View Full Version : ANS valve question

11-03-2002, 03:34 PM
i have an ANS Phase II regulator half on my minimag valve, will AGD still rebuild my valve for the $45 rebuild fee?

or will the ANS valve make me unable to have it rebuilt?

i am looking to buy the stock minimag regulator half for my valve because the ANS one is a heavy @$$ piece of stainless steel, if any of you have one for sale or trade, contact me

thanks for the help AO members

-sneaky :)

11-04-2002, 09:30 PM
I don't believe they will. Sorry bud.:(

11-04-2002, 11:20 PM
no service at all? even for the $45-65 fee?

11-05-2002, 12:42 AM
Just a sec, I'll check the warranty policy for ya :)

Ok, here's the direct quote:

We will no longer fix markers for free either under the limited warranty or the star warranty if the marker has an aftermarket part and/or accessory that causes a problem. Some examples of modifications and/or parts that can cause problems include:

a. painted mainbodies
b. two finger triggers (other than our own)
c. wooden grips
d. aftermarket valve assembly parts (automatic rebuild fee)
e. aftermarket o-rings and seals
f. aftermarket bolts (especially Venturi bolts)
g. aftermarket on/off assemblies

And here's the link:

11-05-2002, 04:13 PM
d. aftermarket valve assembly parts (automatic rebuild fee)

ah ha! so i can get it rebuilt, but have to pay the fee?

11-05-2002, 04:50 PM
call AGD...they can tell you for sure...

here is RobAGD's sig by the way:

Serving AGD customers since 1993, wishing I could beat some common sence into some them about 5 hrs later

Meet my minions, Are you SURE you wantto put those aftermarket parts in your mag now ?

just a little food for thought

11-05-2002, 04:54 PM
i recieved the mag in a trade... and the ANS valve was already on it, im gonna go retro in january when my birthday come around.. so then i'll be fine...

worst part is about this valve its so f*ckin old!!!

it has the old arse 1 piece on/off assembely... PRE LEVEL 7!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :( :eek:

11-05-2002, 08:10 PM
those valves are pretty useless and the stock reg back is just as heavy.