View Full Version : Who would you play at QB if you were the Vols?

11-05-2002, 08:17 PM
in my opinion, i would still play clausen over Banks..he doesnt have the experience that the vols needs. if banks works on his arm he would be awesome..what u all think??

11-05-2002, 08:18 PM
I'd prefer you guys play your waterboy when you play us=)

Last game of the year at Adelphia baby. Too bad I can't go....=(

11-05-2002, 08:24 PM
Me, I'd play Jim Bob Cooter!!

He's a walk-on. Check the Roster, he's real! From what I hear, not a buttcracker like Clausen. I really hate being around Clausen, he's such a prick.

Oh, and Vandy's gonna get spanked, HARD. Period. :D

11-06-2002, 08:03 PM
u go to UT? i think clausen in pretty good..who would u play though if u were fulmer? banks or clausen? i would play clausen..lol, i asked my mom and she said that she would play him because of his looks..haha

11-06-2002, 09:12 PM
Yeah I do. I think we've been through this before tho ;)

As much as I hate to admit it, I'd play Clausen. He's got the hot hand. Banks doesn't have the experience yet.

Although I'd really love to see Jim Bob Cooter get some playtime.

11-06-2002, 09:38 PM
Oh, and Vandy's gonna get spanked, HARD. Period.

Why all the hate, huh? We can't help it we suck at football....

And we get to play Florida this week. FUN..........

11-06-2002, 10:30 PM
Being from Nashville & having to put up with Vandy is depressing. I was born and raised on UT.

It's ok. We can play, but you guys can graduate :D

11-07-2002, 02:41 AM
Heh. I was born in Alabama, raised in Mobile, so I'm a diehard Bama fan. So it's all good=)

And about graduating--we're just like any other college. We have some people that really try to and do well, and those that drink every night and end up flunking out.

Although, it probably is rare to have 5 people on the football team with 1600 SAT scores... (I'm pretty sure that's how many there are...)

11-07-2002, 09:56 AM
Vandy might not have a good sports program, but I tell you what they have something that not many Southern colleges have. The are a highly national regonized southern college. Other then Duke, I would say they are the best if not one of the best.

Ok back to sports. I heard that at the Vandy Bama game there was more Bama fans then Vandy fans, is this correct?

Also I would play Clausen. To take a quote from him and reverse it. If I wouldn't of played in the Bama game, we would of won. (Taken from the georgia quote) :p

11-07-2002, 10:29 AM
Definately Clausen he just has more experience. Banks will be good next year when he gets some more games under his belt.

I go to UT also, and Clasuen is a dick, but this girlfriend is hot.

11-07-2002, 11:09 AM
That's true at just about Every vandy game. For example, when we (UT) play Vandy Away, it's still a home game becasue we have more fans than they do. Always. And this is normally in their own stadium :D

Although the last couple away games have been played in the Coliseum (Home of the Titans) and these still end up being a Home game for UT. From a fan standpoint ;)

11-07-2002, 06:07 PM
Ok back to sports. I heard that at the Vandy Bama game there was more Bama fans then Vandy fans, is this correct?

Oh man... You have no idea. At least 70% of the stadium was Bama. I'm not even counting myself since I go to Vandy but am a Bama fan....lol The two sides of the stadium got in screaming matches about which could scream Bama the loudest. It was a bit embarrassing.

Our entire student section was absolutely surrounded by a sea of crimson. 'Twould have been nice, but none of my friends came up, so I was actually cheering for us to at least score. I've never gone to the UT game. It's always the weekend right before Thanksgiving, so I always leave before it happens. Same this year, and even though I'm an RA this year, I'm still getting out of here way too soon to get to watch the game.

Ah well.

I still get to watch us get killed by UF Sat.

Vandy might not have a good sports program, but I tell you what they have something that not many Southern colleges have. The are a highly national regonized southern college. Other then Duke, I would say they are the best if not one of the best.

Yeah, one of the main reasons I wanted to come here. A SEC school with growing international recognition in the academic world. The main difference I see between Duke and here (other than Duke being ranked much higher than us in most of the college polls.. *grumbles*) is that Duke seems to attract a lot more people from the north than we do (along with their base from NC). Granted, we have quite a few northerners here, but the majority are from the South. And Texas.

(sorry, the Texas thing is just an inside joke we have... it seems like every third person you talk to here is from Texas, and dern proud of it....)

11-07-2002, 06:28 PM
Texans are good people ;) I'm not, but I know a few...

You've yet to make it to a UT game, eh? Go if you ever get a chance. Welll... maybe not. But it's fun for us!

In all seriousness, it's gotta be ATLEAST 80% UT fans at those (in Nashville). Pretty wack...

11-07-2002, 06:36 PM
Go if you ever get a chance. Welll... maybe not. But it's fun for us!

Tell me again my motivation for staying in town an extra day to see UT spank us into the ground?:D

(edit--axeing my sig)

11-08-2002, 12:28 AM
Man that is awesome, hehe.

The reason I see Duke above Vandy is Duke is a public school and Vandy is a private school with a 30,000 a year tutition (or so)

11-08-2002, 12:48 AM
Uhh... so you can see real football?

Yeah, Vandy's tuition is absolutely Horrendous!

11-08-2002, 02:08 AM
Duke's private as well, with a tuition equal to, or maybe even a bit more than ours. Our tuition is actually around 25,000 a year, plus housing expenses and stuff push yearly cost to get here up over 32k. I'm not sure about any hikes in Duke's tuition because the last time I checked it out was 3 years ago when I was applying to schools...

To see real football, eh? You don't know how much I would have paid to have been at the UT-UA game... *innocent smile*

Come on, you guys are gonna kill us, I get to make one dig, right?

11-08-2002, 10:04 AM
I think the best thing about the UA/UT game was when the Nation could hear Ramma Jamma in probably one of the loadest stadiums in the country. I still am amazed at that.

11-08-2002, 01:38 PM
Yeah, you can get a cut in, but that won't help you after thanksgiving ;)

Bah. I'm still pissed about that. That's EASILY one of, if not the most depressing and disappointing moments I've ever had in Neyland (Stadium). Blarg.

11-08-2002, 05:50 PM
Hey we got our bowl game after thanksgiving, the Hawaii game hehehehe. We are calling it the screw you NCAA bowl.

So how loud was Ramma Jamma. :p

11-08-2002, 05:53 PM

Hey, screw you buddy! ;)

11-08-2002, 07:46 PM