent price than what I paid for mine.

About $80 overall from the manufacturer themselves using the the postal service to New York. It took about 2 1/2 months.

Totally forgot about it until it showed at my front door by
Postal mail (In Europe, I think it's Royal Mail...

Check out their site:


Don't bother emailing them. They will email you back when they want and their english is terrible.
The delay was probably due to deciphering my english into German..:D
About there US/Canada Distributor (although they post an address and phone#) - a dead end...
Some farm in the boon docks...

Anyway, when I finally put it on my Micromag.....

Now only if I knew about Planet Eclipse sooner :rolleyes:

10-29-2002, 03:41 PM

many thanks for the replies! I bookmarked planeteclipse for future use.

Someone here (automags.org) was kind enough to e-mail me privately offering a brand new one at a VERY reasonable price.

Because the offer to sell did come privately, I do not feel it appropriate to name names or quote prices. However, I will be happy to ask for permission to do so, and let you all know one way or another as soon as I have a reply.

Again, *thanks* !
Capt. FM O'Lary.
Executive Officer,
Team Wildfire.

10-29-2002, 05:53 PM
Here's a thought.

Any of you know a commercial supplier for the bleed that is used in the Venom HighLine Deluxe?

Seems that it should be simple to purchase steel line, connectors, and the bleed to come up with some custom (and perhaps cheaper) alternatives.

10-29-2002, 06:24 PM
Not me. Sorry.

FWIW, I did speak with a PMI Rep ("the exclusive us distributor") and he said they hadn't sold one in about three years.

Naturally, this set my alarm bells off. You know "JUNK ALERT!!"

I asked him for his opinion on why that was. His reply; "I have no idea. I have had them on all my Mags for years, and I LOVE IT."


10-29-2002, 09:30 PM
Man, I am so sorry. I missed your reply. I just went back and found it right there UNOPENED.

Paypal should have something for you :)

Thanks! . .and again, I apologize.

10-30-2002, 06:46 PM
How do you get the valve out if there is no quick disconnect? It would seem to me that you have to take the whole gun apart.

10-30-2002, 06:56 PM
The quick disconnect is the knurled siver portion of the hardline on the end opposit the "black thing".

Here, look;



10-30-2002, 07:15 PM
I thought that was just the slide check. So what you are telling me is that small silver knurled piece is a quick disconnect and a slide check all in one? Does anyone have a picture of the two pieces apart?

10-30-2002, 10:19 PM

Sorry it took so long to reply, I had to find the page again.

Ravi has a pretty cool site, drop back to the index after you check out the pictures.


10-31-2002, 02:22 PM
That is awesome. I didn't realize these even existed before this thread. I have a new item to add to the list of my classic mag want items.

I have been to Ravi's site befoer but missed this.

11-02-2002, 01:33 AM
Hey Fuzzy,

I have one of those in my MicroMag tool box dude. it came standard on my 4 yr old MicroMag from PTP. I took it off and replaced it with 2 swivel elboes with Macroline....Much better.....and took a bit of extra weight off of it. Why do you want that anyway? Curious.
