View Full Version : E-Mag Battery

10-27-2002, 10:44 PM
First off, I've done a search and didn't quite get the info I wanted. I got mixed answers

Okay, can the e-mag be ran off of 2 nine volt batteries? I dont have the charger for the battery pack, and I want to shoot it in e-mode. What else can i do beside by a new ($80) battery charger?

10-28-2002, 05:45 PM
The Emag cannot run off two standard nine volt batteries.

You can make two nine volt battery packs using AAA cells which will be very similar to the emag battery pack. You will be able to charge the batteries using a standard nine volt charger available from Radio Shack. To use the battery packs on your Emag, connect them in series for ~18v.

10-28-2002, 06:35 PM
could you explane it further or giv me a list of materiels and directions on how to do that? I would take it that the AAA cells are the same thing as the batterys you put in your gameboy or cd player

10-28-2002, 10:47 PM
I should rephrase a bit. Each of the two nine volt battery packs are 7 AAA rechargeable batteries in series. The rechargeable batteries have more instantaneous current available than alkaline batteries plus you can just charge them when they get low.

The emag battery pack that you have now is actually 14 AAA rechargeable batteries in series. The charger is a nonstandard voltage and operates on a 12v source. That is why it is so expensive to replace.

By building two nine volt battery packs, you can charge them off a standard inexpensive Radio Shack 9v home or car charger.

To build the battery packs, just solder 7 nine volt batteries in series. How you connect them is up to you. I would use standard nine volt connectors so they would plug into any 9v charger, plus could be easily plugged into a connector to make them a 16.8v battery pack.

10-28-2002, 10:52 PM
I'm still freakin confused. Could you please put it in lamens(sp) terms?

10-29-2002, 07:26 PM
7 AAA rechargeable batteries connected end to end make a 9volt rechargeable battery with a 8.4v output. Connect the (+) terminal of the previous battery to the (-) terminal of the next battery. Do this for all 7 AAA cells. This battery pack can be charged using any 9v charger designed for rechargeable batteries.

By putting 2 of the new 9v battery packs in series (ie; end to end), you have an 18v battery pack that will work in the emag.

10-29-2002, 07:32 PM
Thankyou, so just to be sure, the aaa baterrys are the kind you put in cd players and some typs of cameras, And I need a total of 14? cool thanks again

10-29-2002, 07:36 PM
Do you have a pic of what the finished product will look like?

10-29-2002, 10:33 PM
The emag battery pack is actually 14 AAA rechargeable batteries connected in series to form a 18v (16.8v) battery pack. We are just splitting it in two to utilize the 9v charger. Take the emag battery out to see what it looks like and see how the batteries are connected together.

10-29-2002, 10:55 PM
I'll have to do that when it comes

10-30-2002, 12:41 AM
I got it! so you take 7 AAA rechargable batteries. put them side by side so that one batteries + is next to another ones -. You take some wire and you solder them to the ends of the batteries. then you get three 9 volt conectors. You put one on each end of one(so you can get power from the other battery pack and run one end into the e-mag)and you solder the 2 parts if the connector to each side. Then you rap them up in electrical tape and charge em up. you put the batteries together and walla! e-mode.