View Full Version : all ao members i need 3 front players....

brian terry
11-04-2002, 06:40 PM
ok guys and girls i need 3 front players for 10 man nppl next yr .maybe some 5man as well.u need to have played 5 or 10 man tournament and be able to get to the tournament.ALL PAINT AND HOTEL AND INTRY FEES ARE COVERD.all you pay is your way to get to the tournament and food.i need people that talk and can make it to there bunkers.right now we are looking at a few people .email me and let me know what you have played and what teams you played for.we will have tryouts befor the nppl 2003 starts.but now we are just looking for front players....all

11-04-2002, 07:03 PM
sounds like a sweet deal. wish i could help you out but i tend to play back and have no tourney experience, kinda misses all the criteria. hope you find somebody and do good next year.

11-04-2002, 07:14 PM
me and my friends would love to come play

Where are you from?

aim is TheEmagGuy

11-04-2002, 08:45 PM
someone pays for my paint i can play any position..but i am only 16,and couldnt make it to the tournys...good luck anyway...

11-04-2002, 09:20 PM
My Kid will talk to you about all of this this weekend... he may email you and you can get to meet him.

11-05-2002, 08:57 AM
Wow! Sweet deal! If I had more tourny exerience I'd so be there, otherwise I meat all the requirments :D

But brian if you are stuck and need someone, I'm going to be playing in a couple of tourney next summer so I will have some experience by the nppl. And getting to the nppl is no problem for me, just tell when and where it is. email me [email protected]

11-05-2002, 09:40 AM
oh man, im assuming wed hate to make all events?? damn. id LOVE to do that...argh

11-05-2002, 08:47 PM
i got 2 brras that could be on the team two bad your all the way across the state

11-13-2002, 12:28 AM
Hey Brian, You Know that myself and the rest of the of the kids are down for playin with you anytime. We missed out on the ten man at world cup with you, but any time in the future you need us for some ten man we will be there.

11-13-2002, 12:40 AM
Brian, Also we may need you as a fifth guy at Mardi Gras if you are going, or any one else that is going to Mardi Gras let me Know!

11-13-2002, 12:46 AM
Now if only I wasn't 13, I had a gun, I had enough money to fly down for all those tournaments, My parents would allow me to miss that much school, and if only I had played in any tourneys before.

If that would happen I'd be happy... ofcourse it won't :(

Now if I could convince my parents to let me skip over a month of school to go play at some tourneys sure... let me know if you need a mid, unless I can lose some L-B's and work out a lot more, I doubt I'll be playing front anytime soon, but I'm a dedicated player and would be willing to do all this although again this will never happen :confused:

Ah well, good luck to you guys, you should be Team I Ate All The Pies unless Tom copyrighted it, but wait... he's too nice to copyright anything :D