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10-29-2002, 11:30 PM
my opinion on the sun- by matt g.

My opinion on the sun is not a good one, i tend to think of it as an earth raping sun. i rapes every nook and krany of the earth with its death rays. it makes flowers grow, which im not saying is bad thing but flowers atract bees (im alergect to them) and bees make hunny which atracts bears, and bears are bigger than me so i tend to stay away. think of it this way, when the first rays of light hit the trees it then wakes up the birds,then the birds start to sing ther loud schreching noises of horror. then they wake me up. do you see where im getting. i also call the sun the canser causing ball of death. people die each year of skin canser. why! why! why!

i want to here what you think of the canser causing ball of death.

10-29-2002, 11:34 PM
Have you been drinking windex again?

10-29-2002, 11:39 PM
no hehehe!

Gitaroo Man
10-30-2002, 12:25 AM
have you been drinking windex..lol?

BUT, without the sun then the plants could not do photosynthesis and we would be screwed and the planet would be too cold to support life.

10-30-2002, 01:11 AM
Furthermore, without the sun, there would be NO planet. No solar system. No us. No nothing, atleast in our tiny little neck of the woods, with the exception of some inter-stellar dust or a gas-cloud.

10-30-2002, 06:02 AM
this leads me to my next point...


anywho...me and my friend chris were thinking of this one day:

If you blew up the sun,and managed to replace it with a HUGE lightbulb...it would still create light...and some heat(dont use halogen bulb!),but there wouldnt be UV rays,which means no more skin cancer..

would the bulb burn out from the excessive amount of energy...

and what about those Phillips bulb's that last 100years...those sure would be helpful...

10-30-2002, 09:02 AM
UV rays actually server some purpose or other. Don't remember exactly what, but I know they do :cool: