View Full Version : Recommended paint for frame dings

11-01-2002, 08:58 PM
What's the accepted paint or coating to repair frame dings? One of my buddies suggested nail polish, but was curious what the guys here used.


11-06-2002, 06:36 PM
UP for someone that knows. I need an answer too. I was thinking about getting auto touch-up paint, the kind you brush on. I do know that it is important to only paint the surfaces areas though, you don't want to mess up tolerances on other things.

11-06-2002, 06:55 PM
I went to the local Long's Drugs and pickup up a bottle of black nail polish. The color match wasn't too bad (noticable at close range, but not far away). It will get a trial by fire this weekend.

If the nail polish doesn't work, I'll probably try the auto paint. Can't be any worse than nail polish. :)


11-07-2002, 02:00 AM
Two words "Black Sharpie"

Later Hills

11-07-2002, 10:45 AM
I'd use anything from nail polish, model paint, the sharpie, and even this cool putty that framers use on picture frames when they ding them

some are more permanent than the others

11-08-2002, 03:27 PM
I found enamel for model kits to work well. The gloss black by Testors(i think that was what it was called) works well for a polished surface. i would guess they would make a flat black too. Be warned tho, if you get any on your hands, it doesnt come off for many days.

11-08-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by ah137
Two words "Black Sharpie"

hehe i used that on my vert adapter on my mag... worked fine

11-09-2002, 02:54 AM
What part are you trying to fix? If you are trying to fix the body rail or any part that is anodized, first, sand the old finish off, then sand the burrs smooth and then the fun part, anodize it! You can go to www.caswellplating.com and they have kits to anodize your mag! Remember, you can only anodize aluminum b/c the acid solution will DISSOLVE stainless steel. If you are tying to color you breech to a dark color, they have black oxide kits for as low as $25 bucks. It will stick to the stainless steel much better than paint and any pen marker. However, if you just have a few dings, and the markers dont help very much, you have 2 options, 1st, dont look at it and live in denial, the 2nd is to scratch it up more and then you have a good reason to redo the finish! Hope this helps!

11-09-2002, 02:56 AM
RAM3139, you can try paint thinner, it will wash off the paint on your fingers lickity split! Did i just say lickity split? Geezus, I need to get outta Texas!

11-09-2002, 02:58 AM
I had a couple of frame dings, one was pretty deep. I ended up putting some JB Weld on the deep ding, let it cure, then applied the nail polish. Looks decent up close, and from a distance, you can't see the repair. Again, tomorrow is the trial by fire.

I've tried sharpie on some military rank insignia, wasn't too happy with the results, as it wears off quickly.