View Full Version : what makes a good paintball team captain?

11-03-2002, 11:26 AM
Lately I've been questioning my ability to be a good captain for our team. So what is more important to have in a captain, Skill, honesty, the ability to make hard decisions, or to know how the game is played(whatever that means)

11-03-2002, 12:16 PM
IMO, and this applies to everyting, a balanced combination.

11-03-2002, 12:32 PM
You also are the advocate between your team and the referees. As a captian you are the one that must talk to the head ref when you feel you have had unfair calls etc.

11-03-2002, 07:44 PM
Being a captain is a tough position. It takes all those things you mentioned, and more. If your team is made up your friends, you have to be able to put your friendships aside, and make calls that are good for the team. You have to command respect, and make sure your players understand that all your decisions come from what you see, and from the dedication they give to the team. If a player doesn't consistantly show up, he doesn't play.

If a player doesn't hack it at any given position, some one will. You have to listen, but dont be over run by opinions, and the "what I think we should do is.."

Most important you have to learn to see the game in a manner that others dont. Your best calls will capitalize on the little things that dont seem obvious to other people. You have to be willing to sacrifice your self a little to fill in where your team falls short. They will respect that and eventually attempt to do the same.

I'm the captain of a small 8 man team running a 5 man format. I've never been in a position where I had to deal with more drama and BS than as a captain. Every week I handle things from a billion phone calls, to who needs gun help. My teammates and I have come a long way, but without a strong captain I dont think we would be where we are. I can only comfortably say that cause my team recognizes that and they tell me that. I'm sure some one else can be our captain, but at least I feel I'm doing my best. And thats all you can really hope for.

Just my $.02

11-04-2002, 01:16 AM
I only have 1 of my good friends on the team, and the rest are friend that I havn't kown for more than three months. I only pick people who are dedicated and have a good amount of skill, and also have a good attitude.