View Full Version : Calling All Lvl 10 Users, Help!!!!!!

11-02-2002, 12:57 AM
ok, i am on the verge of a 3 man paintball league, and my automag picks now to stop running for me:( there is something wrong with the level 10 upgrade, here is the problem, i had it instaled by airgun themselves, and it ran great for like 2 months, now, all of the sudden it was not recocking, and locking up and not shooting at all, etc, i posted on here once about it already, and someone gave me the advice that it was just the oring was broken in and i needed to jump to the next smaller carrier, well i tried that, and now the gun wont even hold air, it runs right through, so i tried just getting back to square one, and put the first carrier back in it, (the one that was "too big") and same result, just ran right through, eventually i did manage to get it to hold air, but now it wont fire, the presure is there i can feel it when i pull the trigger, but it wont fire, currently i am using the middle sized spring, .5 carrier, (the one with one dot, and no lines), and 3 shims, and it ran fine for like i said about 2 months, so if anyone can give me help on this quick i would REALLY APPRICIATE IT, i need this gun for my tourny, thanks,

11-02-2002, 01:46 AM
this is really a tech thread(to be posted in the tech forum) but lets see....

what type of valve is it and what's your input pressure?

use the biggest carrier that doesnt leak.(with the same o'ring that was "broken in" all you should be switching is carriers not the o'ring)
make sure the cut side of the spring is on the bolt.
make sure your bumper is there and in good shape(if it's a RT/Emag, check to see if the inner ring of the bumper is shredding apart, if so change it)

11-02-2002, 03:27 PM
its the rt pro valve, and the input pressure i've always played with it 900, and it holds air when i get to that, but it has started leaking all the way up to like 6 or 700 psi, and then stops, and i know this is probably for the tech forums, i just got home from the game sat down, and this is the forum i'm in the most, so i didnt even think of posting it there,

11-02-2002, 04:41 PM
Push a straight-shot squeege against the bolt when you gas up the gun. This will keep the bolt from sticking forward instead of latching on the sear. Also..when was the last time you oiled the gun? Place a few drops of oil in the ASA before gassin up.. then dry fire the gun 25-30 times with no barrel. You may also want to crank your velocity up a little bit since it won't fire when you pull the trigger. If that doesn't work, I'd say drop to the next smaller spring. As Havoc said... you'd get more responses if this was in the tech forum. :cool:

11-02-2002, 10:24 PM
i said havoc because hes posted more on this that most, here is the situation so far, (by the way, sorry if this is a double post, i checked back here earlier and i didnt see this, but i could swear i replied, anyway, i check on the bumper like mentioned, and found it pretty chewed up so i'm replacing that, and any other thoughts are greatly appreciated, i'm going to put it back together like it was before it started to F*** up on me, and see what happenes now, if it doesnt work i think i am going to switch to the smaller carrier, now if i am using the .5 carrier (no lines w/dot) which way would be smaller, no lines, no dots? or 1 line no dots? someone said before to try a smaller spring and make sure its oiled, and to clear that up i always put 3-4 drops of oil in the asa adpater before gasing up, and i tried it with the smaller spring already, so i dont think thats the problem, unless its only part of the problem, so if i go the the next carrier down, and it still wont shoot, then i'll go to the smaller spring, but if anyone has anymore ideas, i am definately willing to listen, please help, my new league starts on sat. and i need my gun running

11-03-2002, 12:43 AM
fuzz, aim me when you get a chance and have air, I'll talk ya through it.

11-03-2002, 06:44 AM

If your gun is not firing, the carrier is too small, not too large (there is to much friction to get to the closed position, sorta like there is a ball in the breech). and the spring is to long. There should be just a little bit of friction between the bolt and the valve. If it is very snug, or hard to push on, the carrier is to small. I have never heard of anyone running the .5 carrier and making it work Most people are using the 2-2.5 carriers and the small or the medium spring. I am using the 2.5 carrier for low speeds (indoor 250 fps) and the 2 carrier for outdoor (280 fps) and the small spring with 2 shims.

When you say that the marker was leaking, How is it leaking? down the barrel? if so, when it leaks push the bolt back with a straight shot. Does this make the leaking stop? It should leak if the LX is venting due to too much resistance. When you pull the trigger, does the bolt move at all? or des it sit in the rear position? If it is not moving at all, crank up your pressure (valve not input)untill it leaks out the back then back off a little. Does it fire now?

Hope some of this helps

11-03-2002, 01:15 PM
thanks for the sugestions, i thought the .5 carrier was a little odd myself, but that is the one AGD installed, and it worked fine, as far as the leaking goes i did push on the bolt and it didnt stop the leaking at all, as far as not firing, its sitting in the rear position and wont move forward at all, at this point it doesnt leak at all, it only leaks while i'm getting the pressure up to where i play it at (900) i'm not sure why it wont fire, i pull the trigger, and can feel resistance on the sear, and the sear moves, but still nothing happens,

11-03-2002, 01:47 PM

Try this. It is working on an E-Mag (mine) a classic (my roommates) Start with the 2.5 carrier and 2 shims give that a try and see what it does.