View Full Version : winter AO new england meet?

big E kingpin
10-28-2002, 06:40 PM
anyone interested?? i would be, at an indoor place like p&l, or boston paintballs new place in summerville, when it opens. just looking to see if anyone in the area would play

10-28-2002, 08:15 PM
Since I missed the AO New England meet at Cape Cod Paintball I'd like to do a winter indoor meet. Only problem is that most of the indoor places get very busy during the winter. I played P&L last year and it was always packed with team practices. They do have two small Sup Air field though so it could be fun.

10-28-2002, 08:20 PM
actually id like to set one up at ccpb again in march, with discounts this time, anyway if you find a good place for a winter meet(indoors) let us know

10-28-2002, 08:42 PM

We've got....Sup'air!

Looks sweet, i think I'm gonna check it out this weekend, not sure if I can afford to play but I'll take a look and let y'all know how it was...


10-28-2002, 08:47 PM
i agree with dansim. if we could get it right around march fourth, tha would be great. you could all give me birthday welts... erm... presents.

i would like to play at either CCPB or camp paintball. everywhere else is too damned expensive.

BTW, anyone going to the tourney at camp paintball november? me and my golden gun shall be there.

big E kingpin
10-28-2002, 08:47 PM
oh god im there tomarrow, ill find a reason, it looks sick


10-28-2002, 08:50 PM
ya, i've gotta get enough money to play saturday...if not I'll just go and look around though :)

big E kingpin
10-28-2002, 08:57 PM
i know noone will belive me untill you look at the site, but boston paintball, isnt that expensive, i think it says 15 bucks a person, i may just too excited but thats awesome if it is ill find out about paint cost tomarrow if i make it there

10-28-2002, 08:58 PM
Ohhhh man i am soo in. Make this happen and my life will be complete....well not really, but i would like another AO meet :D . The last one was soo much fun, and a nice winter meet would be sweet. I am all for this idea, and though remington isn't around right this moment i know he would say he is in. He wants to have another meet down at cape cod in november and he was gonna try and organize it with Tramp, but he hasen't gotten around to it yet. But still, this would be a wonderful meet :D .

10-28-2002, 09:05 PM
a november meet is tooooooo soon you gotta have at least 2 months to plan and maybe 3 if you really have a life

Will Wood
10-28-2002, 09:13 PM
I think Rogue would be a good chose (LOL becuase it's the closest to me..but it also is good...[Danism..heard you had a problem with cheating there...:)..lol..no forget about that Kirts a good guy and you should all come to maine because its more conveinent for me])

Hmmhm.. Ok.

10-28-2002, 09:17 PM
Well, i'm all for another AO NE meet...seeing as I didnt make it back in time for the last one. Someone organize it, and we can go from there. Prolly like right after the holidays...

10-28-2002, 11:22 PM
Count me in too. I'd love to hit up boston pb's new place - but i'm all game for a march ccpb rerun.

10-28-2002, 11:48 PM
BPS/Somerville looks cool, but reading the pricing I suspect they may charge "per session" which may suck. Sam, when you go make sure to find out if the $15 admission covers all day.

After the holidays sounds good to me. I'm sure we will all have new toys to show off and a little cabin fever.

10-29-2002, 12:01 AM
hey guys. i didn't know there were so many of you in MA. i'm in quincy mass myself and i usually go to paintball heaven. i used to go to global park paintball but someone told me they shut down. i'm going to paintballheaven this saturday also. maybe on friday i'll go check out bostonpaintball and if it's nice i'll go there instead of paintballheaven on saturday. if any of you are going to be there tell me. maybe i can bring my mag since im such a nub and have u teach me all about it. heh.

anyways, i'm down for an AO NE meet.

10-29-2002, 07:24 AM
no i didnt cheat at rouge i dont cheat and i find it offensive that you would make the claim that i do, and from what i hear kirt has turned into a bit of a paintball gustopo as in if your not behind him your under him and his mrpl

10-29-2002, 07:41 AM
Hell, I could go to a meet any Saturday or Sunday...problem is i ALWAYS have hockey in the morning on those days, and I'm poor, so its a shame to go and miss the first 1/2 of the day. I'm all for a march BOSTON paintball AO-day....i aint a friggen polar bear :)

10-29-2002, 10:57 AM
For those who are worried about per session, I called and asked. (I also found out some other important stuff)

No Scubas (no matter what)
Paying $15 for an all day pass really is an all day pass. As long as its not like: "Play for 15 minutes, sit around for 40. Play for another 15 work on marker for an hour or two." They just don't want people lounging around. (I'm fine with this, cause I come to play paintball!)
Also, if you buy a case of paint from them (Undecided on the brand, most likely RPS,) you can bring back the unused balls for play later.

Will Wood
10-29-2002, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by dansim
no i didnt cheat at rouge i dont cheat and i find it offensive that you would make the claim that i do, and from what i hear kirt has turned into a bit of a paintball gustopo as in if your not behind him your under him and his mrpl

Lol calm down...I know you didnt cheat...I just heard some one blamed you for doing so.

10-29-2002, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Reo5th

Paying $15 for an all day pass really is an all day pass. As long as its not like: "Play for 15 minutes, sit around for 40. Play for another 15 work on marker for an hour or two." They just don't want people lounging around. (I'm fine with this, cause I come to play paintball!)
What?!?! LOL This has GOT to be the most stupid thing I have ever heard expressed by a Paintball Field.

Half of the Paintball Experience is what happens OFF the field... even more so when it is a "get together" day. LOL An all day pass should mean just that... ALL DAY. No matter what... even if you leave to get lunch someplace else. :D What does it matter if you play ONE game or as many as you can fit in the day? Or what does it matter if you play one game in the morning, hang out fixing equipment, chatting with those that made the EFFORT to even come, and then play a few more games in the afternoon?

AO Days are just as much about the hanging out, as the playing. Maybe you did not convey their actual feelings on the matter? If you did, they sound a bit screwy.. sorry.

10-29-2002, 11:20 AM
Or maybe he didn't. I put that in quotes because it is literally exactly what he said. It had me confused and I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue, (especially for an AO day.) but whatever, I just need to go to the field and see how things run to see if they practice what they preach.

10-29-2002, 12:30 PM
Reed - I think I'm going down there on Saturday to get the vibe, whether I can play or not. Right now its not looking too good financially..i gotta give you 160....260 for that mag....lol...so poor.

Anyhow, talk to me tonight
Everyone who goes this weekend be sure to post and let everyone know how it went


big E kingpin
10-29-2002, 08:00 PM
im tring to get over there this week, i do work in the bulding its an account of my company. im just loaded down from everywhere else in the city. as soon as i get a chance im over there. ill report back to yuo guys asap

10-30-2002, 03:54 AM
I think it'd be great to have one in March. Unfortunately, I missed the last one due to my alternator, so I'm hoping to be at the next one.

10-30-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by dansim
actually id like to set one up at ccpb again in march, with discounts this time, anyway if you find a good place for a winter meet(indoors) let us know

Discounts sounds good to me! :D

I'll be there again and hopefuly the rest of AO Nightmare will be able to make it this time.

Mr Orange
10-30-2002, 11:34 PM
I can help out if we really wanna start this thing

The Frymarker
10-31-2002, 07:11 AM
I'd go if you guys would like me to

10-31-2002, 01:51 PM
your always welcome to show up..... we dont bite (much) =)

well all i can ask is that youu guys pick a couple of weekends next to each other..... that way we can have kinda a little vote on it.... to see which would work better for everyone.... and if done early enough those of us that would have to get the time off from work and such will have time to do so......

all i know is that if we have another topgun.... even if it is indoor... when i play everyone must be on the field so i can umm... inadvertently shoot them ;) :D :p

11-02-2002, 11:10 PM
:D :D :D

Just got back from playing a good 5 hours at boston paintball's new place. I brought my camera to take pics, but i was WAY to busy playing.

I've gotta say i love it.

Here are the cool/not cool things about it:

Price. Wow, spendy, but kinda worth it. Rumor has it there is gonna be a NEPL night on wednesdays where its 60 bucks for a case of premiums, all day air, and entry fee.

Field. The carpet rocks. Its very fun to slide on. The bunkers are aight, but some need to be inflated a little bit more. Note, some of the bunkers got detatched.

Staging area. Functional. Needed rags/water though.

Refs. they were cool, but i got someone on the hopper, mask, and gun (all in the same game)...and he just kept wiping every time i called the ref to check him.

Anyway, if a bunch of you AO'ers wanna hit it up some time, i'm definately in. I'm sure Mossman will fill you in with anything that I missed.

11-02-2002, 11:15 PM
Im game for an AO meet anytime, I need to play soon!

11-02-2002, 11:45 PM
As a possiblilty there is the big game at Canobie in NH?
For info check here:
Doesn't have to be an AO day, but it's always fun. It'd be nice to hook with people anyway.
Beyond that I would love to show up for a AO day in January or February at any indoor place we deem fit. I think it should be in the Jan/Feb time frame because we are getting so close to the holidays.
Either way I'll keep my eye on this thread to see how it develops.

11-03-2002, 08:22 AM
Ok, I am definitely not missing the next one. I wanna show off my new... extreme! Bought it off of Sprayingmango....getting it this week! Cant wait!

11-03-2002, 08:34 AM
I'll have my RT, my RM, a few masks, a bunch of tanks, and maybe some other stuff (I'll be able to loan out some stuff if someone needs it).

11-03-2002, 09:33 AM
oldsoldier, i hope you enjoy being mobbed and possibly mugged... ;) i wanna look!

11-03-2002, 09:37 AM
I am fully capable of defending myself; besides, I will have my other mag to club the masses!

11-04-2002, 06:04 PM
went with reed and moss on saterday.umm refs are nice, but i suspect they owuld be more attentive than they were. guy shooting through refs legs gogged me AHH. not cool. other than that it was nice cept for the ****ing ghetto toolbags who thought i should sit on my ego because they could get me out after they wiped about 5 of my balls.

11-04-2002, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by bobbybobinson
other than that it was nice cept for the ****ing ghetto toolbags who thought i should sit on my ego because they could get me out after they wiped about 5 of my balls.

that is why i am a firm believer in shooting untill either they call themselves out or a ref does it for them......

but i usally give people the benifit of a doubt the 1st or 2nd time..... after that my finger goes into overdrive.....

no before anyone deciedes to flame me over this.... if it is a newbie that doesnt know anybetter thats one thing... if it is someone that thinks they are gods gift to paintball and can get away with wiping its another...... i need to get my hands on that great hopper sticker "you wipe, i shoot faster" :D

big E kingpin
11-04-2002, 10:09 PM
i am going to try to play there this weekend i think, ill let you guys know how it went

11-05-2002, 04:53 AM
Another AONE? Hmmm, I don't know if I can justify driving two two states away to shoot a case of paint at a chrono station, I can do that here (we'll I can't right now, I still need a frikin reg!) If it were somwhere closer I might. Rogue is okay (too a point), It's a little far out of the way for the few coming from the south but NEPS in Oxford would be a great place for a meet in the spring

11-05-2002, 06:54 AM
Virus; pick up one of those for me too!

Will Wood
11-05-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Wheelman
Another AONE? Hmmm, I don't know if I can justify driving two two states away to shoot a case of paint at a chrono station, I can do that here (we'll I can't right now, I still need a frikin reg!) If it were somwhere closer I might. Rogue is okay (too a point), It's a little far out of the way for the few coming from the south but NEPS in Oxford would be a great place for a meet in the spring

Here we go! Some one else supporting Maine! It must be in Maine! (Well..it's closer...So it's easier on us!:) But serriously, Maine is a good place to have it...)

11-05-2002, 12:09 PM
hehe yeah, I took the drive last time (Maines only AO member there thank you) It's my turn to have a short drive. Hey Will, you like the NEPS idea?

11-05-2002, 03:16 PM
wheelman, you drove from MAINE!? shoulda told me, coulda had a few runs with my gun. sheesh... i was having fun with yours anyway. :-/

:rolleyes: :D

11-05-2002, 04:18 PM
lol, at least someone was.

11-05-2002, 06:30 PM
Maybe we should have a Maine AO day for us Maine'as since the AO New Enland meet will be such a long drive.

How's Splatz sound? (since it will be in the winter it would be nice if it was atleast indoors)

Heard they are setting up an indoor Sup' Air field complete with carpeted floors. (the slippery cement floors were EVIL!)

11-05-2002, 07:37 PM
OMG I hated the cement floors at Splatz dunno why I even played there, if I tried to run to my bunker off the break at that place I'd fall and feel stupid. :)

Will Wood
11-05-2002, 07:53 PM
It's getting rugged soon..I think that will be just as bad (soggy!) but at least you dont slide.

I think NEPS is a good choise. New England Paintball Supply. There ya go. NEPS is the place! :D

www.splatem.com is their webpage.

11-05-2002, 08:18 PM
Splatz in Portland looks good. I'm always bummed by the whole 4 hour session thing that indoor fields sometimes do.
I understand but I never know if I'll want to play longer.

11-05-2002, 08:32 PM
hehehe, im a tinker, i love fixing and modifying things. :)

i mean, thats why my gun looks like it does.. :p

11-06-2002, 09:23 AM
I've never played at splatz, but from the peole I know that have, the complaint is the floors. When they get there indoor speedball put in I probably will though. Acme would be a good choice for the Maine guys< it being right in the middle and everything. There down fall is there lack of HPA. So a short drive in one direction from there would take you right to the barn at 202 (also right in the middle) And it's a great field (besides Nancy being a Diehard AGD supporter) I dunno?

Will Wood
11-06-2002, 10:00 AM
Splatz would be a bad place for a AO meeting, trust me...lol.

NEPS would be a great place. Good air, cheap paint, good speedball, and some woods.

Mr Orange
11-06-2002, 06:55 PM
Hey guys,
I might be heading to P&L for free friday. I know it's short notice, but if anyone wants to hookup and play LMK.

Leo Jr

big E kingpin
11-06-2002, 07:07 PM
what is free friday? how free is free, i could swayed into that. i need to learn my new emagnum!

Mr Orange
11-06-2002, 08:28 PM
Free friday is free field fee. They play from 7:00 to 10:30 I think air is like 10 and paint is 50 for half or 90 a case. This is according to a friend. I will find out more and post. Hopefully my new e-mag will be in and we can learn'em together. No emagnum though:( maybe later.


11-06-2002, 08:31 PM
With regards to NEPS, I thought we were looking for a indoor place that we could get together for a winter AO day. And to boot the idea was to have it in Maine also.
I'd suggest we have it in Portsmouth, NH at PGX's new indoor place, but there are two things shooting that down.
One is, I don't think anyone has been to it yet. So we have no idea how it is. The other is that it's run by PGX. Oh, and did I mention that it's run by PGX.

So let's weigh the options.
What do we want?
1. Easier access for Northern NE?
2. Indoor?
3. Place where we can hang out and BS?
4. Price?
5. Ability to accomodate us?

That might be the criteria or there may be more.
What do y'all think?

11-06-2002, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by than205
I'd suggest we have it in Portsmouth, NH at PGX's new indoor place, but there are two things shooting that down.
One is, I don't think anyone has been to it yet. So we have no idea how it is. The other is that it's run by PGX. Oh, and did I mention that it's run by PGX.

LOLROF I almost fell off the couch reading that. :D

For some members, I don't think they would care.... but for others.... ;)

I am however, very glad that I was not drinking when I read that. :D

Any other location suggestions?

11-06-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by than205
With regards to NEPS, I thought we were looking for a indoor place that we could get together for a winter AO day. And to boot the idea was to have it in Maine also.

You missed the point there, I know you were planning one for the winter, I mentioned NEPS for a possible spring meet. As for the second part, whats your point? You have a problem with Maine or something:mad:

Will Wood
11-07-2002, 08:09 AM
Yea, he's got a point..Maine sucks :)

I really don't like winter paintballing that much, I think we should def. have a spring one here at NEPS. Or anyplace less then an hour drive and cheap. :D

11-07-2002, 06:43 PM
I love Maine. I go to Edgecomb/Damariscotta on a regular basis. My point was to accomodate the good AOers from Maine. I thought that Portland would be great access for the people from NH and MA. Splatz seems friendly and a good price, but they have a slick floor and 4 hour sessions. This is based on their web page and what everyone here has said.

Where as BPS in Somerville, MA also seems nice. They have carpeted floors. Longer sessions. Higher paint prices. And don't seem to want to have us "hang" around. I agree with Shartley on the last one, half of the reason I would go would be to hang out and BS. This is not say that if we had enough people showing up they would not be more flexible.

11-14-2002, 10:45 AM
Well, IIRC, dansim was going to check out the tourney schedule at CCPB, for a possible day there. Also, there is a indoor place in RI (not sure where yet). I might just have to go check that place out once the Tribal comes in. Any other suggestions? We should start throwing out dates and places, so we can organize for a vote.

Will Wood
11-14-2002, 11:30 AM
I still think I think it should be delayed to Spring, and with a Maine location :)

11-14-2002, 11:36 AM
maybe there should be a weekend in maine then the next week or two have one in southern newengland. That way the people that dont want to drive will have a choice. and the people that can and will drive will go to both. (cough, cough *me*) but yes lets do this. I think i will be going to canobie at the end of this month. I heard it a hoot. well bring your own paint to any field is almost worth it.

11-14-2002, 02:15 PM
Someone here (than205) linked a thread to a canobie big game...I am thinking of going to that. If anyone else goes & wants to meet up, I'll be the only on there with the X-MAG :D

11-14-2002, 06:17 PM
Cool, see you there with my Franken-Mag.

11-14-2002, 07:44 PM
i am trying to get some or at least one of my friends to go with me so i am not the idiot that is alone. I mean i keep telling them its only a half hour away and its BYOP. how often to you get to BYOP to a field. Why don't they just listen to reason. They say it will be to crowded and crazy. Maybe but thats the experiance.

11-15-2002, 12:38 AM
I just hope my jeep makes it. She isnt feeling too good...:(

11-19-2002, 01:04 AM
Ya s@rew the snow, I'm heading out to Canobie this weekend, It's a fantastic way to rid myself of that summer stock pile of old paint, especially with my new lvl 10 microRT from TuFFManJones. Last year, 300 on 300 and my teamate won an Angel(lucky SOB)real good time.

Keep an eye out for the geeks wearing all black with the skulls on our chest. That's us, TokenKroft.

I did check out PGX Portsmouth, and it was outside. It's the old portsmouth paintball. Cheap day though, $20 bucks all day air, and BYOP.

P.S. I'm selling a big bundle of paintball gear at Canobie on Sun.
Micromag, 2 cmpsd air Tanks, pack, coil hose, mask, and anything else I can fit in the box for like $550