View Full Version : Stupid NBC

11-06-2002, 09:30 PM
While watching TV today I saw an ad for the sitcom "Just Shoot Me" Hosted on the NBC networks.

I've never seen the show but the ad today was the company goes to play paintball. When I heard that I watched a little closer. From what the commercial shows, they all play paintball without any safety protection on at all. Not even sunglasses. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Ad this to the list...
King Of Queens
Critter Gitters
Just Shoot Me


11-06-2002, 09:33 PM
Well, this weekend I've got some letter writing to do.

11-06-2002, 09:39 PM
i saw that show, jaw dropped when i saw the paintball guns in the hands and no mask on :eek:

11-06-2002, 09:41 PM
i bet they did it cause they dont want to be hiding their faces. it would be like the power rangers. it would be kinda weird... :p

11-06-2002, 09:44 PM
Master of the obvious lol j/k :p

that doesnt make it safe, if i playing paintball with my girl friend she shouldnt wear a mask because i want to see her face?

11-06-2002, 09:49 PM
God damn, this is getting tired. What gives them the right to smother our sport like that? hell even greg the bunny used proper eye protection. Damn nbc... Tom, no joke, can you get on the phone, along with bill mills, budd orr and so on, and talk to these guys? hech any one know chuck hendrich? this is his call to make also. Something needs to be done

11-06-2002, 09:51 PM
Write to:
Viewer Relations
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

or theres an email option:



11-06-2002, 09:53 PM
I've written a letter to George W. Bush, on this topic, he's yet to get back to me. I will post when he finnaly writes back:)

11-06-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by SSJ4_Goku
I've written a letter to George W. Bush, on this topic, he's yet to get back to me. I will post when he finnaly writes back:)

lol, i think u might be waiting awhile

11-06-2002, 09:57 PM
I know, I wrote it nearly 2 months ago, but I think I can cut him a break, this time...

11-06-2002, 09:57 PM
Even the disney channel is dissin us! My little sister was watchin some movie , and the kids are shootin at the bulley to hurt them! I agree something need to be done!!!:mad:

11-06-2002, 10:13 PM
i wish SPPLAT, PPMMA, PMA, WARPIG and others would really take an interest in informing the media on paintball play. i mean, the promotions can be GREAT, but it needs to be safely played. im sure that the manufacturers would be willing to pay for the equipment used in these episodes in return for proper safety.

maybe when im in congress some day....lol!

11-06-2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
i wish SPPLAT, PPMMA, PMA, WARPIG and others would really take an interest in informing the media on paintball play. i mean, the promotions can be GREAT, but it needs to be safely played. im sure that the manufacturers would be willing to pay for the equipment used in these episodes in return for proper safety.

maybe when im in congress some day....lol! [insert image of RP stepping up to the soap-box]yup, someday, sombody will do something.... NOT.

As a paintball activist of sorts, I tell people that YOU are the somebody and YOU should be the one telling people. write to the producers, send emails to the webmasters -whatever you want, but don't try to get somebody else to do it for you.

step out of the comfort-zone. if we don't have time to write an email or letter, then it must not be a very big priority, now, right?

we all need to be adults about these things and express our thoughts calmly in letters and emails, not swearing or using slang or jargon that the common man doesn't understand.

I write to congresspersons, and representatives, and other political persons regularly about paintball - it's not hard, just do it, adn you may be surprised that if your not is clear and not beligerant, they may even write back asking for more details or want to talk to you about the situation!!!

the bottom line is that it is all about us as individuals doing what we can to make this great republic of ours a great place to live and work. I couldn't imagein living in a country that restricted or outlawed paintball like in non-American locations around the world.

it's up to us to educate the populous and poloticians and movie producers etc about paintball. For example, you know what irked me more than the lack of safety in that show? it was the militaristic stereotypical view they were spreading. Paintball is a fun, family sport, and even big fat, bald, ugly guys like me can play and have a great time.

so, if you wnat these paintball places to get more active (which most already are, but you probably just don't know it) - send an email, write a letter, get active, don't jsut couch-potatoe and complain. Do Something!

[RP stepping down off his soap-box]

11-06-2002, 11:00 PM
wasnt this a couple years ago? sheesh, talk about old news

11-06-2002, 11:11 PM
yeh, i take my stand by paying my dues to SPPLAT

11-06-2002, 11:39 PM
they wont use proper eye protection till a celebrity loses an eye

*crosses fingers and prays its oprah*

11-07-2002, 01:52 AM
Yeah this episode is pretty old and it has been brought up a bunch of times.

11-07-2002, 02:12 AM
heh, it's almost as if when my TiVo picks up this rerun due to the word "paintball" in the description, I have a forewarning that somone will bring it up here.

11-07-2002, 10:42 AM
I too love the sport of paintball and do not want to see it portrayed in a bad light, but let it go for the love of pete. First off, they are actors they are doing a role (markers may never even have been gassed up) and seeing paintball being played may even make some others think "Hey that looks like fun. Lets try that some time."

As far as safety: Yea playing without goggles is pretty stupid, but heck when I was young we used to play war with bb guns with no more protection than a pair of safty glasses (the old glass ones with the wire side frames, most of you kids {not meant as a slam} here have no idea what I am talking about as they are not used much anymore..What can I say, I am old)and a sock for a cup. I can tell you from first hand experiance, a bb traveling at near 700fps has alot more sting and generates alot more damage than a paintball at 285fps!! I had a bb stuck in my leg, my brother had one stuck in his head (both near the skin and pulled out with a x-acto knife and a tweezers)Both of these were from breaking the "no shooting within 25'" rule. Crazy, or insane in my case, people will always do things that will get them hurt. My most injuries (and most serious) were from BMX, and motocross when I got older. The "gutzier" you are the more time you spend in the hospital ER. There has to be a formula in there somewhere ;)

For those of you that say paintball is not a "para-military" game also need to wakeup and smell the coffee. How do you think paintball started? what do you think the senario games are? what do you think most rec ball is?

Wakeup call, paintball is not in and upon itself a sport, it is a game. There are different facets to the game, and the "sport" as you call it is the "tourney type" speed-ball and hyper-ball that is played. The rest is a "recreational activity".

One of my other favorite "recreational activities" is shooting. Do you think that the safe gun owner is protrayed favorably in the media? Heck no, all they show guns for is killing people. What about the TENS of MILLIONS of firearm owners that shoot trap (me), silhouettes (me), and paper (also me) that never kill a thing (not me, I love venision)? do they get any respect? No. And to top that off, the gun lobby is one of the most powerfull in Washington. Sometimes you just have to open your eyes to see that a "spade is a spade" and what paintball really is: an aggressive game that pits person on person with guns.

I know this is a rant (a dang long one too) and I am sorry about that, but some of you guys need to wake up and only worry about your own safety and keep that number one. Realize that the reason you are seeing more paintball stuff in TV and film is because it is getting more popular (even if it is in a poor light)and celebrate that.

11-07-2002, 11:01 AM

No offense, but that is sure a dangerous way of thinking. And I am glad everyone does not feel that way. While you bring up some important points, your manner in expressing them and what should or shouldn't be done is down right dangeous and counter productive to what a good many of us are trying to do for the sport... yes I said sport.

You have a big flaw in thinking, if you feel that a "recreational" activity can not also be a sport. How many pick up games of football or baseball happen? And since they are doing it only for recreational purposes, does that make what they are doing NOT a sport? I think not.

Paintball is a sport no matter if it is played by amateurs, pro players, or in the back yard.... as well as what "style" of game is played.

Oh, and I don’t think I have said welcome yet…. So, Welcome to AO.

11-07-2002, 11:13 AM
I like Shartley, he tells it like it is.:)

Tom Sparkman
11-07-2002, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by lamby
Wakeup call, paintball is not in and upon itself a sport, it is a game. There are different facets to the game, and the "sport" as you call it is the "tourney type" speed-ball and hyper-ball that is played. The rest is a "recreational activity".

I am awake - how about you?

"sport Pronunciation Key (spôrt, sprt)

1a) Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
1b) A particular form of this activity.
2) An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
3) An active pastime; recreation."

Sounds like a sport to me...

11-07-2002, 03:17 PM
Ok, I am not going to beat a dead horse, my last comment stated that:
I too love the sport **** notice the word sport ***** of paintball and do not want to see it portrayed in a bad light

But people will do stupid things. I am just sick of hearing all of the sniveling about the "bad press", and the people that shoot kids for trick or treat candy, or what have you. Our modern liberal society thinks guns are bad. It does not matter if they are real guns, paintball markers (used to seperate it from the "gun" that it is), or even cap guns.

I spent 8+ years in the Air Force and when I play rec ball, I try to bring the same intensity and disipline that I used in field training exercises. I was at the fall Big Game at SAM's In Racine (Had a GREAT time...Nicki RULES). There I met up with MANY other ex-military types. I am sorry, but from what I have seen rec ball is VERY VERY para-military. The difference is that a paintball marker can not be used to simulate a true military senario. This is why the military uses the worlds most expensive "laser tag" game ever, called "MILES" (I have no idea what that stands for) and real M-16s shooting blanks.

I am not alone in the idea that "its fun to hunt something that can shoot back" and at the end of the day our sore, paint stained bodies go to the bar dressed in camo and have a great time. When I play tourney ball, I am wearing a jersey, and very in your face. Not the stealty, hunter-like person that I am in the woods.

If you want to save the world from the liberals, good luck. I have been donating lots of money to the NRA to defend the nations one freedom that protects all the other freedoms. "the right to own and bear arms"

I am sorry that I am not the run of the mill sheep on this issue.

Again, I LOVE this site.. AO and all of you rule!

11-07-2002, 03:30 PM
Just so that you understand that I fully understand where you are coming from… read my profile. ;)

And.. MILES stands for Multiple Independent Laser Engagement System. :)

11-07-2002, 03:34 PM
Thanks again Shartley,

I learned something new today, therefor, it is a good day. I want to learn something new EVERY day. and I try to do just that.:D

11-07-2002, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by lamby
Thanks again Shartley,

I learned something new today, therefor, it is a good day. I want to learn something new EVERY day. and I try to do just that.:D
No problem... and....

LOL That is funny.... that is how I live MY life. :D

11-07-2002, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster

maybe when im in congress some day....lol!


forget the legislature..... vote Ender for President in 2024! :D I miss being able to run in 2020 by 1 year, I'll be 34, not 35... lol

yeah anyways.... don't forget the 1st Amendment. Unless we take a network to court and prove that their portrayal of paintball players is libelous because it is damaging our reputation, then they can have their "paintball players" do whatever the heck they want and act like red-necks and psychos (King of Queens)

11-07-2002, 05:24 PM
Seems to me that any type of positive portrayal, even if incorrect, is better than nothing.

BTW Ender = cool books

11-07-2002, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Vendetta
Seems to me that any type of positive portrayal, even if incorrect, is better than nothing.

BTW Ender = cool books

yeah, and hopefully most people know not to take sitcoms seriously...

yeah, I've read Ender's game about 15 times.... :D