View Full Version : Weird request for all of you surfing automaggers! (Web Design Q)

Duke Henry
11-04-2002, 11:20 PM
O.K., I hope that I can have the same success with this weird request that I had with a previous weird request. Immediately after posting my request, I figured out what I needed and still received great help!

Anyway, here is my dillemma: I agreed to spend some of my spare time to help a local team with their website. Now, after showing the guys how to set up a database, and educating them on the basics of web design (from what I know, lol) I was asked to overhaul their navigation menu.

So, I have been thinking about how I could make a cool navigation bar. Now, the guys have a lot of links, and don't want to cut down their list. So, I threw out my idea to pull off a simple rollover effect like that seen on Dye's site. Not enough room.

So, I have thought of using a javascript rollover effect that will display a rollover image in a specific navigation window, where a unique image will be shown for where you mouse on the screen. So, that is decided upon.

However, here is the meat of my dillemma: I want to come up with a navigation menu that will look cool. Sounds simply enough, but I vaguely remember seeing a site or two that had futuristic type navigation menus. It is tough to explain, but the nav bar was "steel-like" and had push panels, not really buttons. The panels were of all different shapes, like jazzed up parallelograms and whatnot. The entire panel set would snap together like a jigsaw puzzle, with certain panels being links to other parts of the site.

I have looked for the sites that I thought used this type of scheme, but can't find anything in the past few days. If anyone could find such a site, or recommend something else - I would be in your debt!


Duke Henry
11-05-2002, 08:54 AM

Duke Henry
11-05-2002, 06:24 PM
please, don't make me beg....
