View Full Version : taken out by a rental gun

11-07-2002, 05:31 PM
just share a little fun by tell everyone your funny or depressing story about getting bunkered or tsken out by a rental gun......

11-07-2002, 05:34 PM
oh no i got shot by a rental gun. my life must be over....

whats the big deal? i have no problem with rental guns.its the player not the gun so if you get shot my a newb thats what you should be worried about not the gun they were shooting.

Sir Chopsalot
11-07-2002, 05:37 PM
yea when i was thinking about buying an impulse i rented one from the field i was at and there was some laughs and comments...until i showed em up nicely on the field:D

11-07-2002, 05:38 PM
this was not ment to bash people but to share so bad moments or just for laughs dont get all bent out of shape!!!and u r right about it is the person not the gun but i knew that the subject would grab attention thank u for the reply

11-07-2002, 06:06 PM
i have to disagree on the player/gun issue. at the fields near me, the rentals are spyders. they are in pretty bad shape, and do not shoot very accurately at all. a player with a high end marker will have a big advantage. but i'm not sure about the rentals at some of the fields you guys play at.

11-07-2002, 06:09 PM
90% of the time I don't know exactly who shot me out. Unless they are wearing or shooting something very noticable and I'm in some kind of ongoing duel with them, I just know I was hit.

However, if some one shooting a rental did shoot me out, or at least thinks they did, I try and say something encouraging to them. I'm not that good a player, but it makes newbies happy to shoot out someone with their own equipment.

A newbie that has a good time playing, is one who will return to the game.

Not a very good story, but something I try to do.

11-07-2002, 06:15 PM
Hey check AOL Keyword paintball there might be a story about it in the war story section. Probably involves diving into trenches and automatics.:p

11-07-2002, 06:34 PM
Give me a rental, and lets play 1 on 1. Then you'll have lots of stories:D

And the moral of the story is....How much you are willing to pay for a marker does not make you a better or worse player.

11-07-2002, 06:58 PM
what if i give you a rental without a barrel,or one that hasnt been oiled...?

point is...the only thing ur gun will do it sput the balls...then i will bunker you...oh...too bad your POS rental couldnt help you then

11-07-2002, 07:31 PM
yes but rental guns make good projectiles;)

11-07-2002, 08:44 PM
rentals make good shovels to, you wouldn't believe how much dirt the local refs have to clean out of them... and you wouldn't believe how much crap can get into a Prolite, before it stops functioning.. :)

Some of the best rec-players I have played with, and against, are rental users. It's the player, not the marker.

although... a reliable, consistant marker helps a lot sometimes...


11-08-2002, 09:18 AM
This is only my theory but here it goes.

Everytime I buy more or better equipment, I have to play harder and smarter. On the field even a talon can put you out of the game. It only takes one shot and the other player is in control of it.

My usual game plan is to not give players on the other team a chance to take that shot.

Note: I play primarily woods and scenarios so I realize this theory probably doesn't fit the speedball world.

11-08-2002, 03:56 PM
O man, this happened at ABC paintball a few weeks back.

There's this group of like 12 year old girls renting pro lites and camos, the whole deal. I was pretty happy that there were finally some girls playing, well, more like hoping they had hot older friends/sisters nearby.

They didnt..

Anyway, they go out to play their first game and just sit in the back bunkers the whole game, never comming out or moving. I was up on the right tape, almost out of gas and trying to take one last kid out, my friend had gotten out a min. ago and was watching. I got hit and we start walking back, theres only 1 other kid on the other team left and the group of girls. Me an my friend lee walk by them an start telling them to move up, it takes a few minutes but one finally moves up and sees the kid. The kid makes an odd move to the wrong side of a bunker (I guess he didnt see her, or thought someone was to his right) and is almost completly exposed, crouching in the direction of the girl. Lee an me start telling her to pop out an shoot, so she does. First few miss but then she comes out again, shoots and we see the kid grab his crotch and fall over.

Ohhh my god, it was the funniest thing ever, she landed one right in between his legs. He just sort of laid there an rolled around a little as everyone laughed.

Ohhh lordy what a great day.

11-08-2002, 05:11 PM
CPX - Joliet Il.

Hot summer day and I was playing the field of Bedlam in a T-shirt. Players on both teams had been thinned out quite a bit and I was mopping up some of the last buildings. I charged in through the door into the last building ready to tear up anyone left, only to see a very tiny boy about 8 years old standing there with his goggles barely fitting on his tiny head looking like he was in mortal fear as I pointed my Warped RT at him. I didn't have the heart to blast the poor kid so I said "I think it's just us, let's go tell em we both won" and I lowered my gun. The little brat must have lit me up with about 8 paintballs from no more than 5 feet away!

He left the field grinning from ear to ear!

11-08-2002, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
what if i give you a rental without a barrel,or one that hasnt been oiled...?

point is...the only thing ur gun will do it sput the balls...then i will bunker you...oh...too bad your POS rental couldnt help you then

I ref regularly and have probably dealt with more rentals than you can imagine. In fact, I've shot the rentals tons. I, or anyone else with a little experience is going to test the marker before they play. Give them a good squeegeing and most will work fine. I would never go onto the field with a marker that is in such bad need of, lets say oil, that it doesn't fire right.

Now a newbie on the other hand, probably would go onto the field with a barrel oozing with paint, or not even cycling. Thats why I added my little "moral" at the end of my post, Its all about skill, not the marker.

Sure a good marker helps, I shoot a Matrix, If i didn't think it was better than the rentals I wouldn't have spent the money. However, they only help you once you are past a certain point. Give a first timer a rental, give him my Matrix, he's gonna play the same either way.

11-08-2002, 06:11 PM
Now give a newbie a full auto gun and he'll do great ... for about 2mins til he's out of paint and has to walk off the field


Dave K

11-08-2002, 08:46 PM
Keep in mind this whole thread is aimed towards people who play open game..

11-08-2002, 09:43 PM
I'll make em surrender before I get lit up...

11-09-2002, 12:23 AM
I have a story similar to freshmanbob.

This was a few years ago whe me and my friends just started playin. So we where out playin with what we thought were some bad *** guns back then. So where sittin there next to a creek a group of about 15 girls walk up and we get all excited. Thinkin where just got shoot all of them my friend jumps out the bunker and start shootin and they all shoot back. He get hits i the nuts and falls over and rolls own into the creek. The creek had 20 ft bank that where all mud and he rolled all the way down into the water. This was great and some funny memoies.

11-09-2002, 02:23 AM
it happens to everybody, I play outdoor up at bragg creek. They sometimes rent A-5's. i onese got shot by a renter because i moved up too fast... my mistake.

"some days your the windshield, some days you are the fly."