View Full Version : the player or the gun

10-29-2002, 07:07 PM
about time i made a poll :D do you think its the player the gun or a mixture of both that makes someone good. i think its a mixture since i honestly believe a gun has SOMETHING to do with how well you can play.

edit: oh and btw if you choose either the player or gun please justify your vote. i understand being a good player is crucial in how good you can be but if i had a blowgun i would NOT be nearly as efficient as i could with say an e-mag for AO sake :). if you are playing against other players of reasonable skill with respectable guns i think it would be quite challenging to win with a low end gun.

10-29-2002, 07:25 PM
I'd say the player , I've seen some really experienced players that play with pumps just totally own guys with electro guns. So that would disprove the gun theory. It's all player , if ya got da skillz you'll get the killz.

- Seabass

10-29-2002, 07:30 PM
A gun is only as good as it's player and a player is only as good as his gun

10-29-2002, 07:40 PM
I played for 5+ years with a pump against semi players and learned to win the game and get the snap shot on them. Now I shoot a mag, but still love to play with a pump.

10-29-2002, 07:43 PM
i consider pump guns vs semi to be pretty equal tho

10-29-2002, 07:52 PM
I don't consider 13bps vs. 2bps equal at all. Semis have an advantage, no doubt.

10-29-2002, 07:52 PM
i love playing with my maverick. and it is definately all about the player. i was playing with this one guy with the crappy little pump, maybe used 2 10 round tubes the whole game, owned some kid with his angel, right on his neck! i have to laugh at people who think they can suck but have an expensive gun make them good.

10-29-2002, 08:00 PM
this will probably be the last time i defend my opinion since it seems there will be plenty of debate :) but i think pumps are great guns and though i have not proven it i think they are all around sturdier guns and have a greater accuracy/consistency. plus that kid with the angel you referred to Xerces and for that matter any person who happens to have a high end gun. its possible that they just suck. also note that i said a mixture of both. i am not saying a high end gun will automatically make you a better player but i believe it takes more than the player to get to the top.

10-29-2002, 08:17 PM
definitely about the player, however, a gun can limit one's abilities, especially in terms of firepower. However, a good player can overcome a loss of firepower easily, just as Prezents exemplified with his pump.

10-29-2002, 09:13 PM
player, all player!

10-29-2002, 09:29 PM
The gun is part of the player.

You can not compare a player that sucks with a good marker to a pro player with a pump.

You take two people with equal skill and have them vs. each other one with an angel the other with a pump. And most likly the player with the angel will when, but not always.

And when you get into mutple people games such as 3, 5, 7, 10 man games. There is alot more targets and alot more action thus making a faster shooting marker much more important.

You need both skillz and firepower to be good.

I also vote PIE.

10-29-2002, 09:47 PM
A player can't be good unless his/her gun works during the game. Thats why I choose a gun based soley on the reliability factor, thus an automag for me. Point being its got to work to play.


10-29-2002, 10:05 PM
id say 95% player. i can take on a bunch of newbies if i get a talon and they get my Emag. i could still beat them just because i know how to play and they generally dont. the base must be there before a nice gun will hlep. a newbie with an angel will fare no better than a newbie with a spyder(unless you are like me a field owner who gets to sell them paint :D)

and once the base IS there the gun then comes into play. if im just as good as another player, if my gun is signifigantly better(emag compared with spyder or spyder compared with pump gun) then i will have the advantage. just look at the results from the POG at the IAO:
12 4 36 28 98 0 16

not an impressive showing from pumpplayers.com

anywys, the gun will help but only once youve reached a talented level

adam shannon
10-29-2002, 10:12 PM
I'm new here so forgive me jumping in...but i vote player. Michael Jordan barefoot may not be as on top of his game as Mike in a good fitting pair of go fasters, but all the gatorade in the world and he could still whoop most people at one on one. A good player in any sport is what its all about, better equipment just adds a few % points to his game.
I'm not a pro, but I'm not a rookie either...and I've had the opprotunity to be at the wrong end of a couple instances that help emphasize my point...either that or i really suck and am totally unlucky.
recently i was playing a rec open game on a wooded field. I come around the corner of a thicket and engage 3 people from the side by surprise. I knock one out immediately going crazy finger on my impulse. The other two fall back to cover and we get in a running gunfight with me exchanging fire alternately with both. from nowhere a guy with an sl-68 who had been laying behind a log 40 feet away sits up takes one shot hits me right between the eyes, then lays back down again. thats skill and stone cold precision. That guy has been coming out to alot of sunday open games with the same pump playing against cockers, angels, impulses, and every other make of semi on the market...no fear, just skill.
Last weekend playing a hyperball field on an open game one of the refs jumped in to play to even the teams. The only marker available was a guys pgp pistol. From the break the ref breaks to the 50. Now hes pinned down by a guy posted on him...he cant even poke his head up. The guy posted on him wraps around his bunker left to shoot on a guy breaking for the center bunker. When he peeks back right the ref with the pgp has posted on him and fires one shot and hits him right between the eyes. Later the same ref bunkers 2 guys with the same pgp. He fired 5 shots the whole game and hit 3 guys. thats guts and skill.
OK, i admit it i was the guy gogged by the pgp...i really must suck. i can dodge a stream of balls from an angel...but pump guns hit me like radar guided missles....lol.

Heres another thats moe guts than skill...but i'm dying to tell this one. This was at a team practice with two amateur nppl teams, with a couple pro players filling in on each team I was watching. A guy with a full leg cast with a walking boot limped the full length of the field to bunker the last man on the opposing team. we were all standing there just stupified. I dont feel so bad getting gogged by a pgp, at least i wasnt bunkered by a cripple.


10-29-2002, 10:14 PM
I voted a mixture a both, with a heavy emphasis on the player. Alot of people out there right now rely heavily on the latest and greatest technology to improve their game. Having the latest and greatest marker may help in the short run, but it does nothing to improve you. You can give great players mediocre markers and they will perform well, as evidenced by team Bad Company. Another example is you can give a mediocre team good markers but they may not perform well at all, evidenced by team OBR. I have friends on both teams, but I have to give massive respect to Bad Company, whom for those who don't know compete with Spyders.

10-29-2002, 10:23 PM
If you suck, nothing can change that, but your comfort level, and how well you play with the gun does have an impact. Some people can't play with warps, need foregrips, etc., etc. Some people just can't shoot some types of guns for the life of them, for example, some of my friends just can't shoot my mag right. So, you can play better with a gun you "click" with, but your skill doesn't change. I don't know if I'm explaining it right, but I think you catch my drift.

10-29-2002, 11:26 PM
I have to say the player. Has anyone ever noticed a player getting worse after getting that new electro? I know I've seen it several times myself. You take a guy who's been using a tippman 98 for a couple of years and plays often and hand him a high end electro and odds are that guy will be in the dead box sooner than normal. I think that people are overcome with a false sense of security when they start ripping out 9 or 10 bps for the first time and tend to stay out longer than normal just to watch the paint fly. Eventually it wears off but can be pretty fun to watch till it does.

10-29-2002, 11:41 PM
94% player 6% marker.

10-30-2002, 04:06 AM
i picked both, but i would say about 90% player 10% gun
because you can be awesome but the amount of performance your gun is able to put out at times can and may end up holding you back.

Rancid Milk
10-30-2002, 06:46 AM
I voted a mixture of both. The reason being if you give a little kid or a newb an E-mag chances are he won't be able to do a whole lot with it, and if you give a pro a brass eagle blade I think he'd have some trouble making things happen also. But if you give a pro an E-mag, he'd be a very effective player.

but thats just my view

10-30-2002, 10:49 AM
nah it's all the gun, I gave my 2 year old nephew an angel and he bunkered all of aftershock.

10-30-2002, 12:38 PM
wow im back! after like 2 years !!!! its the player
i played 4 kids with angels and i beat them all without them even getting close to hitting me. woot

10-30-2002, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Shirow
nah it's all the gun, I gave my 2 year old nephew an angel and he bunkered all of aftershock.

Funny! :p

I'd say about 90 player / 10 marker split.

10-30-2002, 02:39 PM
I agree with the 90/10 player to gun ratio. Of course equipment makes a big difference, but it's the player and his skill and experience that will have a greater impact.

10-30-2002, 03:04 PM
2P x 1G = Skill

P = Player
G = Gun

Now, you realize that if either one of them is Zero, Skill will also be zero :)

...Now that's your paintball math lesson for today :)

10-30-2002, 03:04 PM
the player definately makes the majority of the two but if your gun can't hit anything, neither can you.

10-30-2002, 03:21 PM
The wand doesnt make the wizard :D

10-30-2002, 07:42 PM
The Marker doesnt make the Player better, but the player can only perform as well as the Marker allows.

10-30-2002, 08:24 PM
your right, a player is only as good as his marker.

but giving a kid an IR3 doesn't make him anything more the what his skills are.

but give a pro a talon and he can only be as good as the talon lets him...

thus... the same pro player with a talon, vs himself with an IR3 or Xtreme.. who wins..? duh..

Warped Designs
10-30-2002, 11:12 PM
85% player 15% marker/equipment

A great player with a paint blender is just another target.

Any one with googles fogged up that cann't see the end of the barrel is useless to his team (other then a decoy).

Give a monkey a AK-47 with a snail drum full of ammuo and eventually it will hit something.

10-30-2002, 11:28 PM
as long as the gun shoots well, shoots straight, and shoots hard its all good. as long as someones using a gun thats semi automatic, consistant, accurate, and is able to belt out as many bps as the competition it doesnt matter. and a lot of guns out there from 100-1000 dollars will do the same thing with just a few upgrades.

10-31-2002, 09:08 AM
Mostly player.

The marker helps, but it's the guy behind it that makes the whole think work. There are guys out there who play with Phantom SCs in NPPL events and consistently place respectably. I would be damn near scared to face one of those guys with a semi, forget about an electro.

To paraphrase someone on stockplayers.com, if you can do well playing stock or pump, you will be a monster playing semi.


10-31-2002, 09:24 AM
I think the player has the skills, but the equipment makes a big difference too.

For example, you could be the best player on earth, but if you are using an inconsistant spyder, you'll have trouble hitting people because your shots are all over the place.

Also, if you hand the same player a PGP and an Emag, and stick him in a tournament, game he plays with the Emag will most likely be better than the ones with the PGP. While this is not universally true, increased ROF is often helpful, especially in speedball, due to the small size of the field and the need to keep your opponents in their bunkers instead of shooting back at you.

10-31-2002, 05:36 PM
i voted mostly player, partially equipment, i agree with most posted on this argument

11-01-2002, 09:26 AM
I have to say mostly player, up untill your marker costs the team over 300 points in "hot gun" penalties. It which case it is all gun. (we would have done better without the player)

If the best player has a gun that chops every ball, they wont beat a average player with a great gun.

11-01-2002, 04:34 PM
It's not the player or the marker... It's the WANG!

Well, it's the WANG or it's the guy dressed in black hiding in the woods on the other side of the tapeline eliminating the other team for you. LOL.

11-01-2002, 10:15 PM
As long as you have a reliable gun it is mostly player but it doesn't matter how good you are if your gun starts corkscrewing paintballs. this actually happened to me. the paintballs would spiral out, it looked pretty cool though