View Full Version : Halloween Mischief Anyone?

11-03-2002, 08:34 PM
I was just wondering what all you guys did for Halloween. Any good stories? I didnt really do anything besides consume massive amounts of Jim Bean in my dorm room and then proceed to make an *** out of myself. As a joke I was gonna be a water polo player but after drinking and going and getting all wet in the I took of my clothes put on my speedo and polo cap and walked around the dorm with a blanket flashing people. Hahaha. Later when the cops came and raided a room with people drinking in it I got the brillant idea to introduce myself to them. Me in my speedos walking up to the cop, shaking his hand and saying "hello officer im not drunk." Hahaha so so so lucky that I didnt get an MIP. Any other stories that can top that? Lets here them.

11-03-2002, 08:52 PM
Heh. Most cops'll cut you some slack when you do that. Just so long as you don't be an *** & you're not stumbling around half-passed out.

No mischief this year :( :mad:

11-03-2002, 09:01 PM
nothing, im not mch into that kinda stuff. but some scumbags shot some peeps w/ pball guns in the town next to mine and the news asked my boss to do an interview, it got 2 minuetes of air time on friday @6 o clock, so free publicicty, portraid paintball in a possitive light. the funny thing is the news called our local proshop, who for a while hated us ( the field) the proshop toldem to call my boss. an my boss was down at hogans ally in CT and rushed up her to do an interview and a camera followed one of the guys around the fields in a staged 1 man game! so atleast we gave Pball some good rep. and the news actualy wanted our side of the story you know they wernt out to get rid of our sport and they seamed to like the game alot.... if only they had come on saterday and taped/ played with the 37 people at the field, then see how awsome it is.

11-03-2002, 10:26 PM
dry ice bombs and tp'ing.

i hope none of you shot people with your pb guns

11-03-2002, 10:47 PM
I chased all the trick or treaters that came to my door away with a chainsaw (no blade :rolleyes: ) They would start crying some of them! One group of kids all dressed as ninjas dropped there candy right in front of me and ran down the street! Never so them again :D

11-05-2002, 02:33 AM
love the dry ice bombs

11-06-2002, 03:26 PM
Yeah, dry ice bombs are awsome. Just need to find something big enough to clog the opening to a 5 gallon water jug bottle then I will have made the ultimate dry ice bomb:D . Everytime we've tried it the pressure just blows the cap off. Oh well, this halloween sucked. Was going to go to a concert but it got cancelled and the cops were out it force in Renton so we couldn't go do anything "fun".