View Full Version : Boo-yaah meets emag, my project

11-06-2002, 01:40 PM
Well guys, I got it working. This is a booyaah with a emag battery housing, intellified, and some replaced internals. The trigger pull on this is a lot more senstive than you can get on the original booyaah. I might get some other customizations for it, there is a port on the grip that you plug the intelifeed to. The I fixed all the problems that people contributed to the booyaah, short battery life is now longer not an issue, problems with the ReTro valve have been fixed, and just working on a mag has been fixed. I might redo it even more so by putting a different cylinoid and new frame for it. I tested it out earlier and yall should have heard this thing shoot. I am going to take it out tommarow to test it out in a game. LMK what yall think!

P.S. I have the cylinoid pulse length set to the lowest power :-)

11-06-2002, 01:59 PM
I've never seen or even thought of that before. BRAVO!!! BRAVO GOOD SIR INDEED. I had a friend of mine (he's also a Dedicated Cocker user, so I dont know whether to belive him, lol) Tell me that BOOYAH's on Mags tend to have an arseload of problems. Is there any truth to it?
Dude, I love that Mag. Surrender it, or die by the blade of microscopic Samurai! hahah Wheee.. AWAY!
::flies off:: :D

11-06-2002, 03:25 PM
good job hostage. that looks awesome!

11-06-2002, 04:20 PM
#1 problem of the Booyaah is the hand that holds it :-)

This is my second booyaah grip frame I sold the other one to a friend for a trade I couldn't refuse, so I got this one. They can be a pain the butt if you do not know what you are doing and it takes a good amount of knowledge to get it working well. There are many small issues that can be fixed. I can fix almost any problem with execept the pcboard. I am even thinking about playing with the software for it and making it shoot faster. As well as adding a blue indiglow backlight lcd.

Will Wood
11-06-2002, 04:36 PM
Sweet. Nice job on it.

11-06-2002, 06:52 PM
How did you mount that battery pack?

11-06-2002, 07:13 PM
So do you have the 18Vs of powr in the foregrip batt pack powering the boo-yah? Or are you just combining those batts AND the one inside the booyah? Do you have a voltage regulator on that puppy? wow, you da man!

11-06-2002, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by hostage
I am even thinking about playing with the software for it and making it shoot faster.

Do you know how to download the existing code from it? I have a hyperframe and I am assuming they are the same. I am using a 9.6 volt (8 AA batteries) NiMh battery pack for mine. How did you get the eMag battery pack to bolt on? Interesting idea. Sure looks good. :D

11-07-2002, 09:41 AM
I made a 9.6 using 8 AAAs, was a pain to make, but i got it to work :-) mounting took a pain. Though I am getting some AAAs with some welding tabs so I can connect them instead of taping. My prototype needs some parts to make it apply with standards, but it works well as it is. The AAAs were a tight fit and AA's will not fit to make up 9.6 I was thinking about making a 16.8 or a 12v with the batteries. Though I think I can only use the 9.6 due to the connector. If this works well I might start refurbishing and rebuilding booyaahs though I don't know how much I would be looking for. I have gotten many people's booyaahs working so I am not to worried about it. I can get it working with a ReTro too. Only problem is the emag batteries housings goes for 40 new, I got mine used. Though I can also place the batteries into a smaller forgrip which would make it more comfortable and less of a pain to mount. Well I will try to get the prices of parts and labor together to give an accurate quote Though it would require a Emag batter housing, extra frield strip screw, booyaah frame, and a classic body rail. If you can get that together then I can put all the upgrades in it.

11-07-2002, 01:50 PM
i will post simply my first comment

"your insane"

Temo Vryce
11-07-2002, 02:39 PM
Man that is nuts, it looks good, but it's still nuts.

11-08-2002, 03:56 PM
I took it out to the field and tested it put about ~600 rounds threw it. It was an overall sucess, I ran into a few problems, but fixed them or will get fixed.

List of problems

battery housing came loose: fixed, screwed fieldstrip screw in tighter.

The temp battery was loosing connection due to being only temp: It will be fixed by when I get the new NIMH batteries which will have soldering tips and be solder together and not taped.

It shot very well. I am wanting to tap the warp feed into the booyaah's power.

If anyone one else wants to have their gun setup like this then LMK. I will offer only one person the setup for 100 bucks for being a "tester". The person is required to buy the housing and extra fieldstrip screw needed. If you are interested LMK. There are some conditions ie I need a working booyaah and a gun. The 100 includes rechargable 9.6 huge arsh battery, labor, connectors, new trigger sensor and intellifying it etc. Price in non-negociable. Email or aim me. Also if you want a custom grip I might talk to someone about having them made.

If this second goes as a success too, then I will be offering other people for a bit more the chance to give booyaah a good name.
-Hostage aka Doron

11-15-2002, 10:21 PM
It looks .....wicked man that looks tight , UP!

Spray Painter
11-15-2002, 10:37 PM