View Full Version : What kinda sport should pball be?

11-06-2002, 03:40 PM
What do you think? should we keep on this current course as a sport getting ever more insultive and negitive. or does anyone think we should evolve into a more sportsman like game, mabey not as far as tennis or golf but a game where at the end the players get along. i played on sunday with a group of guys, even though one of them was killing the other 2 non stop they all got up at the end of the game slaped hands and the " good job" "nice shot" " i never saw you coming". then i played with those 4 guys vs some other people and some guy started getting into my face because he thought i shot him when he was out , he walked through a fire fight for gods sake!, and started goin on how he played here for a long time now, no realizing that im the ref who has mabey missed 3 weekends of work for the last year. and he continued to say how the rules state that im to hold my fire... then i told him that iv ben here everyweek for a year and have seen him mabey 4 times and that thats not what the rule says, cause i practicaly wrote in the rule at the field that states " If you are out it is your responsiblity as the taged play to get out of the way as quicly and un obstructivly as possible, its also your responsibilty as the live player not to purposely shoot at him but continue gam play as normal... and it turns out i didnt even shoot him, but he was just being an butt... man that was a rant. so what do you think>

11-06-2002, 04:07 PM
I think that the sport needs get closer to having better sportsmanship. You can still have tough competition but still be mature about it. Some say that it's because of the big money at stake and all but that's just bs in my opinion. Look at competitions in skating, bmx, snowboarding, ect. They're there to compete and at big competitions there's just as big of prizes on the line but those guys still cheer each other on even though they're competing against each other. I don't think for our sport to have that "in your face" look that all rules of sportsmanship need to be thrown out.

11-06-2002, 04:27 PM
Personally, I think we need to all stop making asses of ourselves on the field. Complaining about poor reffing and/or bad sportsmanship by an opposing player(i.e wiping, playing on, etc.) just shouldn't be tolerated. Look at baseball: You argue and get up in the ump's face you get tossed out of the game. I think that we should turn the sport of paintball into a sport like baseball or hockey, with all the media to go with it. If we keep giving ourselves a bad *** attitude, the sport of paintball will never become mainstream.

11-06-2002, 04:41 PM
Remington , so your saying a middle ground?

11-06-2002, 05:13 PM
im saying middle ground, but more toward extreme. golf is a sprortmanlike game becuase it can't be anything else. nobody can talk smack in golf. but in paintball, it can be offensive, or it can be sportsmanlike. for instance, you can swear and talk smack in paintball, but you can also take it too far to the point it gets boring. you can say "nice shot, care to play another game, good chap?" or "NEXT TIME IM GONNA BURN YOU *****!!. and i think paintball as a sport has to find an equilibrium inbetween those 2 sides of the spectrum.

11-06-2002, 05:53 PM
I am have to say extreme

11-06-2002, 07:38 PM
It should be something were sportsmanship is rewarded. I liked the comparision of snowboarding and BMX. Very very very fierce competition ON the field, but friendly, not like "Oh you ****ing *** *** *** *** I'm going to burn you **** *** *** !!!!" <--- That's bad

But really fierce competition, then ppl cheering for each other team when they're not competing against each other. Give them props if they win, shake the guys hand that got you out, but resolve to nail him next time! Get the resolve to be BETTER, not bitter, after a loss.

11-06-2002, 07:44 PM
how bout we just keep it the way it is, but I do tihnk we should let off the foul language penalties a little...I cant help myself :(

11-06-2002, 08:09 PM
MAN! Paintball should be a pie worshiping religion! Then we'd be more extreme than those angst filled, rebellious, "in your face" attitude sports! lol...

I chose the middle ground. It's gotta have attitude but none of that rebel/"pro-wrestling" crap.

11-06-2002, 08:43 PM
I like it the way it is now.

11-06-2002, 09:14 PM

PAintball is the sport i love. This is why i am saying everything from this point forth..

Extreme and in your face sells, but to a certain extent. You have to keep this is mind... But cheating does not sell.

Gentlemenly, well the olny time those thigns get aired are at 3 oclock sunday afternoons when my grandfatere is asleep... SO the geriatric ratings would sky rocket...

Now. Paintball needs to be politically correct. The best sport to run paintball like, would be snowboarding, clean, yet in your face. This is what paintball needs to be like.

No more cheating, no morw wiping, no more crap like this. You all gotta grow up who ever cheets. I swear i have never wipped, and i always call for a paintcheck... Any ways thats all i have in me now

11-06-2002, 09:33 PM
I think it should be waht it is right now. The game I love.:)

11-06-2002, 09:51 PM
no when i say "gentlmens game" i dont mean golf claps , but i mean people calling them selfs out, not getting negitive keep the trash talk on the field, like they described snow boarding... and last time i check Wimbledon isn on at 3 am its like noon for like a week long... last time i check splater factor was the one airing at 3 AM:D ;)

11-06-2002, 10:06 PM
i vote pie

11-07-2002, 12:54 AM
Well, honestly, I can see how getting pissed at a referee could be reasonable right now.

I've "bunkered" people and had them shoot back after they were hit, and 'still be called out by a ref. now, i didn't whine about it, but it didn't make me any happier. It's Their job, as referees, to let me keep going after something like that.

a "certification" for referees needs to be established and used in all big tournaments, and perhaps some smaller ones. For Rec-ball it would be great, but not necessary.

ok, a little side-tracked there, but I chose middle ground. Trash-talk stays on the field. I'd like to see teams shake hands after a game.

11-07-2002, 02:23 PM
heres the problem, i was playing... had he brought it up to a ref then that would be differant. i was playing and he starts going at me cause i shot him out, and he imagines i shot him again... he was being a bad loser.

Rancid Milk
11-07-2002, 02:56 PM
Paintball is too fast paced to be a "gentleman's sport" I think, but I don't think that any sport should have offensive slogans, so I'll say middle ground

11-08-2002, 03:36 AM
Hoppy, glad to see you stayed.
I think that, ultimately, the sport will remain an "extreme" sport, and retain that edge. It is all the flashiness, the fact that it appeals to a (mostly) younger crowd...you have alot of extreme crossover (skateboard, BMX, motoX, etc). Because of this, you will always have generations that are willing to take it a little further. Hell, even Gen Xers now are seeming kinda tame!
Yeah, we could do without the cursing. Yeah, we could do without the intentional overshooting. Yeah, the cheating too. But, this is all indivdual choice; I mean, you ever see anyone get pulled for swearing? I havent. And probably never will. Pros in other sports swear too...you just cant hear them with 30,000 people there. Or when you are separated from them via a wall, glass partition, etc.
when I used to play hockey, we talked smack all the time. No one heard it except us. Doesnt mean it didnt happen.
The one thing I would like to see at events though would be for the teams to walk onto the field before a match, shake hands, then go to their stations. And do the same thing after. Kinda like lining up in hockey, football, etc. This is the one thing our sport really lacks. It is too bad.

11-09-2002, 05:31 PM
I definetly agree with oldsoldier about the handshake thing. Paintball should keep its "extreme" edge, but have sportmanship too. Of course, since paintball is played in the real world and not utopia, i dont see this happening anytime soon without a lot of effort by a lot of players.

11-10-2002, 07:53 PM
I honestley think some people are really dumb when tagged. I mean Ref's can make some bad calls, but hey evreyone makes bad decision in one time or another. But if you called, just walk. I mean the only other alternative is to fight the reff about it, and the only thing that will do is make the reff even more mad. How many times have you fought the reff and won?

11-10-2002, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Remington
...the sport of paintball will never become mainstream. yeah but do we really want that?