View Full Version : Does anyone else pretend to play paintball in the house?

02-12-2001, 06:15 PM
http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif what it says above http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

02-12-2001, 06:19 PM
No, but i do sometimes move about the house as if i am a swat agent. I do things like slicing the pie and other things like that.

Bradley James Nowell 2.22.68-5.25.96 "...when he starts to lie, when he makes you cry. You know i'll be there, my day will come. I know someday I'll be the only one."

02-12-2001, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I do the same. I don't know why now that I think of it. Just when I am bored I pick up my mag and shoot invisable men that are hiding behind my bed, chair, couch, etc.

Pepsi Is Good

02-12-2001, 07:16 PM
every time i go up to my room, i see my mag sitting there and no matter ho busy i am, i pick it up and pretend that i am snap shooting, or something with it. And every time i go to my room i forget what i went there for the first place.

02-12-2001, 07:19 PM
I have never been caught running around, wearing all of my paintball stuff at 3 in the morning by my girlfriend as far as anyone else knows.

02-12-2001, 07:48 PM
i practice snap shooting, left hand shooting and bunkering in my house. no air or paint just running around. its good practice. now i can do all of the above very nicely

02-12-2001, 07:57 PM
yea i pretendim bond or snake bliscan

02-12-2001, 08:09 PM
I bunkered my cat w/ air LOL
I wast my nitro all the time around the house. I shoot my airsoft gun in my house and other crap like that. I also play paintball in my woods by myself just to learn how to work the woods and trees.

02-12-2001, 08:09 PM
I use the end of my bed as a bunker and hide behind it and snap shoot at guys. also my living room has various chairs and coushes which can be used as bunkers

02-12-2001, 08:16 PM
when its too cold i set up in my basement with my mask on and shoot it into variuos buckets http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

02-12-2001, 08:28 PM
And i thought i was alone http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

02-12-2001, 08:33 PM
no pyro i thought i was alone!! i always "play" swat team type stuf and paintball stuff when im home alone its just to dang fun and o ye unloadin and airsoft gun on yur brother makes em mad =P

02-12-2001, 08:33 PM
The night before I got paintballing, I practive my snap shots, right and left handed. I thought I was the only one...lol...so as you see you are not alone.

02-12-2001, 08:58 PM
Well we are all one big in house paintball pretending to play family.

02-12-2001, 10:07 PM
Does anyone NOT?

02-12-2001, 10:15 PM
Heck - we used to chase each other around using our barrels as blow guns...never could get the balls to break - but it was fun!

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

02-12-2001, 10:19 PM
I do it all the time. I thought I was the only one. I never have any air left in my tank after a couple of days.

02-12-2001, 10:29 PM
Ive broken balls using a barrel as a blowgun but on wood never got it to work on a person http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

02-12-2001, 11:01 PM
My friend and I after a boring game of 1 on 1 were out of balls (we only had 1/2 a hopper to start) decided to have an air war. If was rather fun shooting each other with air. No harm done.

02-12-2001, 11:10 PM
Just last night my wife was trying to explain to me that people think paintball fanatics are a little strange and that I should talk about it a little less. I was trying to defend you guys as not crazy. I guess I was wrong. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

"I would rather hit once than miss 140 times."

02-12-2001, 11:24 PM
We are not crazy we are just addicted.

02-12-2001, 11:39 PM
Yeah... my wife asked if I was going to sleep with my mag once... not quite sure what she meant by that. : )

Maxd Out
02-13-2001, 12:09 AM
Every time we go out to the field, we have a used ball fight. Ya know when the balls dont pop and they fill up with water and get huge. Its fun throwing those around.

Cockers suck!
Brass Eagle really really sucks!

02-13-2001, 12:12 AM
I've practiced in front of a mirror at home before... So I could see how much of myself I was exposing when I normally took shots. Discovered a few problems this way, and fixed them.

'Sacrifice the Body'
68 PF - HyperFrame - 68 Flatline - SS BigShot

02-13-2001, 08:33 AM
I've been known to bunker my Fridge.


02-13-2001, 08:58 AM
I have been known to practice my look so I can atleast look pretty as I get my ass shot off http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif My Mag and Impulse watched PUSH with me they agreed it was a great flick.

Oh and I once did sleep with my Spanky Cocker beside me...my wife was disturbed by this to say the least..oh and then there was this incident with a Dye SS 14" and a goat and two midgets....wait thats more personal info than you need....

[This message has been edited by AllAmericanDan (edited 02-13-2001).]

02-13-2001, 05:15 PM
Yeah i do alot actually but most of the time there are no goats or midgets involved http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

02-13-2001, 05:42 PM
you kidding? my life revolves around my mag, i once bunkered my dog with a cotton ball(she doesnt like me much any more) and today i did this:


and get a fill station, that way you never run out of air to do stupid but fun stuff with, i have one, and ive had to fill it twice, and i have not even used it at a game yet http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif and couches do make good bunkers, and i always play bob long at home, and in the car on the way to play pball

02-13-2001, 05:57 PM
Ok if you guys are this into paintball then how early do you get up to go paintballing?

I have to admit... Here's my little routine for the weekend:

Get home from school on Friday at 3:00

Friends come over at 3:30 or so.

Clean, oil and test our 'mags from 3:30-5:00

Eat dinner from 5:00-5:30

Look at paintball magazines for a few hours.

Surf the net lookin at paintball stuff.

Pretend to play paintball in the basement till we are tired. (usualy around 11:00pm or so)

Sleep. (but of course we talk about paintball before we go to bed)

Get up at 5:00

Put paintball gear in car.

Eat big breakfast.

Leave promptly at 9:15 so that we will get there 15 min before the field even opens.

Get to paintball park at 9:45

Field opens at 10:00

Buy paint and stuff...

Load up.

Chrono guns.

11:00 first game http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

5:00last game http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

Get home at 5:30

Eat dinner.

Take shower... and here's something interesting... Before I take my shower, I clean ALL of my paintball stuff. I clean my paintball stuff before I clean myself! Just goes to show how crazy I am about paintball.

02-13-2001, 06:38 PM
Yeah I do that too, just whenever I put on my mask, my dog attacks me...

jojomoca: nice snowman, thats funny as hell

02-13-2001, 06:42 PM
Did the snowman bunker you?

Ninja B0Y
02-13-2001, 06:57 PM
It takes you 4 hours to load up all your gear and eat breakfast? And the first game doesn't start till 11?

02-13-2001, 07:10 PM
Yes believe it or not our park does not start until 11:00. And no it does not take me 4 hours to eat breakfast and stuff.

02-13-2001, 08:11 PM
When im board I take my mag and try new tactical moves and stuff for when i go paintballing the next time. I also go about my house shooting invisable men like everyone else casue im a dork and have no life! Not really, i do have a life. I do though go through out my house pretend shooting my dog and cat. When i have Co2 i do shoot at them and they dont like it much http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

02-13-2001, 08:27 PM
i've gotten into a couple of paint fights with my mom's boyfriend chucking paint at eath other. paint stains un painted sheet rock. my dog doesnt like anymore since i started bunckering him buy surprise either.

02-13-2001, 09:26 PM
I think I am gonna have to try "paintballing" with our animals. We do have a horse... I'm sure it would be surprised if I bunkered it. I might try our dog though. He wouldn't care. He would brobably just look up at at me with that "stupid dog" look that he always has on his face. Oh well.

02-13-2001, 10:01 PM
WOW! again, here I was thinking I was the only one who did this! As for the sleeping with my marker, ive only done it intentionally when I had first got my 'mag... though, sleeping with my goggles on was a complete accident... honest *grins*

"Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

02-14-2001, 12:01 AM
Jojomoca, what kinda foregrip is that? Thats real sweet lookin. Yeh I shoot the tv people, my posters in my room, doors, items in my room...The only thing I don't like is that when the mag's not pressurized the trigger don't work! So I cant shoot at my regular speed. And I don't like wastin air. But sometimes i use my backup guns for that kinda stuff. When im in the kitchen like at night when its dark i'll move around real quick and stufff and do things that arnt necessary to get to the fridge and stuff, like run around to the other side, make quick movements and stuff incase someone is trying to shoot me thru the window. =0) lol. Ok, ENDO!

My Battle cry!
Spoon Spork Purple Monkey Dishwasher Hoo Ha!

02-14-2001, 12:36 AM

If I ever went after my dog with my mag, he would probably kill me in cold blood. He doesn't care for things like that, and he is a great dane!

Whoever said that they might bunker their horse... If I was you, I might reconsider. I've had horses run through fences for much less than that! LOL

I usually don't even know if we are going to play paintball until noon or so, and then everyone comes over and we all get filled up on co2 and paint and then head on over to our little field.

And I ALWAYS clean my equipment before myself!

Automags rule!
Cockers are decent.
Fords kick A$$
and Chevy just plain sucks.

Thats just the way it is folks.

Ninja B0Y
02-14-2001, 12:37 AM
e-magman: a horse? wow...so unheard of in the great metropolitan area of the Bay Area in CA. So what do you in between those 4 hours of 5 and 9?

02-14-2001, 11:39 AM
i watch the end of the movie "Heat" and i dive over my couches and i do tuck rolls and i dry fire at anyone who may be unfortunate enough to be around....lemme tell ya...those damn cats move fast when a burst of shoots em in the a$$

02-14-2001, 01:40 PM
MajorDamage: the foregrip was custom made by keith milett, you can send a PM to Spyder on the paintballcity.com forums, and he'll hook you up with one for like around $30

02-14-2001, 04:51 PM
I pretend to play paintball around the house all the time. I also shoot people on TV and other things around my house, not that I'm crazy or anything.

"You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone"-Al Capone

02-14-2001, 11:26 PM
It's nice to know that I'm not the on;y person who does this! Whenever we play paintball we have to tie my choc. lab up b/c he likes to jump up and try to bite my barrel. He is frickin insane! He is 5 years old and is still in his puppy stage!

02-14-2001, 11:34 PM
I dunno... maybe play a little pb in the house..... look at our gear a little more.... shoot out guns again (if we have any air left)... and NEXT saturday that we go paintballing we just might try bunkerin the horse. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

02-15-2001, 12:32 AM
Hey JoJoMoca, what part of the pbc forum? There are like 30 diffrent rooms in there. Ok thanx.

My Battle cry!
Spoon Spork Purple Monkey Dishwasher Hoo Ha!

02-15-2001, 06:27 PM


My Battle cry!
Spoon Spork Purple Monkey Dishwasher Hoo Ha!

02-16-2001, 12:45 AM
are you a member of the paintballcity.com forums? if not then register, and then send a private message to spyder, or you could just search for his username, and email him

02-16-2001, 04:03 PM
No this is too fun it cannot die.

Lord Vader
02-16-2001, 04:13 PM
I can't really do any of that in my dorm. However, since I just got my first mag, I always find time to just hold it and oogle over it. Sometimes I'll brandish it John Woo style (minus the barrel). :P

68 Standard Classic
TASO Winforce barrel
Sight rail
PMI rubber grip

CO2 sux

02-17-2001, 01:10 PM
oops, forgot that you ca have a heck of a snow fight with paintba guns, especially with mags(the barrel strips out quick) well you take the barrel out, pack it with snow, and LET IT FLY, but be sure te wear your goggles!

02-17-2001, 03:21 PM
Ninja B0Y- you live in bay area cali? same here, what city? where do you play... Lafayette here, and i play Venture games paintball on mount diablo

the other day i got bunkered by my dog, she was happy about her victory over me =( on the other hand i was very mad and i will get her back you will see, i know where she sleeps >=)

P.S. Paybacks are hell!
*Change your signature*

[This message has been edited by buddwizeerr (edited 02-17-2001).]

[This message has been edited by BlackVCG (edited 02-17-2001).]

02-17-2001, 04:36 PM
HEy. When I dont have hardly any co2 in my tank (yes, co2 http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif ) I gas up and just play with the simi presurized gun. I shoot the imagniary people on the stero. I love donig that! Oh, and! If I have one ball break in the gun, I'll clean THAT before my shower. (Hey, it;s better thna my friend chris, be cleans both at the same time. He TOLD me that, yes thats the only way i know.

THe lizard is here! Beware!

02-17-2001, 05:33 PM
I jump around my bed and use my computer as a bunker. I accidentally startled my dog one time playing around with Air on my gun... Now everytime I take my Mag out she runs and starts shivering. What's embarrassing is when your girlfriend is over and you put on your mask and start practicing snap shots, forget she's there and she walks in on your training session. Not a good thing to go around school.

02-17-2001, 06:10 PM
YEah, Yeah, that's not always a good thing.

satans little helper
02-18-2001, 10:24 PM
I love to shoot the imagenery people around the house and i bunker my little sister and practice snapshots im my living room

:team satans little helpers

Ninja B0Y
02-19-2001, 01:00 AM
Buddwizeerr: wazzzzzzzzzzzzzuppp uuu uuuu uuu uuu uuuppp. HHAHAHA..

I live in Daly City and I play at Sherwood Forest and Fairgrounds in Vallejo bro.

02-19-2001, 03:16 AM
NINJA BOY, i play at fargrounds too! thats 15 minutes away from my house, maybe i will see you sometime there

Ninja B0Y
02-19-2001, 01:17 PM
Wait you shoot an Automag right? Maybe you've seen an Asian guy with a lime green Defiant before?

02-19-2001, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by satans little helper:
I love to shoot the imagenery people around the house and i bunker my little sister and practice snapshots im my living room

You bunker your little sister?!?!? How mean!

satans little helper
02-19-2001, 10:47 PM
i love to bubker her but not with paint although i wish i did

:team satans little helpers

02-19-2001, 11:30 PM
Yeah Ninja, i shoot an automag, and hmmm i may remember a little asian kid witha defiant =)
i am 16

02-20-2001, 07:32 PM
This die i dont' think so.

02-20-2001, 08:02 PM
One time I blew an empty pepsi can across the room with a burst of air. It was cool. http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

Pepsi Is Good

02-20-2001, 08:06 PM
One time i blew a keg across the room with a burst of AIR i think i was shooting hot.

02-21-2001, 08:39 AM
I'm underage http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

Pepsi Is Good

02-22-2001, 12:35 AM

02-22-2001, 02:35 AM
i love "practicing" in my house, my girl friend thinks i am crazy, you see i have only got her to play to games of paintball and she got shot in the a$s http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

in the biggining god created two gun and he said thuo automag shall be for the just and fair and the autococker for the evil and cheaters.

02-22-2001, 11:15 AM
I like to make those "bmp bmp" sounds as if I was magically shooting the mag in the house. Should I be classified with Hannibal?

02-22-2001, 03:25 PM
i think it is a rule that everyone at one point played a little game of iminagery paintball. i personally like useing my couches as bunkers. works great

02-22-2001, 03:59 PM
What else is there to say

Hmmm... You should`nt have put your self in front of my balls... why does everybody do that...?

02-27-2001, 11:39 PM
not only do I do it at the house the sounds also come out when I am at work. people always think that I am talking to myself...

"good morning Clarice..."

02-28-2001, 05:40 PM
hay satans little helper when did you grow a sister

watch your step...its the deadfall

TEAM-satans little helpers
68 power feed automag
8" venturi barrel
benchmark trigger frame W/ stickies
68 stub

Pirhana sts
12" nickel cp barrel
20 oz

02-28-2001, 05:56 PM
Well, one time in my friends house, I was messing around with his barrel. He had this crappy winchester paint (stealth paint, worst crap in the world) and I got bored. He was in the laundry room, using the sink to wash off his gun. I got bored, so I put a ball in his barrel and used it as a blowgun. Most of the time it would just barely make it out (it was an 18" barrel). Then one time I blew real hard and it flew out and hit the wall, making this huge splat. Remember now, this is the living room. I got REAL bored, and put a ball in the end of the barrel again. I bled his co2 tank (it had an on/off valve) through the barrel and the paint broke in the barrel. Half flew into the bathroom and half just sorta fell on the floor. He got pissed off. When he was cleaning it up, his mom came in from work and got all pissed off at him.

Anyways, I do pretend to play in my house. I run around and mainly bunker guys behind my couch. I also LOOOOOOOOVE sliding behind stuff. It's so fun. I also get on my knees and snap-shoot at my cat. One time I was just sittin there getting used to the reactive trigger, and my cat ran up and bit my trigger finger. Pissed me off.....Anyways, just my $.02

05-21-2001, 07:38 PM
life is good, especially when you can shoot your neighbor out the window and they don't care..... that is all that i will say about that

automag'um n' bodybag'um

05-21-2001, 08:05 PM
so i'm not in my house. i'm actually on vacation in st augustine florida, and my wife made me leave my gear at home. and i miss my mag!! i mean, what if there's a pickup game on the beach and my mag is at HOME?!? i asked my wife this and she just shook her head and walked off.

hehe. i just got a new dye barrel too, and i haven't had much time to mess around with it yet. dang.

05-21-2001, 08:07 PM
oh, when i'm at home i'll chase the cats around pretending they are fleeing members of some unlucky paintball team (sans paint of course, i don't want to be divorced after my wife finds pink & green cats). does that count?


68 Mag
05-21-2001, 08:18 PM
I pretend to paintball in the house all the time. I never have any air or anything, but still.....

mag crazy
05-22-2001, 09:21 AM
i am constantly sittin around the house shooting.......that is y i could never have an lcd.......i would have 30k shots on the counter in a few days.......i sit at home at my computer and just practice left and right hand shooting.......and then i will sometimes run around in my back yard like a jackass w/ all my stuff on......but it is nice to know i am normal like everyone else

05-22-2001, 08:22 PM
I've practiced snap shooting as well as practicing sitting up from lying on my back. My friend and I have also chased each other around a laser tag arena, no paint, just air. Talk about an honor system, we would call each other out and usually agree with each other.


05-22-2001, 08:49 PM
yeah, i usually will practice snap shooting into the hallway with no air or paint. i put the barrel on sometimes though and scare my brother when he walks around the corner. He surrenders everytime; him and my dog, what pansies.

06-09-2001, 12:00 PM
this is unreal
i just went and picked up my new mag today got it home and was doing this very thing with it then i came and signed up here and found this post

like a fat kid in dodge ball (i'm out)

06-09-2001, 12:04 PM
I have been known to scour my neighborhood with my Mag at 2:30 in the morning... But All I really shoot at are Deer............

06-09-2001, 12:14 PM
Of course I do that!!!! I'm 13 and there is nothing to do at all with no school besides going to Daren's(the gun/paintball/jewelry/pawnshop/bike/tool/
videogames/ammo/did i mention paintball? shop)to go look at all the pretty RT's up on the wall...with the pretty tanks attached to them...mmmmm...

06-09-2001, 12:15 PM
now realy, who doesn't do this. i always hide around the corner wait for my bro to walk by, and shoot nothing but air at him. he jumps up so high and screems like a girl. it is so funny. i always see how tight i can get behind corners. i always run by my dog with air and pretend-bunker the dog. if anybody says they dont pretend play, they are lying.

06-09-2001, 12:30 PM
I will snapshoot around the door at the mirror somtimes.
LOL my friend was shooting air off at another kid last weekend and the kid ended up with two bleeding welts on his back after some paint in the hopper shifted areound and dropped in.


06-09-2001, 12:36 PM
Someone sould make a million bucks selling nerf paintballs that we could shoot in the house at each other and not get hurt or break anything. Wouldnt that be great?? you would be able to reuse them and reuse them again. If such a thing does exist please someone tell me about them. I would gladly pay 50 bucks for 500.....

06-09-2001, 12:47 PM
Sort of off the topic but..
Solomon do you play at Paradise. I go up to washington every summer to visit my mom and i play there. Its a really great field, i wish i still lived up there because thats a good place for tourneys and finding teams, down here theres nothin.


06-09-2001, 01:12 PM
bouncy balls at low velocity work surprisingly well :-) as long as you make your velocity low enough to not break a window (or anything glass for that matter) you can have a ball -no pun intended-

Just use a stock barrel or some crappy cheap thing you don't mind getting scratched up.


06-09-2001, 03:38 PM
Oh god yes! Every now and then, I'll pop around a corner, and let fly ten or twenty paintballs from my imaginary automag...

You all know that you do it to.


"When I die, I want to come back as a leotard...all stretchy...THWANG!!"

06-09-2001, 06:34 PM
I was grounded a few weeks ago for shooting an ice cube at my brother http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

If you run, you will only be marked tired.

06-09-2001, 11:21 PM
These are the funniest posts that I have ever read! Keep on bunkering your pets and shooting invisible people! LOL -chris-

08-17-2001, 03:03 PM
Hmm, we got lots of new members, time to bring it back http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-17-2001, 04:21 PM
WOW! This is OLD!


GO HERE!: <A HREF="http://wsnonline.8k.com" TARGET=_blank>http://wsnonline.8k.com

</A>The Witherspoon News! Sign the guestbook! It better than sunglasses, and twice as fragrent!

08-17-2001, 04:26 PM
When i get bored ill use my gun as a feather-duster (it works prety good actually

08-17-2001, 04:47 PM
Haven't seen this one in a long time!! I suppose it would sorta kinda belong in the O/T forum now, but who cares?

I know i bunker my workbench with air out in my garage all the time http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-17-2001, 05:17 PM
I don't know, I found it kind of humerous, so i brought it back http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif
2 reasons it belongs in this forum http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif
1. It outdates the off topic forum rule http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif
2. This forum is to discuss all aspects of paintball, is the description for the main forum. THis does have to do with paintball http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif because it involess the use of a paintball gun. There ya go http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-17-2001, 06:21 PM
I've been known to occasionaly run around the house, bunkering geusts and the lamp, I hate that thing, it looks SOOO ugly, I just try to accidently break it........ Excuse" If you bought me a new shorter barrel mom, this wouldn't of happened" http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-17-2001, 06:59 PM
i do the same thing i bunker insvible people and stuff.
also me and my friends have rubberband guns and we shoot each other with rubberbands.
great practice...

Is that a cocker i see in the deadbox.... I THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

large & in charge
08-17-2001, 07:06 PM
i always play around in the house. Sometimes i play wit my 2 yr old bro. he plays along and runs around wit me

08-17-2001, 07:10 PM
yeah i shoot air from behind my couch to practice left handed, or to try out a new setup on my mag to c how it will feel out on the field

08-17-2001, 09:05 PM
man OOOOLLLLLDDDDD thread oh well i um, i shoot peepes on tv all the time try to practice the same snap shooting motion over and over.

08-17-2001, 11:48 PM
BAILEY! I USE MY GUN TO DUST TOO! Its faster, and much more fun than "conventional" dusting. hehe. It just kinda sturs up the dust tho...But it looks better! Hehe.


GO HERE!: <A HREF="http://wsnonline.8k.com" TARGET=_blank>http://wsnonline.8k.com

</A>The Witherspoon News! Sign the guestbook! It better than sunglasses, and twice as fragrent!

[This message has been edited by MajorDamage (edited 08-18-2001).]

08-18-2001, 01:21 AM
I play the drums with my gun http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif shooting air will make an accoustic pad go off, i can play george of the jungle with my gun http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif i haven't tryed it on my bros electronic pads yet, wonder if that would work.. heh


[This message has been edited by irbodden (edited 08-18-2001).]

10-14-2001, 07:17 PM

10-14-2001, 07:30 PM
I bunker the invisible men, scares the rest of my family, but they don't play paintball...

10-14-2001, 07:41 PM
Who hasn't? Thats all me and my friends do before we go to a tourney. Then we wake up at 3 to put our stuff in the car, leave at 5, stop at mcdonalds and get the fastest and cheapest breakfast you can find, drive 3 hours to the nearest field, get our stuff ready, play and come in last place, go home, clean our stuff, take showers, then look at paintball stuff for the rest of the week. One time I started playin around the house bunkerin the chairs and lamps with my cocker, i forgot i had air and i had one in the chamber and i shot my door:)

Mega Man
10-14-2001, 07:45 PM
Once I saw this thread I knew it would be a hit. I mainly do three things
1. I sit in my room shooting air out my mag seeing how fast I can shoot
2. I'll walk around the house ALL day just holding my gun and sometimes "shooting it"
3. I wont even have my mag and i'll just act like i'm pulling the trigger on it

funny as how we all stand up for paintball and how it has nothing to do with causes of violence these days...we act so educated and suffisticated, yet when know ones looking we whoop out our mags and start firing away at our latest invisible target lol... but thats just paintballers for ya... we play hardcore on...and off the feild :D

10-14-2001, 07:45 PM
angel boy, i did the same thing but bunkerd a pillow on the other side of my couch, the ball broke and splattered off the rug and all over teh wall..(hint on a white wall bleach will take paint stains out!)

E-Mag man
10-14-2001, 08:01 PM
I love bunkering the invisible people behind my chairs and couch, scares my dogs pretty bad though but I think thier getting used to it. I havent slept with my gun yet but as soon as I get my E-Mag, it will have a pillow next to mine.

10-14-2001, 08:05 PM
I have only done it to test the modifications and changes that I have made to my guns. This one in particular....

10-14-2001, 08:13 PM
cool, what dvds are those?.. lol nice E-mag...

10-14-2001, 10:44 PM
I do it and I can't even own a mag! I just use my pellet gun like a pump for practice but it's hella hard because the gun is hella old... I've bunkered: squirrels, racoons, cats, birds even(shot right above a group and made a couple fly down behind some bamboo). It's fun...

Temo Vryce
10-15-2001, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by salomon16
Someone sould make a million bucks selling nerf paintballs that we could shoot in the house at each other and not get hurt or break anything. Wouldnt that be great?? you would be able to reuse them and reuse them again. If such a thing does exist please someone tell me about them. I would gladly pay 50 bucks for 500.....

Actually someone has made something like that. They are foam balls with a BB centre to give it some wieght so it flies striaght. They really hurt!! I would gladly $50 for 500 to but I was talking with the owners of my local field and they said thier cost is about $1 CDN per ball.

As for playing PB in the house, ya I do it too but only when the GF isn't home. :)

10-15-2001, 02:33 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Zenpaintballer
[B]No, but i do sometimes move about the house as if i am a swat agent

hahah i do that all the time :) when my friends are over we do that type of stuff, last night my friend and i had a fake paintball war :)

10-15-2001, 05:07 PM
we don't exactly play paintball or pretend to....... but we do put paintballs into our barrels and use the barrels as blow guns........ lol and it actually hurts when you get hit...... that's the only advantage you get from a spyder...... lol, spyder barrels make better blow guns........ anyway....... we painted his room up...... it was funny but the paint smelled like piss

i just noticed that some other people do this and we got the paint to blow on people....... my friend painted my fav. shirt.......

then my friend threw a pvc pipe onto his barrel so it was like 2 feet long....... hurt even more

10-15-2001, 06:10 PM
Ok, first off..what dedicated player DOESN'T play around the house? I got my E-mag last week and the Total shot counter is already at 15,000 (I haven't shot 7.5 cases yet..) Part of that is from tweaking the trigger..but most of that is from bunkering my roomate or shooting paper at him from across the room. Paper actually flies prettywell heheehe As far as routines go, I get up at 8:00 and head up to my local field that's about a half hour away. I help the owner get stuff ready and open the storre for open play at 10:00. First game starts at 10:30 sharp. I play from 10:00 (speedball opens at 10 for all of us regulars) until about 9:00pm or dark whichever comes first. I used to play at night with one of my friends..we would just attach flashlights to our bodies..all you could see were these flashlights bouncing up and down..make a fun target to try to hit when you can't even see where your ball is going! h eheeee We're not insane, just working on our game.

10-15-2001, 07:30 PM
And I thought that I was the only one who did that. And now that my son is Three and a Half We both run around the house( me with my mag and him with my old Traccer pump both have no air or loaders). The best is when he bunkers the cat or dog over or around the couch. Now that is funny!

10-15-2001, 08:07 PM
i do that alot but with nerf balls it makes it a lil more interesting when your actually shooting something

10-15-2001, 08:29 PM
i really thought i was the only person who did this type of stuff. every time i get up to walk some place around my house i will always run up to something like a chair and bunker it. like a few other people said that when they forget waht their doing when they go to their room and they pick up their mag and just start snapshooting, that's exactly what i do. my parents and i both think im crazy but now i feel normal.

11-09-2001, 09:05 PM
I must admit, I walk arounf the house with my gun and bunker almost everthing, I pratcing my shooting everyday and I have been known to fall asleep with all my gear on holding my gun.

11-09-2001, 10:00 PM
We are all crazy!

I do pretty much what everyone else does, put on all my gear, mask, full pods, and run around the backyard stalking the dogs.

They always catch on and chase after me and bark.

So I go inside and peek around the door in the bathroom to see if I'm good and tight in the mirror, then I wish for a warp because the hopper sticks out.

I do this until I'm tired or a friend comes over and laughs at me... at which point I tell them its loaded.

They spend thousands on gas guzzling cars... and think I'm wierd because I run around the house screaming like a banshee.


11-09-2001, 10:12 PM
my parents think im insane... ill go to the breakfast table carrying my rt. ill get a bedtime snack,carrying my rt. ill get a pop from the fridge downstairs CARRYING MY RT! i think its superglued to my hand or something :D

Masta Blasta
11-10-2001, 02:43 PM
Hey guys! You are the type of people I have always been looking for! Some who can run around inside their house for hours on end pretended to shoot at 'people' and practicing bunker, snap shooting, etc. etc.
When I'm home alone I'll go to my room and find my gun hanging on the wall, so..................I'll get it down, load'r up with air, and practice shooting and bunkering. I about killed my cat once when she got scared when I bunkered her!
I also have used my t.v. and living room chairs as a speed ball field. Every girl friend I've had has though ti was wierd but hey, I gotta have my Paintball!

Masta Blasta

Masta Blasta
11-10-2001, 02:47 PM
I forgot i had this pic! This is a picture of me my girlfriend took of me while I was 'playing' paintball (I, of coarse, never knew she was there).

11-10-2001, 05:58 PM
Masta Blasta: Is that an Automag under all that?!?

Anyway, my bro and I usually stalk each other around the house with are markers. He'll be doing homework and I'll sneek behind him and put the barrel up to his head and say something like "gotcha sucka"

One day he snuck(sp?) up on me. Only his gun had air attached. I nearly jumped through the ceiling. He ran like crazy so I pulled out my trusty mag and aired it up (no paint). We chased each other around the house for an hour before my mother walked in on us in the kitchen. She started to freak about safty and the neighbors seeing us. After a couple minutes we both had had enough.

We simultaneously raised our guns and dry fired three times. It was just like the scene from Pulp Fiction. My mother turned soooo red.... but she didn't get my mag.:D

Masta Blasta
11-10-2001, 07:51 PM
No that gun would be my old Tippmann. I dont want to hide my mag its so pretty! lol
Masta Blasta

11-11-2001, 01:01 AM
i do every thing same as u guys... i walk to the street and get the mail carrying my mag =P

11-11-2001, 02:34 AM
I used to practice bunkering my dogz, the two rotties were easy to smoke, but the pitbull always got agitated and started stalking me, one day I was sneaking through the house looking for targets, just as I was about to tag one of the rotties, my pit jumped over the back of the couch and bunkerd me:eek:

now my girlfriend wants to get me a looooooooong sleeve jacket that ties in the back :D

11-11-2001, 11:01 AM
I do the same as all of you, I run around the house prentending to shoot invisble people and stuff. Speaking of my mag I need to clean it!

11-11-2001, 05:27 PM
Dude, we just moved into my house like a year or so ago and re-modeled the whole thing so i actually played in my house during the renevation! it was great! i also drove my gas R/C car around it tooo. thats sum fun stuff. i miss those days!

11-11-2001, 09:27 PM
my friends and i use to play in construction sites all the time. good times, good times.

11-11-2001, 10:54 PM
You guys are so lucky...i do the whole paintball invisible guy thing, but if my parents ever caught me dry firing in the house...oh dam they would flip out, i am gonna try it on my dog tho when ppl arent looking, thats gonna be fun

11-12-2001, 02:17 AM
Man when I get done with school and move out again it's going to be bad. Both the people I'm moving in with play, a lot.

11-12-2001, 08:17 AM
a couple of days ago my neighbors friends son was being stupid i guess and was using balls and air and all in his house and lost his eye. thats about all i know about it though

03-16-2002, 12:48 PM
I never leave my mag alone! It might get scared, or fall off of the bed. I always have it with me, i never know when there might be someone in the house willing to have a paintwar. I love to do this!

03-16-2002, 01:11 PM
Why did you bring this up to the top hacker??:mad:

03-16-2002, 01:28 PM
"Anyone who plays paintball in the house is pathetic." My wife quotes this to me and my son all the time. We just ignore her and keep playing.

03-16-2002, 01:30 PM
My dad laughs at me when I am walking around the house with my pg1 pro snap shooting around every corner...

03-16-2002, 01:46 PM
Its just fun to pretend to play paintball in the house. :D

03-16-2002, 01:53 PM
I would never pretend to play (http://a2.cpimg.com/image/AC/58/8533932-4c3f-02000180-.jpg) paintball in my house. (pic is in my basement)

03-16-2002, 02:42 PM
Running around in the house eh? All the time! Whenever I am hyped I run around pretending everything's a target and the door frames are bunkers and stuff. It's pretty fun to do actually!

03-16-2002, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Paintballer86
Why did you bring this up to the top hacker??:mad:
why not??? this is a great thread. do you not like this thread or somthing?

03-16-2002, 04:03 PM
I will fill up my tank before I leave the paintball field after playing so I have air to dry fire with all week.I usually run out on the first or second day though.i pretend to snap shoot,and practice my rapid fire for when we run on the break.

he is mad hacker brought it back up b/c it reminds him how crazy he is b/c he plays like all of us in the house.

ps....i shot my first mag today.It was a mini w/ intelliframe.Thank you The Mag Man.

03-16-2002, 04:32 PM
If i can remember that long ago... I believe this is the first thread i ever posted in:D :D :D :D :D

03-16-2002, 04:37 PM
glad to know im not the only one;) :p

03-16-2002, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Maxd Out
Every time we go out to the field, we have a used ball fight. Ya know when the balls dont pop and they fill up with water and get huge. Its fun throwing those around.

HAHAHAHA, I'm not alone, after a scenario game with my team, we went to a feild right by the parking lot and seen all the big balls and we threw them at eachother, or actualy, everyone was throwing them at me and I just tried to throw back and hide, ya thats it:p It was fun, only 3 actualy poped on me. Some little kid joined in to hehehehe.

03-16-2002, 04:47 PM
I pretend to bunker my cat and them my brother gets mad. that is all

03-16-2002, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by MikeCouves
Whenever I am hyped I run around pretending everything's a target and the door frames are bunkers and stuff. It's pretty fun to do actually!

Hehehehehe... yeah. I've got the perfect setup from my computer chair (where I spend the majority of my time) Looking out there is a small wall that I must use as the left side of a bunker... perfect for warp left shooting. I shoot peeps on the TV. hehe. There is also a half wall looking to the left into the living room where I can practice scaring the bejeezus out of my girlfriend... I mean practice my over the top shots, again perfect warp shooting practice. hehe



03-16-2002, 08:15 PM
When us poor refs at the field are to cheap (or more likely, out of cash period), we play imaginary paintball...yes we grab rental M98s...run around shooting air at each other just yelling get out at whoever we 'hit' :P

Might sound dumb, but its also good for practicing movement.

What else in paintball can you do for free? :D

03-16-2002, 08:28 PM
I brought this back up because this is one of my favorite things in the world to do. (besides ACTUALLY paintball). I think that it is funny because we all do it, and no basketball or football player spends a LONG time doing this haha we are all just addicted. This is like my first week at AO. I dumped the nation because I got sick of all the flames. You guys rock! :cool:

07-25-2002, 06:34 PM
read my user text, am i the only one? :D In fact i find my 3.5 pounds or stainless steel and hard anodized aluminum to be quite pleasant to sleep with, much more than my girlfriend. :)

07-25-2002, 07:17 PM
the pic says it all :D

07-25-2002, 07:44 PM
img my mom always yells at me for holding my gun and shootinpulling the trigger wich makes a high pitch clink. SOmetimes i throw on the mask and i always practice snap shootin

10-05-2002, 04:45 PM
I used to look for shooting lanes at my local grocery store

10-05-2002, 06:28 PM
i dont really pretend to play inside, i go outside with no balls and bunker squrrels.:D