View Full Version : Getting back into the game...

10-28-2002, 02:17 PM
Greetings all!

I am just now getting back into the game after not playing for about 8 years or so. To give you an idea of how long I've been away, the last gun I owned was an F1 Illistrator.

Much has changed in the hobby for both the better and the worse (but that's another subject..) I started out playing a couple of games at the local field with a cheap Brass Eagle Marauder I picked up for next to nothing(yes they rented "better" guns, but I prefer to own my own gear) just to see if I still enjoyed playing.

Obviously I did, or I would not be posting here...;)

Anyway, I decided to upgrade weapons, and last week I scored a minimag on Ebay for $170. (said gun has a external adjustment knob and a smartparts barrel but it otherwise stock) The gun has not arrived yet, but in anticipation I have purchased a mid-sized nitro system and a remote (the gun has the stock verticle air set-up).

In the opinon of the worthy folks here, what else should I add to my "new" gun?

I'm currently only planning on playing "rec" and "scenario" type games.

Thanks in advance,
"Trench Raider"

10-28-2002, 02:26 PM
Let me be the first to say Welcome back. and great choice of place to start. :)
play with it first to see if you like the way it feels. good upgrades are
Level 10: antichop bolt assembly.
Intelliframe: super nice 2x trigger frame
ReTro Valve: valve with higher recharge rate, and a reactive trigger.

I forgot, You will also want an electric hopper.
12v Revvy is cheap, doesnt feed as fast but is fine for most. there are a few models, but a 12v is decently fast and if you need more speed you still have options.
Halo is a great hopper, heavier and faster than the revvy.
WarpFeed is a feeder that uses a motor and some slip disks to force feed paint from below, takes the hopper off the top.


Creative Mayhem
10-28-2002, 02:31 PM
First off, Welcome to AO!

I would start off by looking into buying the new Level 10 upgrade for the AIR valve, it will make a world of difference. Then look into a intelliframe and warp setup you'll love the freedom of a low profile. If you don't know what some of these things are take a look around, there are a lot of threads and postings on all of these subjects.

Once again, WELCOME TO AO!

See ya out there!

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-28-2002, 02:40 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome, gentlemen.

I forgot to ask: I assume from some prices I have seen online that the 170$ I paid is not too bad for a second-hand mini with the mentioned upgrades? This is all assuming it's in good shape and functions correctly....

"Trench Raider"

10-28-2002, 02:45 PM
Again, welcome to the AO & 'Mag family :)

Level 10 will definately make your life easier & your mag happier ;) They run around $80.

Intelliframe. Beats the ever loving crap out of any Aftermarket frame out there. Better yet, you can link the frame to a warp feed (more coming) or your Revy so it'll feed everytime you pull the trigger. Prices run form $90-$115 depending on wether you get one new or used & where you get them.

Retro-Valve. Fasted recharging valve in the industry. Gives the trigger a "kick" after the pull, helping to increase your ROF. With AGD's "Go Retro" program, you trade in your stock valve for a retro. Costs $200 +your valve. Valve's in the Classified's go anywhere from $200-$240. Again, depends on wether it's new or used.

Warp-Feed. Moves the blimp off the top of your gun & to the side. Force-feeds the balls, eliminating feeding problems. Great investment if that's your thing. Run anywhere from $90-$185, depenind on new/used & where you get it from.

The best deals will be found in the Classified's here on AO. Again, welcome to the family ;-)

10-28-2002, 02:51 PM
For a mini, that's an amazing deal:eek: :D If it ends up not working, grab a repair kit & change out the various o-rings. If you still can't get her working, then ask around & more than likely, someone can tell you what to do. If even That doesn't work, then you've got the warranty stars on the valve. Send your marker into AGD & they'll repair it for free. After each repair, they cross out one of the stars. I believe the mini's come with 4 stars.

Here's AGD's warranty policy:

10-28-2002, 03:26 PM
First of all, Electronic Hopper. Get a nice 12volt revy.

If you have a chopping problem, get the LVL10 kit. If you dont, then dont worry about it.

I love my Intelliframe. Great feel to it and it looks good too. I really prefer the double trigger over the stock single trigger.

Might want to pick up a parts kit too, you never know what the previous owner did to the mag...Its always a good idea to switch out the seals.

If you still want to spend some money, pick up a retro valve. They aren't real cheap, but perform great! You'll never get shootdown again(although i doubt you'll ever see it anyway), plus you get a really snappy and great feeling trigger.(Of course the stock trigger pull is great also)

If you have anyquestions just ask(or try searching first, its amazing how much stuff has been covered around here) or PM me, I always like getting PMs.:D

10-28-2002, 04:04 PM
Yea,I would look around at all the post in the main forum,and then maybe look in the classifieds forum(here on AO),and pick up level 10,intelliframe,electric hopper..and since you are playing scenerio/rec...the remote setup is fine.

I would also like to welcome you to AO...you can IM me on punk3rJ0N69 if you have any questions,or just want to talk about whatever...

10-29-2002, 02:43 PM
Thanks for all the polite and helpful replies, folks.


and since you are playing scenerio/rec...the remote setup is fine.

Pardon my ignorance...is there a problem with remotes? Given the compact nature of my new gun and the way I feel a verticle tank would make the weapon more cumbersome, I thought a remote would be a good idea. Can someone enlighten me?

Thanks again,

"Trench Raider"

10-29-2002, 02:56 PM
Congratulations on the Minimag.

I think what Jonno6 meant was, you may want to consider installing a drop forward and/or bottomline and running the tank "on gun", under the gripframe as it will help to steady the marker as a stock would. Hope this helps some.

Oops. you can always get a gas through stock from In Yo Face Products. Have fun with the new purchase.

10-30-2002, 12:25 AM
people seem to think the remote gets in the way, and having a tank on your back is cumbersome.
I ran remote with my emag. got some great looks. people just like having tanks on gun now. just preference. or fad. whatever.

10-30-2002, 03:52 AM
Well as everyone else has already said welcome to AO.and welcome back to the sport.

i would agree to the upgrades people have already listed.
level 10 would be a great first choice.

intelliframe is the same grip that is pictured on my minimag. that is the blade style trigger.

Retro valve-is great improves the overall performance of the gun completly.

warp feed-that is the blue thing with the gir sticker in the pic, they are great make your gun more compact and it feeds pretty quick.

drop foward and bottom line setup personally i believe that is a better way to run you gun, and if you get the right drop your gun should be pretty balanced or at least comfortable.

remote-if your running nitro i don't believe you will need a remote cause nitro as opposed to co2 does not contain liquid and will not freeze your valve.

hopper-a good hopper is a 12volt revy.I use a ricochet 2k and i love it. halos are nice but cost more.

again welcome to ao. and you have any questions the msg me on aim-dawgking69 or on msn at firegod_1@hotmail.com
or pm me good luck,

10-30-2002, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Trench_Riader
Thanks for all the polite and helpful replies, folks.


[i]and since you are playing scenerio/rec...the remote setup is fine. [/]

Pardon my ignorance...is there a problem with remotes? Given the compact nature of my new gun and the way I feel a verticle tank would make the weapon more cumbersome, I thought a remote would be a good idea. Can someone enlighten me?

Tourny players, and speedball court players frown on remotes because they limit the mobility to the offhand for snap shotting.

That's really it.

As for upgrades... PLayer with the marker for while and see what you don't like. You may not need an upgrades, the minimag is a fine marker in stock form, but you may decide later that you'd like a double trigger setup (I personally don't, but if you do, AGD's intelliframe is suposed to be awesome) You might want to get rid of the hopper with warp, so you have less of a target shooting over the tops of bunkers (which I did) You may want to get differnet barrels for different sized paint, at most three sizes, small, medium and large (I've only got two sizes) I still run CO2 on a remote. but I've got a QD with a slide check near the marker, so I can put it down :) If you want to be even faster, you may want a retro valve, which is capable of stupidly fast shooting. Few people can outshoot a stock valve, and *nobody* can outshoot a retro valve.

You will need a electronic hopper, the stock minimag will out shoot an non-aggitated blimp. (my first time playing in years, proved that to me :) )
You will want a Parts kit, just to replace o-rings and fresh springs and such. They will wear out, get dirty, or be nicked, or something.

10-30-2002, 01:15 PM
Tourny players, and speedball court players frown on remotes because they limit the mobility to the offhand for snap shotting.

Heh....well I'm neither. I'm both to old and out of shape for that. Furthermore, the mini is such a compact design, I had intended on using it "cup and saucer" style...like I would any other large handgun. To keep the remote cable out of the way, someone sugested running it up my blouse sleeve.

Thanks all...you are obviously a warm and freindly (not to mention informed) group.

"Trench Raider"

10-30-2002, 01:35 PM
Just as a short tip, If you have the chance, bounce test your paint before you shoot it. Tom's Tech Tips are here somewhere, or you can just search for "Bounce TesT"

Basically, it helps show how brittle your paint is, as stock automag guns aren't too easy on paint. If you find yourself breaking paint even tho you're not misfeeding/shortstroking you might want to try out a LVL 10 kit.

Seeing you totally SCORED on that minimag, I Would personally like to invest in a lvl 10. $230 for a lvl10 equipped mag is an incredible price (Added the $80 that lvl10 kit goes for)

Most importantly, go out there and have fun!

10-30-2002, 01:46 PM
Seeing you totally SCORED on that minimag, I Would personally like to invest in a lvl 10. $230 for a lvl10 equipped mag is an incredible price (Added the $80 that lvl10 kit goes for)

Heh. Yes it seemed like a good deal. The auction return is here:

in case someone doesn't believe my luck...:D
I've had good luck on ebay...i suppose it all boils down to good bidding tactics.

I have had alot of recommendations about the lvl 10 bolt. I'll probably end up getting one....even more so if I find myself eating paint.

"Trench Raider"
who will post with a report as soon as the gun comes in....