View Full Version : Storing, moving lots of paintguns - how?

11-01-2002, 02:39 PM
Not to brag, but the collection is getting out of control. Does anyone with a big collection have suggestions for keeping the guns and equipment up, clean, safe, and secure? My markers keep banging into each other and are getting scratched, dusty and are obnoxiously laying around. I tried looking at gun safes - but they are either to cheap and flimsy (didn't look like they'd support the weight) or to expensive. Either way they didn't look like they'd hold everything very well as they aren't really laid out to store paintguns.

Any suggestions? How about pics or links for how you store all of your gear? I'd like something that I won't have to break the markers down to store them in and will easily be able to get them in and out of, but won't be to obtrusive or ugly.



I current need to store:

Classic Warp-fed Timmy w/ AA 68ci 4500 Armagerddon

V-feed Shocker with 88ci Max-Flo 4500 system

V-feed WGP Racegun w/ AA 68ci 4500 Armagerddon

Tippmann 68 carbine with Tippmann TM-203 granade launcher

Standard black Emag

AKA Viking

Retro Mag with Warp and intelli-frame

Mini Mag with Bottom line Co2 and Armson expansion chamber setup

'99 Cocker

114ci Smart Parts 4500psi Max-Flo

Bushmaster Pump clone

misc loaders (HALO2, 2 12v Revis)
misc C02 bottles (10oz, 2x 20oz)
Crossfire 45x4500 screw in Nitro system
many, many spare parts, upgrades and tools for all of above.

11-01-2002, 02:45 PM
doo what i do, srore your markers on your wall... MAkes a great display... I took some peg board, some of those metal things, and displayed em like a pb shop... that was when i had all of 3 markers, now all i have is my sfl.. Trust me it works good, and looks great, add an extra metal thing to hold the tank of you want

11-01-2002, 02:48 PM
You could always build racks like the Military uses (but make it more attractive, and out of wood.). That way you can "lock" the markers into the rack and move the whole thing at will.

Paintball markers to include their setups are much shorter than M-16s so you could actually stack 3 racks high with little problem. If you made each rack/case to hold 5 complete markers you can make 3 racks to begin with and always expand one rack at a time later. As for the miscellaneous gear, you could make storage boxes the same size as the racks, but have adjustable shelves and a full front door. You could then stack them up in any manner you want.

Just an idea.

11-01-2002, 02:48 PM
I'm looking for something that will keep them from getting dusty and out of the hands of visitors. I thought about the peg board idea - but didn't like it since the guns aren't secure. Also, it doesn't address all of the individual parts and equipment.

Thanks for the suggestion, any other ideas anyone?


11-01-2002, 02:48 PM
i'll hold them for ya! :D :D

edit: anyone else notice the 3 posts at the same minute?

11-01-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by shartley
You could always build racks like the Military uses (but make it more attractive, and out of wood.). That way you can "lock" the markers into the rack and move the whole thing at will.

Paintball markers to include their setups are much shorter than M-16s so you could actually stack 3 racks high with little problem. If you made each rack/case to hold 5 complete markers you can make 3 racks to begin with and always expand one rack at a time later. As for the miscellaneous gear, you could make storage boxes the same size as the racks, but have adjustable shelves and a full front door. You could then stack them up in any manner you want.

Just an idea.

Hmmm, good idea. A bit more work then I was considering - but doable... I'm hoping for something a little easier but will keep it in mind - thanks Sam.


11-01-2002, 02:56 PM
No problem. I was actually thinking of doing the same thing for my stuff this winter. I have to redo my entire workshop as it is, and thought that would be a nice addition.

So many plans……. Just need TIME!!!! ;)

11-01-2002, 03:14 PM
Well - here is what I do.

Most of my collection is nelson based pump guns. I buy 10 dollar doskil (sp) rifle cases from Gallyns. They are also around walmarts and kmarts during huting season. They are cheap, but sturdy enough. The plastic taks a decent beating and the foam protects the guns.

Now - in the case of my guns I play with, all of them go into padded gun bags. I use Warrior sports. I like them, simple, and has room for 3 barrels on the back. The regular size works well for most guns. Things with like warps, or just larger sized ones use the "dubba bubba" bag which is much larger. You can then stack these bags in a corner of a closet. They are padded and protect the gun. Plus you just grab and go to play (and they look normal if you want to take your gun into the shop or something). They run $20-$40 - which seams alot - but if you have a $1000 gun its not really. Tip put colored tags on them so at a glance you know which bag has wich gun.

11-01-2002, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster

Now - in the case of my guns I play with, all of them go into padded gun bags. I use Warrior sports. I like them, simple, and has room for 3 barrels on the back. The regular size works well for most guns. Things with like warps, or just larger sized ones use the "dubba bubba" bag which is much larger. You can then stack these bags in a corner of a closet. They are padded and protect the gun. Plus you just grab and go to play (and they look normal if you want to take your gun into the shop or something). They run $20-$40 - which seams alot - but if you have a $1000 gun its not really. Tip put colored tags on them so at a glance you know which bag has wich gun.

Great idea on the Warrior Sports bags - it was what I originally wanted to do. They fit well in plasic crates and I thought would work great. The problem is that I can only find the dubbas - the regular ones (that look like the back that came with my Viking) are hard to find.

Good idea on the tags...


11-01-2002, 04:27 PM
go to like a discount store and find some deals on china cabnients, the ones with glass on 3 sides and the hardboard backs, that way they can be on dispaly and most likely locked and dust free

11-01-2002, 04:30 PM

youre looking for this?

ive got these (Dubba Bubba bags) for $26.00

ive also got something called a "Custom Gun Bag" and "Gun Bag with 3 slots" i think thats what you are looking for, and theyre only $20

get back to me if you want anything