View Full Version : Strangest Paintball gun in the world!

11-03-2002, 10:37 AM
I just found this one and it's features look good but the gun looks fugly.

This is what the site says:

Faster Than Your Marker
An Incredible 23 Balls Per Second!

Lower Pressure Than Your Marker
Functions at only 80psi - unbelievable efficiency - 1500+shots with a 68cu 3000psi !

Lifetime Limited Warranty
Designed with easy maintenance in mind - Only One internal moving part that Will NEVER Wear Out!

Adjusts Easier Than Your Marker
Push Button Electronic Velocity and Rate of Fire Adjustments - the first of it's kind ! (No more Allen Keys needed)

- Modular design for endless upgrades
- Dual Regulators
- CO2 or Nitrogen
- Adjustable Trigger Group
- Adjustable Feed Port For Left or Right Hand Warp Feed
- Optional upgrades include:
- high performance solenoid
- vertical reg supercharger
- tactile anti-chop eye
- voice recognition module
- online programmable downloads
- upgrade triggers (coming soon - floating trigger)
- high performance spool valve
- recoilless breech (allows use of cocker barrels &
increases rate of fire)
- Upgrade select fire EPROM


11-03-2002, 10:43 AM

11-03-2002, 10:48 AM
too bad this has been posted atleast 6 times!!!!!!!!!!!

and actually i like how it looks so there!!

11-03-2002, 10:49 AM
NOOOooooooo thought i was the first!!!!:( (sniff,sniff):(

11-03-2002, 10:51 AM

11-03-2002, 11:20 AM
Who cares what it looks like, with 1500+ shots off a 68/3000 id buy it in a heart beat.

11-03-2002, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Ariestsheft
Who cares what it looks like, with 1500+ shots off a 68/3000 id buy it in a heart beat.
And claims mean little.....

All I will say is please do your research first, not all is as claims state they are. ;)

11-03-2002, 11:26 AM
Yea like AGD's E-Mag going 20 bps? pshh. That is SUCH B.S.!!!:rolleyes:

11-03-2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by personman
Yea like AGD's E-Mag going 20 bps? pshh. That is SUCH B.S.!!!:rolleyes:
...what does that have to do with this other marker? The E-mag's claims have been PROVEN... thus they are no longer claims, but FACT. However, in most cases huge claims fall WAY short of the truth when it comes to the Paintball Industry…. Like it or not.

If you look around AO, and read the other thread about this same marker, you will see there may be more to the story than what it may first look like. And I for one would like at least SOME proof of their claims aside from their own published statements before saying how great their marker is according to ONLY their word.

I still stand by my statement.... make sure all claims are verified before buying into them. And you know what? That is true for AGD products as well. However, AGD puts it proof right out in the open.

Personman, would you care to elaborate on your post? Or was that a weak attempt at a drive by flame?

11-03-2002, 11:47 AM
Added so folks would not think I edited my other post…..

And 1500 shots in itself is NOTHING. How consistent are your shots? What is the velocity set at? I can get my RTP to shoot well over that…. IF I don’t care how far the balls will go. ;)

11-03-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Personman, would you care to elaborate on your post? Or was that a weak attempt at a drive by flame?
Actually that was sarcasm :D

11-03-2002, 12:27 PM
am i the only person that a. acually caught the joke b. thought it was funny?

11-03-2002, 12:30 PM
I caught the sarcasm right off. But my point is that in direct relationship to my post, it was VERY misplaced. But obviously that was missed. :rolleyes:


11-03-2002, 12:53 PM
no offense or anything sam, but you sure do like to find the negative in everything and make it shine

11-03-2002, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by MrMag
no offense or anything sam, but you sure do like to find the negative in everything and make it shine

But what does THAT mean!?!?! You trying to start a fight?!?!?! Why I oughtah......


11-03-2002, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Ariestsheft
Who cares what it looks like, with 1500+ shots off a 68/3000 id buy it in a heart beat.
The AKA Viking and Excalibur get around that many shots as well. So do many properly upgraded Cockers. The Angel iR3 gets close to 1500 shots with a 68/3k.

11-03-2002, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by FeelTheRT

The AKA Viking and Excalibur get around that many shots as well. So do many properly upgraded Cockers. The Angel iR3 gets close to 1500 shots with a 68/3k.

No, AKA guns get about 1800+ off a 68/4500, which is still dang good. The iR3 is 1500 off a 4500 as well.

The War Machine gun is pretty much an electric Nova with some extra features. The only version i'd consider would be the upgraded design that takes Cocker barrels.

11-03-2002, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by confedman75
am i the only person that a. acually caught the joke b. thought it was funny?

I got a, but not b.
anyways, i think its fake!
also, how would it be tourny legal?

11-03-2002, 06:31 PM
im looking forward to getting one and trying it out

wish me luck....

11-03-2002, 06:41 PM
I will to if its under 600

11-03-2002, 07:02 PM
how can you guys piss away money like that? how much do you make hourly or yearly!!!???!!!!???!!!?? man too many rich people on these forums

11-03-2002, 07:11 PM
lol. forgot to mention I would sell my angel 1st

Jack & Coke
11-04-2002, 03:02 AM
Neat looking gun :)

I found this: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43229&highlight=mayhem+and+warp



nicad wrote:
-the mayhem's bolt moves instead of the barrel
100psi operating pressure
angel threaded feed tube
cocker threaded barrels
closd bolt (good/bad/ugly.. it just is)
very light weight.
gas HOG.
chops.. would cut a finger off.
slow (8bps max)

anyways.. thats the rundown of Mayhems. there is a very small handfull of us who are trying to modify it to make it better in some regards. from chopless to faster to less gass hog..

oh yes and BTW- for those of you who thought stiking your fringer in a non lvl10 mag was bad news.... heres what about .2 seconds in a mayhem can do. the pen is (was) pretty hard plastic with a rubber sleeve..


Is this "warmachine gun" anything like the Mayhem?

11-04-2002, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke

Is this "warmachine gun" anything like the Mayhem?

They both look fugly!:p

11-04-2002, 05:03 PM
correct me if im wrong here, but i believe the mayhem was a nova-ish gun. if that is correct, then, yes the two have a lot in common. the WarMachine is a 4th Generation Nova. it can either have a reciprocating barrel or bolt(bolt costs more)

Jack & Coke
11-04-2002, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
...it can either have a reciprocating barrel or bolt...

Does the reciprocating barrel or bolt still do this?


11-11-2002, 01:22 PM
i dunno. i would buy one. it depends on the cost though and how well they preform.

11-11-2002, 01:31 PM
kevmaster...ur gonna let me shoot it if you do buy one right? RIGHT?!:D

11-11-2002, 02:41 PM
Does anyone know what the estimated MSRP will be?

12-27-2002, 04:09 AM
Our airsmith got one of these and was not impressed. Breaking paint, velocity was a pain to adjust(yes it does have pushbutton adjustment), and other problems I forgot. He messed with the gun for like two days straight and sent it back. It had some good points but I don't see these taking off.

12-27-2002, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by personman

It looks like a 'Mag is ya ask me :D

12-27-2002, 01:23 PM
stop flaming, this gun works as advertised, I've seen it

12-27-2002, 02:08 PM
i betcha that gun would sell real good if..... IT DIDNT LOOK SO DAMN UGLY! :( too bad for the company.

12-27-2002, 10:15 PM
Thank's for letting me know about this marker,
if I see one at my field the owner will be told
to park it for the day. Why? Because of that handy
Pushbutton Velocity Adjustment, No More Allen Wrench's
Too Easy To Cheat on the field.
We have enough problem's on the field, without having
to deal with that.
Rick :eek:

BTW it just look's like a Souped up Nova,
the gun that blow's an O-Ring and goes to
Full Tank Pressure and shoot's it's barrel out.
Rick :eek:

12-27-2002, 10:31 PM
uh, the pushbutton thing might be set in a recesed hole in the body so you cant up the velocity on the field, u'd have to use a allen key to push the button, kinda like adjusting the dwell on a cricket board imp

12-28-2002, 01:42 AM
Prove it to Me
and I might let you use it.
Rick :eek:

12-28-2002, 01:53 AM


If ya ask me I think the new gun looks better than a mag :p

12-28-2002, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by FESTUS33
Prove it to Me
and I might let you use it.
Rick :eek:

quiet you, the thing has a tourney lock on it anyways so it doesnt matter.

12-28-2002, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by strongboy2005
If ya ask me I think the new gun looks better than a mag :p

C'mon! If you're going to compare the looks of a BRAND NEW gun, compare'em to a BRAND NEW MAG!!!


Apples to Apples, my friend. It's only fair! :D

Later ~ Jonesie

12-28-2002, 03:55 AM
My vote is for the X-mag :):)::):):)

Little Matt
12-28-2002, 04:08 PM
I feel sorry for that pen. That lookd paintfully.

yeah, I don't see these guns taking off anytime soon.


12-28-2002, 08:11 PM
The barrels only shoot off if you dont have them in right/the o-rings that seal the bvreach are worn. but yeah, an o-ring goes and so does the gun. as an owner of 2 novas, i would not recomend it. learn from my mistake. as for the shot count, that is believable. the nova has an extreamly efficient valve, and you can easily get 1500-1700 shots out of a 20 oz with a nova, and if they did some improvement on the original design, it could easily get that many shots from a 68 3k. but with the recipricating barrel, you will not be able to shoot that fast. too much moving mass. perhaps 11 bps max.

the nova was a cool design, but unfortunatly there wasnt aenough attention to detail. the mayhem, wich is the other gun pictured is another neat design, but again, there are design flaws, mainly the return spring and blowback/chopping that occurs from the blowforward design (sound familiar to anyone? now put a heavier spring in your mag and feed it some not too perfect paint.) with something like a leval 10 kit and some noise dambening in the solinoid, it might be worth it.

12-29-2002, 12:45 AM
After all is said and done, this thing is just another Nova!!! Also, "push button velocity adjustment"?? Is it just me that is troubled by this, or is that every cheater's wet dream come true??

05-15-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by toymyster
After all is said and done, this thing is just another Nova!!! Also, "push button velocity adjustment"?? Is it just me that is troubled by this, or is that every cheater's wet dream come true??

Think about this, already you can cheat by reprogramming boards to behave differently during a game and during chrono testing.

With this thing, change how it behaves AND the velocity it fires at with a stealth reprogramming of the board.:(

05-15-2003, 03:16 PM
the marker barely works at 80psi. my teamamtes manual says put the pressure to 250-280

anyhigher it'll leak out the front solenoid, most likely blowing it. then you gotta adjust that. which is a pain in the nuts.