View Full Version : want to help test paint?

11-06-2002, 11:41 AM
I had been working on a project to test paintballs for all different qualities so that i could start picking the best paint for the money. Well i have not had a chance to play paintball lately and it is looking less and less likely that i will be able to stick with the sport much longer. So I want to pass the project on to someone else so it will not be a waste of time. the major projects left are to take the weight of each ball and a group of balls, and measure the equator and axis of 10 balls from eash type. so you will need access to a accurate digital scale and calipers accurate to 1/1000 ". after that you can add any other test to the project and then you must do or find someone to put all the information onto spread sheets and make graphs of all the data. I dont care how it gets done or how many people work on it. But just make sure it gets done, I hate to see my time and money investment go to waste.

what I will do is send you all the information and paintballs i currently have. all yo do is finish the project. then post all the results so every one can use them. also post the information needed for other people to begin addign data to the project obviosly 1 sample of a cirtain ball is not enough. the more we get the better our chances of getting accurate data are.