View Full Version : i went to bostonpaintball's new field this weekend

11-03-2002, 12:43 PM
yah, so i went on saturday with a few of my friends and i think that's gonna be my new hangout spot. i took some pictures that i'll post up tomorrow. they didn't sell any mags in their store though. the rental guns are pirahnas with compressed air and the brass eagle z leader mask. i took pics of those too. when i went there were 2 teams of 2 there with jerseys and everything. the first team had angels and the other team had cockers. there were about 16 of us all together and when they were dividing up the teams, the angel guy said "how about us four vs all of them?" well, they did that, and the four man team killed us. i couldnt' do crap with the pirahna against them. they were unloading paint on us from every direction like crazy. the whole day i was only eliminated 3 times, all of them were by this 1 guy w/ an angel. and he always hit my back. i think that's the most painful hit. my friend took one to the bottom of his chin...broke skin.

well, pics will be up later.

11-03-2002, 02:15 PM
i work for boston in the salisbury branch (closed for the season now). im gonna head to the new field sometime. maybe i'll see ya there! i can take some of the guys that work there. havent seen the field yet though. maybe i'll see ya at the big game. if ya ever see a punk 16 year old with a green JT ize flex-7 mask, JT charcoal flame jersey, and a black mag (described below) gimme a shout!

11-03-2002, 02:40 PM
Yeah, I was there on sat. What time were you there. Cause, uh...we did a 4 on 16 thing too, but I don't think I was playing against you ever. It was me, mossman, and 'the angel kid'. Sweet field good time. I can't wait for NEPL nights.

11-03-2002, 02:58 PM
this feild sounds pretty sweet, i usally play in this privite feild some friends and i set up. Does the Boston Paintball feild get real over run? I went to Friendly Fire Upton once and there were a ton of people, at least 70 on 70. I'll have to hed up to the BP feild sometime soon.

11-03-2002, 05:20 PM
Reed - I think he was there before us. The angel Tim is bobby something on AIM :)

But in the 4v14 game the 4 team WON, so it wasnt us :) Getting destroyed and overshot and winning are 2 different things :)

Anyways, it was fun. Expensive, but fun. Too many newB's for my taste, but fun :)

I'll be back when i have too much money that I dont know what to do with it all...or for the NEAO day 2 :)

11-03-2002, 06:35 PM
i may make it up there this winter sometime..... unless the indoor that was out my way reopens in a new location... (blasted target pushing them out of the mall).........

but if we have an ao day there thats another story...... we will see though =)

11-03-2002, 06:53 PM
ill have to make it there during the winter. indoor? also what is the location of it?

11-03-2002, 07:48 PM
Can you guys let us know what they're using for field paint and what the per case price is? I'd like to try it sometime if it's not outrageously priced.

11-03-2002, 08:22 PM
80 bucks for 2000 pballs.

i was there from 11:30 to like 3.


11-04-2002, 02:23 PM
http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 001.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 002.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 003.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 004.jpg

11-04-2002, 02:24 PM
http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 005.jpg

that's me in the middle w/ "o neil" on my shirt.

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 006.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 007.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 008.jpg

11-04-2002, 02:26 PM
http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 010.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 011.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 012.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 013.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 014.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 015.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 016.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 017.jpg

http://illscribe.renegadelinux.com/pics/bostonpaintball nov 2 02/blah 018.jpg

11-04-2002, 03:07 PM
Basically what I want to know is how the games were run. Are the refs friendly, are they bad or good? Is there ample(sp?) playing time? How well are the fields set up(when I looked at the pictures it looked somewhat crowded with all the pillars and what not)? Also, what kind of paint is the field paint(so we know what kind to smuggle in because $80 is WAAAY to much for a case of Big Ball :D). And I guess my main concern is did you have fun? If were going hold another AO NE day there I think we should at least know if its worth all the money everyone is going have to spend for a day there. Let us know.

11-04-2002, 04:54 PM
field looks pretty sick. i havent played on a sup in a while. whoever has the red angel musta sucked! one handing?!?!? what the hell? anyhoo in the salisbury branch we had PMI premium for field paint, ima guess its the same here. we had the same tanks and guns for rent there also. my question is what are the floors? every indoor place ive ever been to had about 3" of sawdust-muddle-shell-paint covering the floor, looks pretty tidy here. cant wait to play it myself!

11-04-2002, 04:59 PM
yea i was the angel kid that reed was talking about. although it wasnt me who wrecked you guys
cuz we got plastered with paint and bonus balled(my angel wasnt running too hot *(broken detent). "sit on your ego!" the refs are alright, if a little tierd at 9pm. great field. AONE! we should rent the place out!

11-04-2002, 05:04 PM
i can answer your questions ;)

VW kid, 1st off, there is a time and a place for 1 handing :)

OK - field paint - it varied.
I went early and got Nel-Splat. Got same stuff the week before online for 35 shipped. LOL
My buddies got there later and got Bigball. Same stuff u can buy for 51 in the store
Still later they were giving out PMI premiums. I got kinda mad at this point, as it was around 2x as good as the stuff i got, but I overall had no complaints with the nelsplat. Shot straight and i broke 1 ball in the tip of my barrel all day.

The refs did their job. They had 2, and they needed about 6 to get a hold of the situation. They yelled at you for doing just about anything, but it wasn't "angry" yelling, it was "thats what im supposed to do" yelling.

The only flaws were: Price (duh), newbies to decent people ratio, and lack of chronostation/ area where you can dry fire. Seriously, if you're gun goes down here you cant do ANYTHING cuz they yell at you if you're gun goes off before they say 3-2-1-GO. need to fix that.

All in all i had a great day and the field is great and can make a game with waaay to many people ok. Field can adapt to a 15v15 or a 3v3...whatever you wanna play. Granted, the middle ground, like 5v5 is most fun.

I enjoyed myself :)

11-04-2002, 05:16 PM
the ground was a slippery carpet. very easy to slide. they said that every month they have a cleaning service come in to clean the carpet.

and that guy with the angel was owning everybody..

11-04-2002, 05:26 PM
I actually think they're in the middle of settin up a chrono station. From what i saw (right accross from the fill/paint window) was another area that was under construction. It would make a SWEET chrono aread so i'm sure that'll be it. If not, i'll reccomend it ;)

11-04-2002, 05:30 PM
Ya- i sure hope so. I wanted to change around springs/carriers or go back to level 7 so that i could shoot fast w/o bolt stick....but they wouldnt let me dry fire 1 time...let alone however many hundreds it would take to get it set up how i like it

bastads... :)

Side note - for an AO day we SO need to rent the whole field or we just cant have it there. They need to let everyone who is there play every game they are ready for....and that just wouldn't fly for AO day. Too many thugs who dont quite get the "Get hit....you're out" idea. I agree, as a newbie it gets pretty overwhelming. There are soooooo many rules, how can you remember to leave the game after you get hit? Too much to ask if you ask me....too bad you weren't

11-04-2002, 10:09 PM
VW kid, 1st off, there is a time and a place for 1 handing
western shootout??? im pretty sure thats the only other time thats acceptable unless... nevermind, im not gonna argue, u guys just play however it is you want. i cant wait to go!