View Full Version : Automags/Minimag Warp Bodies from AGD.

08-16-2001, 09:41 AM
Now you can get a Warp Body for your Auto/Minimag. AGD is making both mainbody versions with the shortened feed tube so you can use the standard length plug on the top and the warp feed hose on the bottom. We had a few at IAO and they were all polished. I don't know if they have any black ones or if they will do the same kind of exchange on them as with E-Mag Warp Bodies, but I just thought I'd let you all know that they do exist and if you're looking at getting a new mainbody to make your Warp setup easier and a smaller gun profile, call AGD and ask them about the Auto/Minimag mainbodies. No guarantees on them having some in stock, if they have black or if the have the same exchange on them as with the E-Mag body.

08-16-2001, 10:08 AM
Good news, good news!

I have been trying to order a Black HR Minimag body for several months but they are always out of stock at AGD's warehouse. The new Warp Feed body, along with a PTP bracket, should complete my set up nicely. Now I know where my tax rebate is going!

Keeping my fingers crossed for black...




By the way Black, nice shooting on Saturday! We definitely had some good teamwork action going on.

[This message has been edited by Yipe (edited 08-16-2001).]

08-16-2001, 06:33 PM

08-16-2001, 06:56 PM

08-16-2001, 08:38 PM
I would like to purchase a black rt pro style warp feed body right. My present body is a chrome power feed hopper left. I wonder how much it would cost? Black....?

RT Pro P/F
w/ AGD Flatline

08-16-2001, 10:15 PM
Well, I don't have a picture of AGD's polished Warp Mainbodies, but here is a pic of my MiniMag with a Warp Right Mainbody. This is what it will look like as compared to the long PF tube you currently have. This isn't a factory AGD Warp Body, but I milled off the feed tube on this Mainbody so it would be the same as a Warp Mainbody. This is a lefty gun, so it will look backwards to you (provided you are right-handed).

DarkPhoenix- Call AGD and see if they have what you are looking for. I don't work there, so I don't know what they have in stock or how much it will be.


08-16-2001, 10:21 PM
dude does ur warp feed tube go through the hopper if it does that is dumb no offense but u cant hold as many ball then

Here is what i got
-Chrome minimag
-Custom drop foward
-ACI BULLDOG nitro preset 68ci
-9v VL Green
-9v VL 1/2Black 1/2Clear
-12v VL 1/2Red 1/2Green
-Ronin 3-2 Stealth Pack
-Chrome lapco barrel
-stock barrel
-Double trigger
-SMARTPARTS wood grips
-Benchmark foregrip
-JT Flex-7 IZE Doo Doo Brown
-JT flex-7 graphite smoke mask
i got a spyder tl for sale talk to me if u want one

08-16-2001, 10:27 PM
The ten or so balls he can't fit in his hopper is off-set by the smaller profile. I've got a revy just like that and I'll bet you wont see much of me as I lean out to shoot.

"Relax. Don't worry. Have a Home Brew."
-Charlie Papazian

08-16-2001, 10:30 PM
You also have to remember, what he loses in the loader is made up by the warp. That hose that is running through the loader is filled with balls.

Jason "Muzikman" Beam

68 Automag
68 Automag (Pumpmag) w/ 6-Pak+
Automag RT


08-17-2001, 12:52 AM
Whoopty doo... Think a bit harder... Since there are balls in the tube, that area in the hopper where the tube is still has balls. It doesn't decrease the ball capacity by anymore than the thickness of the Warp hose. I could care less about 10 balls less capacity. If I get that low in a game something has gone wrong. That's why I carry pods. So no offense, but think harder before you criticize someone's setup.

08-17-2001, 06:53 AM
Hey Black, can you give me the exact measurement of what you cut off? Or how much to leave on. I'm gonna do this to mine too. I like the whole idea very much. TIA


08-17-2001, 07:10 AM
I assume these bodies will fit on RT Pro's, right?

08-17-2001, 09:26 AM
i called this morning
joanne (sorryif i spelled that wrong!) said they didnt have warp bodies for the regular mag/minimag yet. She said you could get a hopper right body and accomplish the same affect, which i already knew but she was very nice and helpful!

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag <---my automag

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag/wiringdiagram.jpg <--- Warpfeed Intellifeed diagram

08-17-2001, 09:51 AM
no these bodies wont fit the rt pro. the rt pro takes emag bodies which u can get in a warp feed edition from agd.

Team Recursion's Website (http://recursionpb.homestead.com/index.html)

08-17-2001, 12:58 PM
Well, that's odd that they said they didn't have any. Maybe Joanne doesn't know they have them yet, or are waiting to get more produced and then start selling them. Because at IAO we had a box with I think six of each. Automag and Minimag Warp Left mainbodies. They were all polished.

Also, you can do this yourself if you have the right tools and a tubing cutter isn't one of them. To do this, I used a vertical mill with a 5/16" end mill. Size of the end mill doesn't matter, you just need to mark your line right where you want to cut it.

Final length of the feed tube is 1.530" The feed tube should be cut so that your length from one end of the vent hole to the closest end of the feed tube and the other end of the vent hole to the end of the feed tube are equidistant. I cut the long side off a few thousandths so that I could use the set screws in the plug to fine tune the seating depth of it. If you cut it too long, your plug won't get over the edge of the feed tube and you'll have a lip you can't do anything about. You'll have to cut it again to shorten it up. Since you have to use the parabolic PF plugs and since they have the set screws, it's actually better to cut it a bit short.

To setup the mainbody to be cut, I clamped it in the vise so that the feed tube was along the Y-Axis parallel to the base of the mill, mainbody tube was along the X-Axis and the end mill came down from the Z-Axis. I moved the end mill across the X-Axis to cut off the feed tube and moved the knee up a reasonable amount for each cut. Move the knee up instead of the spindle down to cut the feed tube. You want to lock the spindle in as close to the Ram as possible for tool stability. Just take your time and pay attention to what you are doing. Make sure the mainbody is held tightly and use a bit of coolant since you're cutting SS.

If you have anymore questions, let me know.

08-17-2001, 04:50 PM
black vcg, i was wondering if it was difficult to get a grip on your foregrip with your right hand with your warp there. it seems like your forearm would be rubbing it alot but i could be wrong.

08-17-2001, 10:39 PM
You'd have to hold it for yourself to see, but the way I have it setup, my right hand touches nothing but the foregrip.

08-17-2001, 11:14 PM
That's great but what about us RT (old style) users?

Mikey Smith
About Paintball Dude
[email protected]

Lone Gunman
08-19-2001, 02:43 PM
Black, did you cut the hole in your Revvy or did you buy that half?

Lone Gunman

Elves are good.
Elves use duct tape.
Figure it out. <-- Note Period

08-19-2001, 02:59 PM
i counted how many balls the warp holds...its 21 so that more than makes up for the balls black has lost

Reactor Valve
BenchMark 2x
LabVert Adapter
Dye Gas Thru Grip
Dye 14 in Boomstick
Warp Feed
Stock Bolt
RT Valve
E-Lcd or hyper Frame
ANS Venturi
Some Sort of paint job
10in BoomStick

"our guns are better because we care enough to make them as good as we can. Now don't take my word for it, go over to the Spyder forum and ask the president of that company why his guns are better than Mags. When he gives you an answer come back here and tell us about it."
Tom Kaye

08-19-2001, 04:54 PM
Well actually the balls in the tube do nothing. the wheel is what works. Cuz if you have nothing in the wheel, nothing loads. Unless you want to turn your gun upside down and then kinda tilt it, and you'll be able to shoot those. But the paint in the tube just puches the other balls. If im wrong, correct me, but all I know is the balls in my tube dont do me much good. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

P.S. not trying to flame.


GO HERE!: <A HREF="http://wsnonline.8k.com" TARGET=_blank>http://wsnonline.8k.com

</A>The Witherspoon News! Sign the guestbook! It better than sunglasses, and twice as fragrent!

08-19-2001, 05:50 PM
hey black i got the same body as you but in a mag style what i mean as the same is by feed but anyways is there any way i can set that up like that bu still be able to shoot right handed

joey banks

68 chrome everything
retro valve
booyaah for sale
tear drop
max attack 3000 psi
9 converted 18 volt

11-08-2001, 03:13 PM
I just called AGD and they said they don't have warpbodies for guns besides the RTPro and the EMag! NO! If they in fact DID have some sort of exchange policy, and it was cheap I might have done it...:( Anyone know if they are going to have these soon? Or if anyone who has done the feedtube cutting would like to make a few bucks, Id pay for a warpbody conversion thingy!


11-08-2001, 03:50 PM
hey blackvcg, it looks like you have a right hand minimag to me ;). I just mirrored the picture for you and everone else to see.


11-08-2001, 06:15 PM
hey black... i got a question. how did u cut the revy? cause i might want to do that but i want a little instuction before i do

11-08-2001, 06:26 PM
Note that the hole in BlackVCG's hopper is going to be in a different location because of his Z-Grip. If you have a regular grip frame it should be more like this:

11-08-2001, 06:30 PM
I kinda like the cut he made in his revvy. That way if he sees his hopper empty, he still can shoot if neccesary and then reload. When I see my hopper empty, I usually get shot trying to reload or will run out and shoot blanks at people.

11-08-2001, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by nutz
hey black... i got a question. how did u cut the revy? cause i might want to do that but i want a little instuction before i do

I <I>carefully</I> used a Dremel. You can use a hole cutter, but you're best off using a drill press for this and not by hand.

11-09-2001, 01:03 AM
You all will have to get a vid of me doing on of these hole mods at a tourny :)

12v Dewalt and a 1" hole saw and a tight grip on the loader :)


11-09-2001, 01:22 AM
Well, you got that well exercised steady wrist.