View Full Version : Cocker vs. Shocker

paint magnet
10-29-2002, 06:16 PM
Which one is better in your opinion, and why? I like cockers but I've never shot a shocker and have been considering one and just wanted some more info on them.

10-29-2002, 06:28 PM
Man tuff choice there. I owned both, the cocker however was my first tourney ready gun and I bought it back in 1991 so the serial number is in the 9000's I'd never part with it, it just holds too many memories. As for the shocker it was very quiet, had nice range , great back gun, shot fast, but the cons far out weighed the pros in my opinion that's why I sold it. 1. It's a gas hog, 2. very high maintence gun, but so is the cocker. But I really don't like taking a gun apart to cake it in lube before it will work. If I didn't lube it , it didnt work. I wanted a gun I could put in the closet and come back a month later and fire it first shot and it works. Cocker is like that as long as you have all the settings set and locked down. If you don't mess with it your fine. The other con for the shocker was it broke down alot. I had to replace almost everything internally , even the bolt snapped on me. The sylinoids clogged up and the board fried, this was over the course of a year an half. I never had that many problems with a cocker. My vote would be for a cocker I guess, they are reliable and dependable when tuned and set.

paint magnet
10-29-2002, 07:45 PM
Well, it turns out the shocker I was looking at was sold, so that kind of decides it. Anyway, once you get a cocker running, they are good to go and rarely give trouble. (last week, 1 automag died to no cockers breaking, and I learned my reg does not like Co2 at all:D

paint magnet
10-29-2002, 07:46 PM
BTW, thanks for answering my question. Pretty much all I wanted to know about was the reliability. I mean I knew you had to lube it and everything, but I didn't know about the noids clogging up or the board frying or stuff like that.

10-29-2002, 08:03 PM
I wasnt so mad about the board or the sylinoids dyin on me .. the gun was still under warranty so they got replaced but quite some time later the shaft on the bolt snapped , and also during a cold weather game the piston housing totally cracked and busted into two parts .. I was very suprised when that happend, I mean it's metal damn , just snapin in half like that just showed me that quality went all down the drain when they made that marker. When it was running though I was happy with it, it just had alot of downsides which lead to me selling it. -bass

10-29-2002, 09:02 PM
had nice range