View Full Version : Stupid Vampire links

10-28-2002, 01:43 AM
Knock it off.

Remove them from your posts.

10-28-2002, 01:58 AM
You dont like Vampires? hehehe
I went to one of those site were people think they are vamps. It was kinda funny because I was messing with them on thier forum. Oh well....

10-28-2002, 06:12 AM
are we alowd to have the link in our profile?

if you say no,i wont be able to remove it til I get home from school...

Archangel Damien
10-28-2002, 10:27 AM
whats a vampire link

10-28-2002, 11:25 AM
That's what I'm wondering.

10-28-2002, 11:35 AM
I think they're these links that people put their name in, so if you went to my link it'd be like...Oh jeez, Mossman sucked your blood! then i can go to the link and it tells me how many people's blood i sucked and i can brag about it!

stupid... ;)

10-28-2002, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
are we alowd to have the link in our profile?

if you say no,i wont be able to remove it til I get home from school...

Um.. no? DUH. /me slaps Jonno06 with a wet sock.

10-28-2002, 02:01 PM
I just have a question...

Why can't someone put any link they want in their sig, as long as it doesn't contain something against the rules? I don't see how a vampire link, however lame, is against the forum rules...

10-28-2002, 02:23 PM
Well, it's a nuissance. Pop-up ads, and what not. That link has appeared several times, by several different people. I decided to put a preemptive cap on it before people started to play the copycat game and let it explode. In a sig, it's not a big deal... but I'm not about to list all the different situations where it's ok, and when it's not because people will just play the "let's see how far I can push it game."

We've all seen it. Har Har. Ok, it's old now... it's time to stop.

10-28-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
I just have a question...

Why can't someone put any link they want in their sig, as long as it doesn't contain something against the rules? I don't see how a vampire link, however lame, is against the forum rules...
This is a very valid point. As long as the link is not of malicious nature (such as the one that causes all those windows to open), and does not break AO rules of content or language, it should be allowed in both the User’s profile AND their Signature if they so choose.

It is one thing telling folks to stop posting stupid threads that center around those links as post/thread content, but to say they can not use it in their signatures or profiles is quite another. We do, after all, see much worse links posted in both signatures and profiles. And to argue any different would be to admit that this is purely a subjective matter… not of breaking rules. ;)

And further more, if we are to deny the use of even this simple link (which is far from being malicious, or breaking any AO Rules or Etiquette), we would then be bound by fair play to also enforce all other “AO Etiquette” concerning signatures and profiles.. and this would negatively affect some of AO’s “nice” or “popular” people who have signatures that take up entire screens, images that are much too large, etc. ;)

10-28-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Well, it's a nuissance. Pop-up ads, and what not. That link has appeared several times, by several different people. I decided to put a preemptive cap on it before people started to play the copycat game and let it explode. In a sig, it's not a big deal... but I'm not about to list all the different situations where it's ok, and when it's not because people will just play the "let's see how far I can push it game."

We've all seen it. Har Har. Ok, it's old now... it's time to stop.
LOL Sorry I am about to raise the BS flag on that one. ;)

Look at all the other things that have gone WAY farther than the vampire links… YUB? Pie? And a handful of others. Yet they are not only allowed to continue, but they do so on a regular basis. Copycat? Bah, that is what a good deal of AO IS. LOL And even more so in the Friendly Corner. When things spill over into Forums NOT meant for this type of thing, it becomes a problem. But so far, I don’t see much of that happening.

Want to crack down on something worth while? How about the language that continues to get worse each day? When you read through posts and the FILTER picks up inappropriate language from certain members almost every time they post, there is a problem… yet nothing seems to be done about that….

Yup, banning the use of Vampire Links is sure a worthy cause for AO Moderators to focus on…. ;)

10-28-2002, 02:39 PM
that means I have to remove it from my sig?

Because as people have already stated,it isnt against ANY AO rules...

then again..Its not like I am forcing people to look at the link in my sig either...they are at their own will..as clicking ANY link does...

bottom line..is it acceptable in my sig?

10-28-2002, 02:43 PM
How gravy of you to put it in perspective Shartley ;)

I agree... as long as it's not spamming you with countless windows of garbage.. let it be. I mean.. it's only goes to one site, and it's real easy not to be sucked in... DON'T CLICK IT!

Goes hand in hand with curiousity killed the cat. If you're gonne be curios... you're gonna get "sucked" in. I on the other hand can restrain myself from clicking links prior to reading replies. If I see 5 replies saying "Awwe man... you got me" I'm not gonna click it. If I see replies stating.. wow.. that looked really cool" then I may be inclined to check it out.

Wanna see a cool site... click <a href="http://www.turnofftheinternet.com" target="Kill the internet">here</a> AND no... it has NOTHING to do with vampires. Honestly.

10-28-2002, 03:39 PM
Even if it does have a lot of popups, no one is forcing you to click the link.

Lots of sites on the net have lots of pop ups. The link isn't a "pop-up bomb". It had around 5 or 6 pop-ups when I clicked it. Annoying? Yes. But not malicious.

10-28-2002, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
The link isn't a "pop-up bomb". It had around 5 or 6 pop-ups when I clicked it.

I would call that a "pop-up bomb". But, my tolerance for that kind of thing is admittedly low. ;)

10-28-2002, 08:05 PM
when i click it only 1 window opens up....?:confused:

10-28-2002, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by shartley

LOL Sorry I am about to raise the BS flag on that one. ;)

BS... Bah. In disagreement with your ideas, sure. There's a difference. If I claimed BS on everything you've said that smells of it, I'd have enough to fertilize every farm in America.

Oh, so you can't put up your vampire link. OMG! I've been VIOLATED! How can I live to tomorrow! The injustice! OOH! Call my lawyer! Somebody hand me a hanky! I WANT MY VAMPIRE LINKS!!! *sob* Geez... take 2 seconds to think about what you're moaning about...

Before we all scream BLOODY MURDER!!! did you happen to notice that I did not remove anything? No action has been taken? I ASKED people to remove it. Could I have just removed it myself? Sure I could. Did I? No. Will I? If it gets ridiculous, sure.

Look at all the other things that have gone WAY farther than the vampire links… YUB? Pie? And a handful of others. Yet they are not only allowed to continue, but they do so on a regular basis. Copycat? Bah, that is what a good deal of AO IS. LOL And even more so in the Friendly Corner. When things spill over into Forums NOT meant for this type of thing, it becomes a problem. But so far, I don’t see much of that happening.

Fallacy. Square peg - round hole. You missed the point.

Want to crack down on something worth while? How about the language that continues to get worse each day? When you read through posts and the FILTER picks up inappropriate language from certain members almost every time they post, there is a problem… yet nothing seems to be done about that….

I'd suggest you do a SEARCH on every post that has been editted by a moderator. Our private moderator forum is basically what we use to log our actions. It currently has 2276 posts. Oh yeah, none of the moderators get paid if you haven't forgotten... but we do the BEST we can and do a good job. We volunteer our time because we like AGD and AO... and are glad to contribute.

Yup, banning the use of Vampire Links is sure a worthy cause for AO Moderators to focus on…. ;) [/B]

Sarcasm noted.

We read a ridiculous amount of posts. We check what links we see as we get to them. We make sure that people don't sneak in links to inappropriate/adult material which has happened many times. I've even watched various videos and such that people have made links to... to make sure it's appropriate.

Now, after running into that vampire link about the 5th time... with pop ups and what not... it gets old.

And being chain-letter-like... well, you know how that goes... thus my forceful request to knock it off.

As a reminder: Friendly Corner is fair game... we do not have to have any justification for what we do in there. But of course, we let you know what we're up to as a courtesy... and because that's just how it should be.

10-29-2002, 05:39 AM
you can make a square peg fit in a round hole ya know...what if the hole is big,and the peg is small?


i have only drank like 40 pints of blood:(i NEED MORE!!!!!!!


i took it out of my sig..:)

10-29-2002, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
BS... Bah. In disagreement with your ideas, sure. There's a difference. If I claimed BS on everything you've said that smells of it, I'd have enough to fertilize every farm in America. [/B]
LOL Good, “I know you are, but what am I?” defense. ;) You may be very correct about that though, however it does not change what YOU said… does it? :D

Oh, so you can't put up your vampire link. OMG! I've been VIOLATED! How can I live to tomorrow! The injustice! OOH! Call my lawyer! Somebody hand me a hanky! I WANT MY VAMPIRE LINKS!!! *sob* Geez... take 2 seconds to think about what you're moaning about...
And I would also ask that you take a look at it as well. A link that does NO harm, but you find it a nusence, but breaks no AO Rules. So, you use your position to levy a new “guideline” telling folks they can not use them AT ALL? LOL I agree….folks need to take 2 seconds to think about what they are moaning about… to include you.

Before we all scream BLOODY MURDER!!! did you happen to notice that I did not remove anything? No action has been taken? I ASKED people to remove it. Could I have just removed it myself? Sure I could. Did I? No. Will I? If it gets ridiculous, sure.
And that was not the point. By you removing it, it would be enforcing the new rule, not the rule itself. Your argument is like saying “No home owners can have paintball markers on their property.” But then saying… “What? Why are you all upset? I have not gone in and removed any paintball markers from homes yet! I am giving you all the courtesy of voluntarily complying with this rule! Aren’t I such a nice guy?” ;) The problem is the RULE, not its enforcement.

Fallacy. Square peg - round hole. You missed the point.
Sorry, you are wrong there.. but being a Moderator protects you from being wrong… that is clear to see. ;)

I'd suggest you do a SEARCH on every post that has been editted by a moderator. Our private moderator forum is basically what we use to log our actions. It currently has 2276 posts. Oh yeah, none of the moderators get paid if you haven't forgotten... but we do the BEST we can and do a good job. We volunteer our time because we like AGD and AO... and are glad to contribute.
LOLROF Pulled the old “we don’t get paid” line again. LOL Too funny. And I did not say that you don’t do your jobs at all, but that more and more crap stays online, or for extended periods of time. Hey, don’t like it? Sorry, it is the truth. And no amount of saying how hard you work, or that you don’t get paid, and acting so noble will change that. Heck I LIKE YOU… LOL But that will not prevent me from saying that things have been getting worse on AO lately. Because they HAVE. ;)

Sarcasm noted.
You noted my sarcasm, yet you decide to try to lay into me? LOL In fact the only person who did NOT keep a level head and stay pretty much unemotional about it was YOU. LOL I suppose that “I” should be open to criticism by all members (which happens OFTEN) but you as a Moderator are not? This is confusing. Well.. not really. ;)

We read a ridiculous amount of posts. We check what links we see as we get to them. We make sure that people don't sneak in links to inappropriate/adult material which has happened many times. I've even watched various videos and such that people have made links to... to make sure it's appropriate.

Now, after running into that vampire link about the 5th time... with pop ups and what not... it gets old.
Of course I thought that was your job. Sounds more like you complaining that you don’t like doing your job to me. Heck, lets just disable the link feature! :D

And about things getting old…. You mean like folks asking the same questions 5 times in 1 day? But then you and others seem to think it is not appropriate to tell them to use the search feature? But this happens FAR more often than the Vampire links. ;) Oh, but I bet you will say I am trying to put a square peg in a round hole again. ;)

And being chain-letter-like... well, you know how that goes... thus my forceful request to knock it off.
It is NOT chain-letter-like…. Sorry. Look to your own “hole” argument. ;)

As a reminder: Friendly Corner is fair game... we do not have to have any justification for what we do in there. But of course, we let you know what we're up to as a courtesy... and because that's just how it should be.
Oh how grand! LOL You just pulled the “I do it because I can” card. I am sorry, I feel that the “spirit” of that rule is to cover a wide range of things that can pop up in an “Open” topic forum…. To help protect AO…. NOT as a trump card for Moderators to pull out when they feel like it… without any justification.

I personally would have felt better if you had just said you did it in guidelines with that rule and NOT tried to justify it first. LOL Because honestly, your attempts to justify a purely silly ruling fell flat… and the only thing that held up was your use of the Moderator’s Prerogative rule, even if not used in the spirit of the actual rule.

And I would have been perfectly happy to let this all go away (as it WAS going away), but you felt the need to try to somehow “up” me. I was not making things personal. I was not even attacking you. I not only disagreed with the ruling, but showed why, and gave examples that enforced my feelings. I was not arguing YOU as a person, but the rule which you felt you needed to make. LOL

I thought the ruling was silly, and BS, and that has NOTHING to do with anything else I post on AO. You being a Moderator should know that. You have to deal with each issue unto itself, not because of who said it or posted it, or anything else they may have said, or posted NOT directly related to the issue at hand. And even if I was the WORSE person on AO, and committed the WORSE AO Rules Violations, it would not change YOUR actions or rulings on this issue, or any others. Nor could it be used to either justify your actions, or give you any ammunition to “slap” me because I disagreed with YOUR actions. LOL (Unless you were ruling on something I did that obviously breaks AO rules and is part of a pattern of behavior… but that is different than what we are discussing here.)

Come on Miscue, you are better than that. I am not upset about this. I am however very surprised that you even tried that crap with me… Or thought folks would accept it…. It is still a silly rule and goes against the “spirit” of AO and its Rules.

10-29-2002, 08:52 AM
What's a link?


PS Hammers make everything fit in square wholes. :)

Archangel Damien
10-29-2002, 09:13 AM
well this got out of control real quick:(

10-29-2002, 09:26 AM
But no harm done.... :D

10-29-2002, 11:15 AM
I saw the problem as people doing this:

'Click here to win a free IR3!'

If the page wasn't laden with hideous amounts of popups, it wouldn't be so terrible, but that kind of fake linking gets annoying fast - I could easily start linking (http://www.microsoft.com) to sites and saying things like click here to win a free emag extreme! (http://www.cnn.com)

Obviously the links I used were not a problem, but it's easy for me to change them to some more objectionable things. I find 6 popups on one page objectionable, but obviously that's a personal thing ;)

10-29-2002, 12:22 PM
Your thoughts are the pernicious speculations of a sophist, quibbling to enable the weaker cause to appear the stronger. By abusing logical fallacies and faulty premises, you can 'prove' anything under the sun. You know this and should know better, but instead you carry on with reckless abandon, persuading the unwary to take your side for no purpose other than self-delight.

What I've said is invalid you say?

All [things] in (F)riendly Corner are fair (G)ame for moderators.
Some [things] in (F)riendly Corner are (V)ampire links.

> = Horseshoe for conditional stm.
% = Existential symbol replacing backwards E.
* = Conjunction<PRE><FONT SIZE=3>
1. (x)(Fx > Gx)
2. (%x)(Fx * Vx)
3. Fa * Va 1 Existential Instantiation x/a
4. Fa > Ga 2 Universal Instantiation x/a
5. Fa 3 Simplification
6. Ga 4,5 Modus Ponens
7. Va * Fa 3 Commutivity
8. Va 7 Simplification
9. Ga * Va 6,8 Conjunction
10. Ga * Va 3-9 Existential Instantiation (discharge)
11. (%x)(Gx * Vx) 10 Existential Generalization a/x

<B>Therefore, some [things] that are fair (G)ame for moderators are (V)ampire links.</B>

What I've said is valid... and I could go about with most everything I've said and break it down.

I think the problem is that you don't know what VALID even means.

I've already provided detailed explanation of why the vampire links are frowned upon. And, because they are chain-letter-like... note the word <B>'like'</B> in case you missed it... in that people finding the link are promoted to bring others to the link via fake-linking or whatever... and rack up points.

Such links will not be forcefully removed for the time being, and have not been. However, the vampire link has potential to balloon into a big nuissance because it is [Quote Fingers]chain-letter-<B>like</B>[/Quote Fingers], promotes fake links, and contains several pop-ups.

10-29-2002, 12:42 PM
LOL Too damn funny.

Good show at saying NOTHING though.. or at least nothing anyone would care about. ;) Again, trying to "up" me. :D

Nice of you to also bring MY ego into the picture.... as with so many things it is easier to bring me personally into the matter than to address the actual issue itself.. and ONLY the issue. LOL

Want to make it easier? I could care less about the links. What I care about is even handedness in ALL aspects dealing with rules and their enforcement on AO. And telling folks they can't use that link, FOR the reasons you gave, was not even handed as it directly applies to all other AO Rules.

And I could care less if anyone agrees with me or not on any particular issue. LOL That is another falisy of yours (and many others), who think I ONLY post to get agreement from others, or to somehow gain a "following". LOL To even state that would be insulting the general membership. ;)

Again, nice try.... it is easier to confuse people (or attempt to) than to actually deal with an issue with in an honest and straight forward manner. After all, I never used any confusing vocabulary, nor tried to "win" using any silly "code" or "mathematics" arguments. I stated simple facts that everyone can understand, and in simple English.... then it is up to THEM to either agree or not.

Nice try... ;) So who is it that has the bigger ego? ;) I would say the person who needs to “look” smart by using Mathematic Equations to address a very simple issue. We all know you are bright Miscue…… your post on the other hand just looked silly.

(edited: Note that the Ego part was removed from Miscue's Post. I only state that so those reading will understand parts of my response.)

10-29-2002, 12:47 PM
I must say that misleading people into clicking a link is something I also do not agree with. But that was not what was first stated as a reason NOT to use any Vampire links. Seems the more this goes on, the reasons become more defined…. And my original posts were directly in response to those reasons FIRST given, and ONLY given at the time. ;)

I have to edit this so that it is before Miscue's post... DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK HE WILL BE POSTING!!!!

10-29-2002, 01:39 PM
Miscue, while I certainly appreciate the job the mods here do, I also would like the opportunity as a member of AO to decide what I think is a worthwhile thread and what isn't.

I understand crap that's blatantly over the line and is breaking the forum rules needs to be trashed, but don't you think the majority of users are able to make up their own minds on threads that DON'T break the rules but may be "annoying"?

Such as This Gem (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=54485) from mysterymoisture and the Clearasil Crew?

Certainly a nasty thread by any account, and handled I think ably by the members here.

Maybe I'm off base here, you tell me.

10-29-2002, 02:29 PM
For additional explanation as to why deceptive links are bad, this site has gone over this topic... I'd suggest that you read it: <A HREF="http://www.myrealm.co.uk/stuff/annoy.php">Essay: "Why deceptive links are annoying."</A>

I don't think we'll be doing anything unless these vampire links go overboard. But if that happens... heads will roll. :) Counting on you guys to keep things reasonable... have fun... but don't go nuts.

10-29-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
For additional explanation as to why deceptive links are bad, this site has gone over this topic... I'd suggest that you read it: (EDITED OUT LINK.. sorry guys) Essay: "Why deceptive links are annoying."

I don't think we'll be doing anything unless these vampire links go overboard. But if that happens... heads will roll. :) Counting on you guys to keep things reasonable... have fun... but don't go nuts.
You know what? I WAS going to simply say … Good enough, and leave it at that… (Yes, that included for your previous post before editing to the new version)

But then I clicked on the link YOU just posted (thinking of course that you were serious, after all you ARE posting in this thread AS a Moderator)… come on, you just blew your own credibility on THIS issue by posting a link about 150 times worse. I might have found it funny, but for the fact you acted the way you did about the whole issue.

Of course, I am probably a bad guy for saying this...

Note to everyone else: If you have not already done so, do NOT click on the link in Miscue’s post.

Archangel Damien
10-29-2002, 03:03 PM
miscue that has to be the stupidest thing i have seen a moderator do some people do read these while at work and me for one thinking that a moderator was posting something worth reading wasted about 5 minutes of my time with pure unadulterated crap:mad:

10-29-2002, 03:08 PM
sam I ain't sure which of you ought to busted upside the head with a massive trout but one of you deserves it for that.

fortunately for me, I am a god on the left mouse button and pounded the boxes in 17 seconds....

10-29-2002, 03:09 PM
Sorry... I just edited a post I made earlier so that noone will click the link. (Kind of time traveling... LOL)

10-29-2002, 08:38 PM
Why don't you both just kiss and make up?

10-29-2002, 09:35 PM


10-29-2002, 10:58 PM
ACTUALLY SHartley it was 151 times worse;) :p :D

10-30-2002, 01:22 AM
I got through Miscue's link in about 30 seconds (I doubt it's a record, but it's pretty good). Is that the worst link you've got, Miscue? :D :D :D :D :D

BTW, I'm just messing with you.

10-30-2002, 08:56 AM
I dont mind the links as long as they are presented as links to some stupid vampire site and people stop trying to "trick you" into visiting.