View Full Version : shatner jerseys

Z- - MagRt
11-01-2002, 05:40 PM
in the part of that preview movie where the klingon is givin a "pep" talk what jerseys are they all wearing they are like a dark red but i cant make it out

any greatly appreciated cause i want one lol


11-01-2002, 05:50 PM
If there are any left, JJ Brookeshire will know. He's the Spplat guy :D

[email protected]

I believe that's his e-mail.

11-01-2002, 06:56 PM
I was at Shatnerball and it was a great time. the Klingon and Borg jersey's look very similar. The Klingon jersey was black and grey stripped with a v-neck and sash on the front. The back was the also back and grey stripped but had a Klingon spine going dwon the back. It also has the Klingon insignia in red on the sleeves.

11-01-2002, 07:19 PM
you don't want one. I heard they were selling extras to players in the game for 50$... but over $100 for non-players.

might have changed though.


11-01-2002, 07:22 PM
Our (The Borg) jersey's were pimp. The others sucked testicles. IMO.

Load SM5
11-01-2002, 07:45 PM
Here's what the jersey's looked like. I have the one I wore and another one still sealed up in the package that I'm saving for my collection.


11-01-2002, 07:53 PM
Ours didn't look quite like that, they turned out better.

11-02-2002, 12:02 AM
I always knew you were a trekkie nerd load :D

11-02-2002, 02:03 AM
thanks for posting load
where'd you get that?

11-02-2002, 02:09 AM
From JJ, methinks. It was going around here & williamshatner.com a couple weeks before shatnerball.

Load SM5
11-02-2002, 09:05 AM
Yep,from JJ.

And I've always liked Star Trek Snewk....nerd? No.

11-02-2002, 11:08 AM
Around here, we prefer the term: Closet Trekkie. ;)