View Full Version : bolt will not fit all the way on tube

11-02-2002, 10:57 PM
problem: the last 1/8" of the superbolt piston gets stuck down in the power tube.

I have only been able to get the gun to fire one time. uno. 1. the time it did fire the trigger went severely limp. after that i removed the guts from the power tube and this is where i descovered the piston was sticking. from what i can tell, either the bolt was machined wrong, or i have a really old mag. i'm voting for the latter of these situations. I bought it this year from the C.O.P warehouse, it was a used field gun and the serial number is FG38321.

AGD, I'm guessing you don't make two versions of the bolt so what should i do? we have a machine drill bit set which my brother suggested i use to "slightly enlare the hole", and i do mean slightly, within .001". OR, would you be willing to exchange my valve assembly. I really dont feel like sending my gun in so you can tell me its too old. I know shes been around the block, but she still deserves a new wanger.

11-02-2002, 11:26 PM
I'm assuming it's a level 10 your talking about. did you put the bolt bumper back on? what are your settings? the bolt stem might have shifted, see that it measures 2.010" from tip to front of bolt.

11-03-2002, 12:28 PM
yes and yes. the settings dont really matter becaue i took everything out of the tube, with the new tip on and off, and it still sticks. nevertheless, i have tried just about every setting possible before i discovered the problem, different size carriers, 0-4 spacers, lengthening the sear arm, and nothing worked. then it fired once, and i discovered the problem. the reason the gun fired one time is because i assembled it using the stock spearing, and it didn't push on the bolt hard enough to get it stuck, until it recocked.

I measured the bolt with some calipers and the length is definately not the problem, 2.01" near as i can tell. with the bumper on and the bolt not suck, the gap between the back of the bolt and the bumper is right about 3/32".

if someone doesn't mind, i'd like to know about how big the hole is(at the smallest diameter) in the power tube. does the stem have a precise fit or is there plenty of room for it to move?

thanks for the feedback Havoc

11-04-2002, 08:35 AM
I had the same problem with my PTP micro emag and the level 10.

the problem is that over time, your mag developed "burrs" on the washer in the mainbody. You have to lightly...LIGHTLY sand the washer in that mainbody down just a tiny little bit. I ran 80 grit sandpaper over my mainbody washer in my micro e for just less than a minute, and then my level 10 bolt fit just fine.

no biggie, and it comes as a result of long happy use of a mag. Try that and see what happens.

11-04-2002, 01:33 PM
alee is right. This happened to my RTPro. Just sand lightly that washer on the inside, and you should be good to go.

11-06-2002, 09:58 AM
thats cool, its good to know that AGD isn't pulling that crap with changing model specs half way through production, at least not in my situation. Thanks for the feedback, its working great now. well, mostly, it still needs some fine tuning.

11-06-2002, 06:55 PM
just so you know, if you send in just your valve, theyll know exactly how old it is, because of the serila number is on the valve :)