View Full Version : The visitor...

10-28-2002, 03:28 AM
Alright. It happens all the time, you leave a window open on a nice summer day, and all the sudden it flies right in.

It's quite another thing when it happens in fall at 3am.

Upon hearing a "scratching" at the front door I was voulenteered by a roommate to investigate the goings on. That's when I first met Frank. Frank is a bird. His full name is Frank the bird.

Frank, upon my opening of the door, saw an escape from his strange imprisonment (there's no glass of screen in a large portion of the door right now, so he could have easily gotten out) and decided to take that option.

Frank was having so much fun in the livingroom.

All the windows were open, as was the door, but Frank was overwhelmed with the multitude of things to sit on, and walls/ceilings to fly into.

Eventually, I decided that Frank needed a little encouragement to leave, so I managed to get a basket on top of him and free him to the normal dwellings for birdkind, the place commonly refered to as "the outside."

I don't know what kind of bird Frank is, but I do know that Frank is kinda cute.

I grabbed my camera, but the batteries were low, so I only managed to get a few shots of Frank. I kinda hope he'll come and visit again.

Attached is one of the better images. Here's Frank sitting on the couch. I think the couch is kinda comfy, but I think Frank might disagree, as shortly after this image was taken he flew into the cieling and then proceeded to fall to the floor.

He did that a lot. I think it's a fun game for birds. I'd try it, but I can't, on account of the fact that I can't fly. Maybe when Frank visits again he can give me a few pointers.

10-28-2002, 06:11 AM
lol.he is kinda cute...

i want a bird to fly in my room!
oh nevermind....the fan is on.:eek:

10-28-2002, 09:03 AM
...and so ends another exciting adventure of...The Bird Rangers.


10-28-2002, 08:23 PM
i smell a children's book!! maybe a franchise in the distance!!