View Full Version : from ao army to us army

10-31-2002, 01:02 PM
thats right ladys and gental men I just joined the army. I leave for basic traning Febuary 6th. I can't wait. Wish me luck everone.

10-31-2002, 01:02 PM
Best of luck to ya bud!

I don't even know ya & I'm proud :)

10-31-2002, 01:06 PM
Welcome to the first step in joining the family. :)

10-31-2002, 01:13 PM
Congratulations bro. Also, good choice in branch of service too. Now do yourself a favor and try to become a member of the best elite infantry, The U.S. Army Rangers! Hoo-ah!

10-31-2002, 01:29 PM
How 'bout you one-up the rangers & go airborne first :cool:

10-31-2002, 01:41 PM
Congrats, man!

You've made a noble and sacrificial decision, and for this, I must commend you.

When you're in Afghanistan asking yourself why you joined the military and wondering why you're stuck in that God-forsaken land, remember the following words and they will help you understand:


It worked for me for 80 days in Pakistan.

P.S.--the ONLY airborne is the 82nd All Americans--remember that.

10-31-2002, 01:46 PM
Good luck buddy. Welcome to yet another elite family. Get all the Hooah schools while you're young. It hurts less. :D what is your MOS gonna be?

10-31-2002, 02:56 PM
Have fun! Muhahahahaha

10-31-2002, 04:25 PM
82nd all the way. Period.

10-31-2002, 04:36 PM
forget all those, join the night stalkers, thats what my twin brother is in.


10-31-2002, 04:57 PM
Don't dog the 82nd. Read up on their history, you'll understand.

10-31-2002, 05:10 PM

now go show'em how its done!!!

10-31-2002, 05:15 PM
I will be going to basic in jackson sc. after that ait will be in fort Eustis in virgina beach. As for my mos im going to be aeronotical repair. I want to fly helochopters so i got to start some where. as for airborne it just wasnt in the cards. I wanted to go ranger but the tatoos restricted me. I had to get a waiver to get in the army to start. but if it doesnt't work out with aeronotics then i still want to go airborne. O yeah I will be working with and hopefully some day learning to fly the ah-64apache longbow. The most killer helochopter the us has to offer. Ok so there is the comanche but i have loved the apache since I was a kid so this will be living a dream.

Thanks for all the support guys!

10-31-2002, 05:24 PM
Congratulations!!! Keep us posted as often as you can! :)

10-31-2002, 05:35 PM
i will keep posting as often as i can but luckly i still got till febuary to play as much paintball as i can. i really want to get an extreme before i go.

mango your in the service arent you?

10-31-2002, 06:08 PM
and there is no mountains on ft drum...10th mountain division

10-31-2002, 06:37 PM
no I'm not, tried to go into the marines but because of my hernia surgery they booted me out of MEPS. Thats ok, I am going into the police academy in January.

10-31-2002, 09:02 PM
Thats cool man, EVERYONE around here has joined the military!

2 of my close friends have joined the Marines, one left for boot a few weeks ago, and the othe leaves in January. I know a few people who went in the army as well. Even More of my friends have joined the Air Force, so that leaves only the Navy and Coast Guard un-accounted for...

Sigh... I'll just have to plug away at my University...

10-31-2002, 11:09 PM
You wanna fly copters huh? better hit the books asap. You need to be an officer which requires a college degree. GOOD LUCK GOING TO SCHOOL WHILE IN THE ARMY! That is why I chose the branch that I did. Not tomention that being an infantry scout=high fatality rate, LOL.

11-01-2002, 06:47 AM
and you girls get to ride bicycles too, lol

anyway you can go to school whil ein the army each division willhave their education cycles, its really not that bad when you get in very relaxedif your not a tard and just do what your told

11-06-2002, 04:58 PM
Correction wingman:

You don't need to be an officer in the Army to fly--you only need be a Warrant, which you can acquire through testing. As far as getting to go to school while in the Army, triggerman may not get to, but then again, that's why the Army pays out the big G.I. Bill bucks: $40k...it just depends on what career field you're in.

I've known plenty of ex-Army pilots who now fly helos for the AF. Of course, in order to fly anything for the Air Force, you need to have at least a bachelor's. Funny thing: we call the pilots who transfer from the Army "F.A.G.s"--Former Army Guys.

Ha ha ha!

Peace out.

11-06-2002, 05:45 PM
NOoooooo! Run awayyy!


HOOAH buddy. Tats keep you out of the Rangers now? Funny...I was just a Ft. Lewis last week, looking at the sea of ink on the 2nd Bat troops there... Hmm..I always knew they were a bunch of wussies! :)

Get all the schools and hooah badges you can NOW, right after BT and AIT (beg all your 1SGTs and Co. Commanders), before you finally PCS to your unit. Once you are locked into a job, it's really hard to get selected for anything else.

Going Aviation is really cool, which means you scored higher than average on the ASVAB, sweet. As soon as you get your PCS, convince your higher ups that you want to go Warrant right away. WO's get all the perks of being officers, without all the command headaches, plus advancement is nearly automatic. In 10 years, you could be a WO4 and have control of your own squadron, which is a powerful position to have...not to mention great pay too!

Good Luck to you man. Keep your mouth shut unless talked to, then answer back always with a loud "Drill Sergeant, yes/no Drill Sergeant". Do what they say, do it as fast as you safely can, and do it to your best ability. That's all the Drills are looking for. Ignore what anyone else says you can do; if the Drill or an officer in your company didn't say to, don't do it (unless you are on a special detail of course). Never look a Drill in the eye, look past/through him, even if his face is in the way....and it will be! Get some marksmanship training before you go, so you are familiar with the function and recoil of an M16/AR15. Remember this: SPORTS; Slap-Pull-Observe-Release-Tap-Shoot. This is the routine you use to clear a jammed weapon; Slap the magazine hard, up into the weapon; Pull the charging handle back and Observe the chamber to see if a round or brass is stuck or cleared; Release the charging handle so the recoil spring will take it forward; Tap the forward assist plunger; Shoot again.

You'll learn that at basic, and be all cocky because you already know it!

Start right now with push-ups, sit-ups, and running 3 miles as fast as you can. The standard PT test is these three items. Push and sit as many as possible in two minutes, and run two miles in as short a time as possible. If you train for three miles, you will have a ton of energy for only two. Quit smoking if you do, cut out sodas and beer, do NOT get you girlfriend pregnant, and do NOT marry her as soon as you get home! A family will NOT survive on a Privates pay. As for pay, I can't say this loud enough, SAVE IT! Just because you will have easy access to a lot of cash, does not mean you have to spend it all gone...FOOLISH MOVE! Open TWO accounts, and have your check split between them 80/20. This will give you plenty of play money, while keeping most of it safe. There is nothing worse or more embarrasing than having to borrow from your barracks buddy, who WILL charge extortional fees for the loan. Besides, it can lead to an Article 15 for both of you.

Keep your nose clean, think before you do anything, do what is asked, see what the Army offers, and take advantage of all of it. You will get out of the Army what you put in.

It can be the most incredible time of your life, or a nightmare. It all depends on how YOU conduct your career.

OK, 'nuf rambling. PM or post if you have any questions at all. Between myself, oldsoldier, wingman, and a few AO members overseas right now, we can help you with anything.


11-06-2002, 08:32 PM
congrats triggerman! after i graduate from high school, im going to get my batchelor's degree then im off to the marines in hopes of going into the iraqi war and doing my country a favor!!!

11-06-2002, 09:55 PM
I salute you. Good luck man!

11-06-2002, 10:00 PM
I think the worst part of joining the army is that I don't get to leave for 3 months. I am ready to go right now. thanks for the suport everone. This is going to be the biggest adventure of my life; now all i have to do is find a way to balance a carrer and still have time to play paintball every weekend. thanks again for all the support.

Oh and just a side note I was recently talked into a flat top. after bsic I think it will be my cut of choise; who would have thought a guy with such a knoby head could look this good with a crew cut.jk

11-06-2002, 10:14 PM
haha or you could go green baret style and have a friggin mohawk! thats tight!

11-06-2002, 11:46 PM
It's not a "flat-top"

Ask for a High & Tight with a C-130 strip!

11-07-2002, 12:50 AM
Listen to army, he knows his stuff! :p

11-07-2002, 01:13 AM
One more thing to add; when you get to your duty station, invest in a good pair of boots. I use the current marine issue (got a great deal on them...less than half what they go for at clothing and sales). If youre gonna be on your feet all day (and you will be), you need good boots. And, just shave your damned hear. Spend the 20 bucks on clippers and do it yourself! I did that at 18, and havent spent money on haircuts since. Course I do get the occasional "congrats on surviving your brush with cancer" ribbing....:rolleyes:

11-07-2002, 07:27 AM
haha nice sig oldsoldier :)