View Full Version : Starting paintball club at my high school?

10-28-2002, 04:12 PM
Hey, I just wanted to know what exactly it takes in order to start a paintball club at my high school.I know ALOT of kids at my school play paintball..and think a paintball club is a good idea.To I need a petition,or what?

Do I even have a chance of actually starting a paintball club?

thanx for the help...

10-28-2002, 04:25 PM
i dont know what it takes to start one, but at my public school we have one. it is pretty gay because the people juset sit around and brag on how good they are or how great their gun is. the 1st meeting i just sat there and left after 5 min, and i didnt even go to the meeting today. i cant stand people who brag. anyways, they want to start a team, but i dont think i want to be on it. so that is my experiance w/ the clubs.

10-28-2002, 04:29 PM
your gonna need to get as much info as you can possibly find. sit down and think of all the possible questions that could be asked. make sure you have it all down. also get some backing( a teacher or 2 as well as atleast 5 students that are commited) if that doesnt work then nothing will.

Wc Keep
10-28-2002, 04:41 PM
there is a feature called the search. use it cause there have been several threads about this already. also speak to brother fatman. he knows quite a bit about starting clubs at schools, particularly paintball clubs.

man i feel like shartley.

10-28-2002, 05:39 PM
i started the paintball team/club at my school last year. its not that hard relatively speaking. first my school only needs about 5-10 people to be registered to form a club. ask someone who would know at school and get a form and fill it out or whatever it takes to be registered with the school. now the question comes of whether you want to be a team or a club. we were a club last year so all it was basically was just playing games together every month at a local field. we would have periodical meetings on club issues and the occasional tech talk. however this year im serious on starting a team and will limit this years participants to 10 people forming 2 teams of 5. im hoping for sponsorship and we will start funding for the team this year.

to get started it would help to distribute/post flyers or use some sort of school broadcasting system to get the word through. i used the schools closed tv station to get the word across. after you get those interested to meet at a specific place its up to you what you want to do. i made an email newsletter to keep everyone updated and like i mentioned before its all up to you on what you want to do. feel free to contact me if you need any other advice.

10-28-2002, 05:49 PM

10-29-2002, 05:43 AM
thanx guys...my school has 1500 kids in it..and i could easily get 200 kids to support me in making this club.

i could also get every one of my teachers..

where would I get this form at? Just ask the office or whatever...?


10-29-2002, 10:30 AM
we have a student activities office. and you dont really need an approval to start a club at my school but you may get funding when you are recognized by the school depending on how popular or well you are doing. ask someone who has/is running a club at your school

10-29-2002, 01:05 PM
Well, this year i tried to start a P-ball club at my high school, and even though I gave it up, I might be able to help you.
First, find a respected teacher on campus and convince them that they NEED to sponsor your club. After that, gather a large group of people (15-however many you can get) and then approach whomever is in charge of clubs at your school.
At my school, we went to the ASB office, submitted the forms, talked to the right people, and then...nothing. About 3 weeks later we were informed that we could not have the club because it posed an insurance risk, and, I quote: "because of the negative image of the sport, and it's relation to the [snipers] in Washington DC"

So thats it, you can try if you like

10-29-2002, 03:14 PM
Again, stupid uninformerd liberals.

10-29-2002, 04:30 PM
where do you live CzechRage? my high school is in DC and we have no problem with running the club. first of all we dont bring guns on campus and we play at local fields its not like we use the football field or anything.

10-29-2002, 09:11 PM
most principals dont like it, but if you can do it!

10-29-2002, 09:53 PM
I started a paintball club at my school. A student can start any club they want (within reason, but if you really need to ask whether it would be appropriate... though, there was a massage club last year). I just filled out a sheet of the name of the club, my signature, where we would meet and when, and the signature of the club advisor. That was it. We had 30 people sign up, and about 15 attend the weekly meetings. This past Sunday, we had our first trip to a "local" field. There were about 15 of us, including 3 (2 girls) new to the sport. Everyone had a blast, and we hope to make it a monthly thing. Our club advisor couldn't make it, but another teacher graciously volunteered to chaperone, but politely decilned to join us for a game. We will be playing at club members houses, mainly, since, needless to say, paintball is quite expensive, and many members couldn't attend because of a lack of funds. Luckily, a few members have equipment to loan out, so that those without equipment can play. No one in the administration has had a problem, many teachers have even joked about joining us, and the chance to get out on the field and "shoot" their students. (After giving a teacher the list of names of the members attending the trip, he said, "Oh, Nick is going to be there? Maybe I will get in a game or two. He he he.") It also helps that my friend and fellow co-president's parents are both teachers there. Anyway, I have not run into any problems with my club, and wish you the best of luck with yours. Finding a staff member who has previous paintball experience, or at least has a basic knowledge of the game is a big help.