View Full Version : What Gun do u think?

11-02-2002, 08:32 PM
Im having a major hard time deciding what gun i want to get, the choices are Dark Ir3,Fly Angel,C&C IR3, GZ Timmy, SFL b2k2. I have a problem with every gun though. The Dark Ir3,Fly Angel,C&C IR3 almost every one i talk to says somthin bad about it, such as the board going bad, the battery doesnt work properly etc... As for the GZ i havent heard much but im still skeptical, since MR LONG doesnt play with a Timmy, and since its Body was designed from a SPYDER! ... And last the SFL b2k2, the gun supposedly RIPS paint like no other, but whenever i go to the BadLands, theres 2 guys out there who have them, and all they ever seem to do is BREAK PAINT like crazy! The guy insists that its because he doesnt play with the eye on, B.S. and the guy at Bad Boyz Toyz said he saw DANNY of shocktech, get the gun up to 76 BPS with a warp fed halo(IF YOU ASK ME THAT ONLY TOTALS ABOUT 37 +- BPS hopper wise...) Now when my friend went up to warped and asked about this, they said theres no way a ram can cycle that fast. SO if any of you have one of these guns and can gimme the laydown on it. I would greatly appreciate it..... Also do the poll thingy if it works please. OR IF THERES ANOTHER GUN TELL ME ABOUT IT THAT YOU THINK I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT.THNX ALOT GUYS!

11-02-2002, 08:47 PM
Have you looked into the emag any?

11-02-2002, 08:59 PM
My thoughts exactly. Give it some thought, emags rock!

11-02-2002, 09:18 PM

11-02-2002, 09:26 PM
emag. but if not that for some reason get the dark ir3. a guy at my filed has one and even i can rip on it. i like them alot. good luck with whatever you pick.

11-02-2002, 09:26 PM
or if not emag, why not get an RT Pro or 68 and trick them out?

11-02-2002, 09:36 PM
yes i have had the thought about getting an emag-extreme only but i dont feel like waiting. I like how the gun shoots and all and how it feels but its just not my cup of tea for some reason?

11-02-2002, 09:44 PM
i would say for the buck a tippmann a5 with rt or 98c rt and flatline. This is purely for your dollar. I mean for 300 bucks you can get a gun that shoots as fast as almost anything out there. It may not be accurate but still for your buck. now if you mean high end for your buck i cant answer that cause it is kinda an oximoron.

11-02-2002, 09:45 PM
The best "bang for the buck" imo is a used RT with level 10.
Or maybe even a normal Emag.
A nice used RT can be had for around 400-600(with tank) drop in a LX kit if it does not aleady have one, and buy a RT parts kit for 25 bucks and your gun is as good as anyones on the field, fast,consistant, reliable light, small, no ball breaks.
Those are my .02

11-02-2002, 11:35 PM
If you're going to get a Bushmaster, forget the Shocktech. Take a look at the Macdev Sonics or a Vaporized Bushmaster, they'll perform noticeably better than Shocktechs. I actually think a high end Bushy is very underrated in performance, I don't see them lacking in many areas.

Feel free to get a Timmy, everyone else seems to love them. IMO, they feel cheap, unbalanced, and have a "clanky" feel/sound when they cycle. I would personally never buy one. They never chop though, and can be ripped on faster than most guns available.

IR3s are fine guns. However, I still think they're working out bugs. If it was up to me, I'd buy an LCD for less, performance wont be too much different (just get a fast hopper and COPS will be uneeded, even when it does work). Overall, I feel WDP has done an excellent job at refining the Angel over it's lifespan, and I would be totally comfortable shooting one. They're small, fast, reliable, easy to maintain, and are very stylish (even if a lot of people don't think that matters). I would rather NOT have all the fancy LCD functions, but it's not something I would throw a gun out for.

11-03-2002, 12:22 AM
Hands down best bang for buck = Emag


11-03-2002, 03:03 AM
If you are talking strictly Bang for the Buck, a low end marker is really the answer. If you think about it, you can get a tippman 98 for 120, and an angel, emag, whatever up there for 1100+. Now then, those high-end electros cost 9 to ten times more than the tippman 98. However, do they REALLY perform 9-10 times better? Are you going to get 9-10 times for people with those guns? the answer is no, however, that doesn't mean that you are totally wasting your money on high end guns. It can (and usually is) well worth it :). Personally, that's my reason for liking mags. a standard 68 p/f automag costs 240 and can do so much.

11-03-2002, 05:43 PM
I have to add my vote to the E-mag crowd!!! I've had mine for a while now and not only I've had no problems. I have not brokent a single ball in 20 cases since I switched to a foamy bolt!!!!

the plague
11-08-2002, 10:29 PM
Get a GZ. Out of your choices its the only gun that isn't another model with milling. I've owned angels and timmy's and ive been around plenty of bushys.The GZ is the same price as a normal intimidator just with a little style to it. You need to listen to the guy who posted about the tippman. OBVIOUSLY you dont need or want a tippman, but the only difference between a dark ir3 and an ir3 is $400.A normal run of the mill angel is not only massively cheaper than that, it has one hell of a track record. Same with the bushy. Sure, shocktech did right when making it, but its not worth the money. Bottom line is buy the GZ(and dont destroy the beauty of it by adding a warp...)

11-09-2002, 02:38 AM
I've never played with one before, but i've played against enough, and seen enough in action, to be able to tell you that a friggin timmy can run with most other stuff i've seen, for only about $1000CDN(about $600 US).

BTW the GZ thing is just style, it's otherwise stock.

sincerly from timmy-ville, Canada (AKA Calgary).

11-09-2002, 03:33 PM
first off all i think everything you heard from all those guns is complete bs. angels are actually the most reliable electro next to an emag. people still have the old leds giong after all these years. my ir3 is extremely reliable and has no bugs. i just gas up and go, dont even adjust anything. heck i dont even lube anything like i did with my impulses.i KNOW that the bushmaster going up to 76 is fake. and what loader can feed faster than 24??? also i know you use a nice vision impulse so why go to a bushy from that?? you wont even notice a difference in performance.(unless you can shoot 76 bps!!!lol)
performance wise they are all equal and im sure we can all agree on that. they all shoot fast without breaking paint. its up to looks, price, extra features(angel rules here), and reliability.way to look at it:

emag- very fast, very reliable, wont chop with level 10, heavy and not too purdy(im assuming your not into waiting til hell freezes over for an extreme)

bushy/impulse- same guns basically, dont get a shocktech bushy if u already have a fully pimped vision impulse w/cricket. they are very fast, wont chop, and reliable if lubed after every game so i dont know if u can call that reliable.
gz- very fast and wont chop, i dont see anything else special about them. older timmys were very unreliable, not too sure about new gzs.

ir3- very fast, wont chop w/new mem 6 cops2 board,has all the features a man can ask for(even if they arent needed)very nice feel/weight/looks, and from personal experience and everything ive heard before i bought one they are the most reliable markers next to emags. i just air up and go like a 100 dollar spyder and it shoots the same every time i air it up. with my impulses i had to sit there and re chrono it every time i played. it acts different every time and i know you know that.(outrage86 is a good friend and were on the same team for all you who didnt know).

summary- i beleive from personal experience and factual performance features the ir3 is the best. again this is my opinion but it is based on factual performance features. now the down side is the price. if you are tight on money it might not be worth it. for the money a used emag is by far the greates deal. the gz,impulse, and bushy are all great performing guns but dont have anything extra to offer. performance comes first so you will be fine with these guns. just see what you like best for the money you have.

11-09-2002, 03:51 PM
well, i love my e-mag. I love the trigger, i love the feel and i love everything there is about it. I wish i could say the same about all of those micro switch clickers... but i cant. I dont like the feeling of the microswitch guns, i dont like microswitches. For me most of my love is in that trigger. there amazing.

IMHO go try em all out.

Oh, and e-mags are dead sexy... that is style and function in one package! for a regular ir3, there not to pretty either

11-09-2002, 03:58 PM
Best bang for the Buck --- Tippman Prolight , Under $100 used about $150 if you can find them new, will almost never leave you on the sidelines due to a break, I've never had one jam, not to rough on paint. My prolight has put more Angels in the dead box than Angels putting me there. Rember People a Newbi with a $2000 gun is still a newbi, with a 5c paint splat on his mask:D

11-09-2002, 08:24 PM
yeah man, Bob Long does shoot an Intimidator.....
he doesn't shoot a GZ Timmy, but he does shoot an Intimidator....

they're all about equal, Dark Angels are not worth the extra $$$ IMHO..... I would flip a coin with the Angel and the GZ, the all Bushmasters and Impulses are just too freakishly tall for my tastes...

also, virtually every electro out there is the basic Spyder stacked tube body shape, why should that matter as long as it has a ram and not a sear-tripping grip???

02-22-2003, 07:40 PM
if you're talking high-end (not bang-for-the-buck), then take a look at the e-orracle... such a sweet gun. I like that it has the proven operating system of a cocker- with all the parts already upgraded- plus the speed/functions of an electro. it shoots so dang fast. check it out.

02-22-2003, 09:16 PM
im saying bushy's. They are very under rated, known as the poor man's angel. They run at a low preasure, not too big, and are not hard on the wallet. Id say get a 2k3 with pds, get some vapor and sonic mods and you have a nice gun.

02-23-2003, 06:25 PM
If you can obtain one, go with the timmy! Have you shot any of these? The IR3 is sweet, if you can afford it, get one, but bang-for-buck wise, I'd say the timmy is your best bet. Try to shoot it before you buy it.

02-23-2003, 06:45 PM
i know some of aftershock personally (bruno, danny,and a couple others) they shoot the bushy down at ccp.

Its the lightest electro on the market, and it is fast as hell.


02-23-2003, 07:21 PM
biggest bang for a buck is a low end gun. All high end guns give better performance but not to the point where you need to pay 10 times as much than a lower end gun.