View Full Version : 68 Automag Problems

10-31-2002, 08:08 AM
this man not be important enough to be in here but i need help...ever since i bought my used mag i've been having de-cocking problems and the bolt would jam becuase of a faulty nubin on my barrel, i'm still waiting on receiving my stuff from agd but she said it's gonna take awhile...i have a feeling i'm not gonna get the video, manual parts kit or the parabola pf plug that she said she would send...i always get jipped online and i can't play cause i can't trust my mag to not break paint cuz of feed probalems, the sticking cuz i only have one nubbin that it bent wrong and teh decocking problem...thanx for reading....any help would be great!!


10-31-2002, 08:48 AM
your gonna have to back up a littl, explain this deccking problem

10-31-2002, 09:10 AM
And after you explain the decocking problem, toss out those old bent up nubbins and put out the $4 for some good plastic ones. That'll solve one of your headaches.

And don't doubt AGD. If you called and talked to one of the AGD office girls and they told you they'd put the video and all in there, they will.

The parabolic feed plug should fix most of your 'feed problems' as well. And where are you breaking paint? In the breech, or down the barrel? If it's breech breaks, have you thought about the Lvl10 kit? It basically eliminates breech breaks and any type of break associated with the bolt and short stroking.

Anyways, one step at a time. What about this decocking issue?

10-31-2002, 02:56 PM
it just de-cocks...like i'll be playing and tehn i'll take one or two shots and then it will not re-cock and i have to take of the air, and then unscrew the strip pin and take the valve out and the air run out like "pssssst" then i gotta push teh lil on/off thing on the bottom back in cuz it pops out and tehn i put it back together and i take a couple more shots and it does the same!!and this joanne girl emailed me when i reregistered my mag and said she'd send me that stuff no charge but it would be a few weeks!!

10-31-2002, 03:44 PM
sounds liek your getting bolt stick
try when it doesn't recock, use a squeegee and push back on the bolt til it clicks.
then order pt spacer kits and read the instructions oin that. if you have bolt stick go a size up.
also, try bending the nubbin back to how originally should be.

10-31-2002, 03:47 PM
Also make sure that both the frame screws are Firmly screwed in. If the front screw (in front of the trigger) isn't screwed in all the way, the on/off pin will get hung on the body rail.

11-01-2002, 08:20 AM
i tried all that, the bolt doesn't stick when it de-cocks...i guess i'm just gonna sell it if anyone wants to buy this piece of ****...

11-01-2002, 09:12 AM
send it in to AGD. So long as you've still got stars on the valve, they'll fix it for Free.

11-01-2002, 09:53 AM
does you spring ont he bolt go lower then the tip of the bolt?

11-01-2002, 09:17 PM
nope the spring it a lil longer...and there never were any stars on my gun, there's no way i'm paying to send my gun back and get ripped off by AGD any more....i'm all ready getting shafted on teh whole them sending me stuff but not replying to my and even just having this gun makes me hate AGD! i'm never buying another AGD product ever! i dont care if they're giving them away! i've been trying to trade it for a tippy a5 or a cocker if i could get one not likely for my mag...anyways i've wasted enought time and money on things that aren't gonna work and i'm sick of this...later

11-01-2002, 09:30 PM
If you'd calm down & explain EXACTLY what's wrong, & PRECISELY answer our questions, we could help you out.

As for the stars, look on the valve, are there any there? DO you have a stock valve? Or do you have that ANS crap?

11-01-2002, 09:58 PM
ok man i explained the problem do u not understand!!!!! i dont knwo what teh hell is wrong with it!!! if i knew it would be fixed by now!!!

11-01-2002, 09:59 PM
i dont think they will take it back because the body rail was polished !

11-01-2002, 10:15 PM
It doesn't say anything about polished body rails in the warranty.


My advice to you is to Call Them!!

11-01-2002, 10:52 PM
Man calm down, I've read all your other threads and seems like your just repeating yourself about how you think AGD sucks blah blah yadda.

If you would just take a step back replace your nubbin with some plastic ones, buy an o-ring kit install the new o-rings, then see if you have problems. All that might cost $25. Seems like you bought the Mag just when it needed to be rebuilt. Did you check the bore to bolt match? Do you have a power tube spring or spacer? Are you using co2? Are you running an Anti-siphon tank? Do you have a x-chamber? Your gun just might be freezing when you get liquid in the valve. If your using hpa then maybe your nubbin is wedging the bolt into the breech. How bad is your nubbin? Please give us a complete description of your setup from tank type and size to on gun or remote etc.... Also see if there are any after market parts in your valve, check your bolt and on/off there are pics of the stock stuff in the parts replacement section of the online store. Sometimes after-market parts can screw up a valve cause there not machined to the same tight tolerances as AGD. We will get you up and running for your tourney if you answer the questions above. AO can only help those who help themselves.

You also might want to walk through this


Lots of helpful stuff there, that will help you help us help you.;)



11-02-2002, 09:04 AM
ok i'll get some pics going in teh next couple of days...teh nubbins are fixed...that z-zero at least some one wants to help

11-02-2002, 11:18 AM
I'm gonna warn you now. One more comment like that & you're gonna piss off the rest of us who are trying to help. I'm sure z-zero can help you out just fine, but between all of us, there's a LOT of knowledge to be thrown around. Just watch your words.

11-02-2002, 04:51 PM
The first thing you need to do is calm down!

If your bolt spring is a "lil longer" than the bolt..it need to be replaced. Mine was about a 1/4" longer than the bolt when it started sticking. Replaced the bolt spring.. problem solved.

As stated before... AO (Automags Online) is a very helpful and friendly place. We do not think highly of people who come on here and DEMAND people do something, or people who are abusive. Take this as a friendly warning, tread lightly through these forums, too many ripples and the water, and you could be banned.

As spazzed stated there are a lot of highly knowledgeable people on this board and most know what they are talking about. You have to understand that in order to get help, you have to adequately explain you problems. Yes, you have explained your problems, but you also got abusive to other members who were simply asking for MORE information. Not a good way to make friends OR get help around here. Good luck and let us know what happens.

11-02-2002, 07:11 PM
Have you called AGD about sending the gun to see whats wrong and what the cost will be if its not under waranty? Whats the serial number on the valve? It could be old enough as to where its a pre star valve. And please keep you cool man. I have nvr come across a person on AO that is not willing to help. But when people are herasted like you have done they start to loose there willingness to help you. You might wanna take another look at the forum rules (if you ever had at all) As doin some of the stuff you have allready done can and will get you banned. Have a good day.

11-02-2002, 09:49 PM
I have heard that some aftermarket parts can do that.

11-02-2002, 11:22 PM
alright ppl i think he gets the point of how he acted. in my opinion it would get annoying seeing post after post about the same thing, where ppl like frausty and others ALREADY made it very clear as possible on how other ppl might feel about it and how they might act.

please just stay on topic here.

11-03-2002, 12:07 AM

First, DID you re-register your gun via the internet, and request the manual, video and pf plug in the registration? If so, your stuff has been ordered. We scan registrations as they come in and enter the manual/video orders within one business day of receipt of the request. These are sent by post. We now charge $5.00 to US customers to help us cover the cost of postage and handling, but due to currency conversion problems there is still no charge for Canadian customers to get these. Parts Kits are not given out free to anyone. There is a small toolkit that comes with a new gun that we sometimes will include with a manual and video. If you will email your full name and address to [email protected], I will check on Monday to see if we have a order in place for you.

Second - I believe you said you got your gun used. The fact that it has no stars means it is an older gun. If you bought a used car and something was wrong with it, would you expect it to be repaired for free?

When you email me, include your serial number. I will be able to look up the history on the gun and tell you whether there would be any charges for repairing it.

However, Mondays are always nuts so do not expect a reply first thing.


11-03-2002, 08:58 AM
Great post Marcia.

I think sometimes folks just don’t understand the chain of responsibility for products, or limits of responsibility (at manufacturer cost). If I purchased a used marker and it did not work, you would bet that I would take it right back to where I purchased it from, and demand that they either make it work, or give me my money back (unless I bought it knowing it had a problem).

I think you handled that very well.

For others, please reference a similar situation about the product responsibility chain I posted in another thread:

Originally posted by shartley
In Tron's defense.... I can CLEARLY see the blemish, and I would not accept that either. It is not in my opinion a "small" blemish.

And those who bring up about the fact that when you play with a marker it will get messed up... sorry, that does not apply. If that was the case, then sell all markers at USED prices. Simply put, when you pay for a new product, it should be in NEW condition. Sure you may be able to get away with some small things when selling a $10 product, but folks are forking over serious money for these markers.

As for this:

What does that have to do with this issue? Are you saying that his body was not made that way and sold by AGD originally? I suggest looking at the online store. ;) Teflon coating and Powder coating are the same process.

Now, on one more note.... Tron, where did you purchase your marker? Was it from AGD or someplace else? The reason I ask this is that AGD sold a bunch of blemished bodies at greatly reduced prices. If you purchased your marker from some other place, it is quite possible that they could have pulled a fast one. (purchased blemished bodies and sold them as firsts... thus making more of a profit) In THAT case, it would not be on AGD to replace the body for you, it would be up to the DEALER to make it right. This is the same as if you purchased a car, you don't go running to the Manufacturer to fix a problem, you take it back to the place you purchased it. Then THEY make it right. Sometimes they can make it right in house, sometimes they have to go to the manufacturer…. But that is THEIR responsibility and JOB, not yours. ;)

I can assure you that if you went to WalMart and purchased a product, took it home and found that it was flawed, you would not contact the manufacturer of that product… you would bring it back to WalMart. This is not saying that the Manufacturer is not ultimately responsible for their product, but there are appropriate steps and ways of getting your product replaced, and most of the time it is not jumping directly to the Manufacturer. There is a system set up, and it is a good idea to use it.

If you purchased it from a Dealer, they should have inspected the product before shipping anyway. And if it was blemished but not a "seconds" product, they themselves should have sent it back to AGD for replacement right away, or as soon as it was noticed…. Not the final consumer.

I hope I was clear enough.... It is the responsibility of the place of purchase FIRST, then the Manufacturer. Again, did you buy it directly from AGD or from another Dealer? I think that would indicate who you should be contacting. And judging from what you keep saying, you paid less than what AGD sells them for ($750).. which would indicate to me that you purchased it from a Dealer and not directly from AGD.

11-03-2002, 07:39 PM
Sounds like your problems will be solved when the parts arrive. The nubbin seems to have solved your bolt sticking problem. Once you get the new parabolic feed plug you should get better ball feed. I would also suggest getting a level 10 bolt upgrade. You'll never have to worry about chopping a ball again.

11-03-2002, 09:58 PM
hello . brand new here. i just ordered the rt pro mag iam wondering if i really need to invest right away in the lx upgrade. would the rt be fine 4 now rt pro w/68/3k

11-03-2002, 11:02 PM
See how she holds up before you get he LX. If you have problems chopping then get it, but why spend the $$ when you're not sure if you need it? Ya know?
Although I personally & just about everyone here would recommend getting it, cause we love it so much :D:D