View Full Version : Your Painful Paintball story...

11-08-2002, 01:29 PM
Just figured I'd like to read about some of those "crap that hurt" moments you've all had ... my most recent was:

I was playing and I was the last person on my team and I since they had 4 players left I was bunkered into an area waiting for at least 2 of them to come by before I moved so I could have a chance ..... they thought they won and started walking to the door when the ref told them "there's still someone left" so they turned around and I couldn't believe it all 4 of them in a line ... now my Mag had blew an O-Ring and they didn't have a replacement kit so I was using a Prolite rental ... fired off a slew of paint and only hit 2 of them (damn rental barrels) and dropped down again ... just as I was about to move I looked right and there was a barrel about 2 inches from my right arm and then "TAT TAT TAT" 3 shots right into my bicep .... blood pouring down my arm I stood up and calmly said dead man and walked off the field .....

Sucks that someone would shoot ya from that close instead of asking for a surrender ... but hey ... I have matching scars on my left and right bicep from close shots (another one a dude shot me as i was walking off the field cause he got pissed i tagged him)

Whats your stories?


11-08-2002, 01:36 PM
do a search. i believe they've had this one before

11-08-2002, 01:39 PM
I'm sure they have .... but I'm sure things have changed since then and new stories, new people, etc .... just sorta an updated thread


11-08-2002, 03:06 PM
when i got shot on top of the head(bounced:D) from about 15 feet away. that hurt like crazy. good times, good times.....


11-08-2002, 03:15 PM
welll....heres mine

At a 3man tourny, off the break i hit the center 50. two men in the back. we all make it, they all make it. im sitting calmly waiting fort higns to cool down. we didnt know that they TOO had a guy make it to the 50 on the break. well, im waiting for a chance to pop out as i hear something from my backside, as im turning around i get shot twice in the shoulder, once in the neck and as i finish turning i get shot twice in the mouth(my Flex-7 broke sothe paint went right through). not a fun experience....to make it even worse, my team didnt even get the guy while he was poped out shooting the f outta me

11-08-2002, 03:54 PM
One time when i was running up the field thinking there was only one guy left. As i get to about the 40, i run past one bunker, which happens to have a guy in it (my team is horrible at keeping count). the guy turns and shoots twice from about 5 feet away, both hitting me in the back of the kneejoint. so much pain it took me right down. the day after, it was bruised and swollen so bad i couldnt walk.

Creative Mayhem
11-08-2002, 03:58 PM
Skyball 2001, I made a dash off the hop for the flag grab. I went to slide into the center bunker for the grab, when it happened, POP! my knee goes for a walk on the wild side. I wince in pain, while still moving forward due to momentum, I fall forward onto my new Dark Angel. On impact, I stripped the fitting right out of the minireg, rendering it useless. I still haven't figured out which was worse, the knee giving out on me and the pain that followed, or the damage that happened. The whole situation was painfull.


11-08-2002, 05:04 PM
my most painful paintball expirence was before i new waht paintball was , this guy marcus had pissed me off and we were going to fight * he had an shocker* and he decided to freeze his paintbals just for me so when i came over to settle it he opens the dorr and goes at it with the velocity tured allthe way up and avery one hurt like hell

broke 1 rib and bruized both lungs and was bellding just like when i cut both the tips of my ring and pinky finger , but thats another story

11-08-2002, 05:16 PM
Yeah, things change, but not in 2 weeks ;)

11-08-2002, 05:52 PM
in my early days of paintball, almost two years ago, got hit by some rock-hard b.e. paint by my friend's talon from 5 feet away in the inside of my thigh... that sucked

and last time I played from ~25 feet away got a bounce on top of the head... felt like a rock

11-08-2002, 06:40 PM
Ever been hit in the throat from like 5 ft away? It ain't a picnic.

11-08-2002, 09:11 PM
I don't know if this is more funny, or stupid, but what the hey... This is about a friend of mine:

We were all brand new to paintball, and this was his first day actually playing. He was having a bad day, and was ticked off that he didn't get any eliminations that day cause his marker wasn't working properly .

So we were standing around with our masks on and talking about the last game. One other guy mentioned that when he got shot it hurt like a mother, and so my friend went "you guys are [friggin wussies]! Getting shot doesn't hurt!"

So to prove it, he puts his pirhana point blank on his thigh (so it was touching) and begins firing at his leg! Well, we all stood there as he kept firing, but we didn't realize that the balls were just weren't feeding into his marker. Finally one gets through right as he was saying "see? I told you it" BAM" "AAAHHH bleep bleep!!" He falls to the ground clutching his leg! Afterwards he showed us the welt, and it was sooo bad. hehe

And whats even funnier was a few hours later he just said that it was cause he had thin pants on, and to prove it, he shot himself in toe of his cheap, ragged running shoes. Yeah, that one hurt too.:D

11-08-2002, 10:14 PM
I was playing at NPS LAST august. I was the last one left on my team, they had 4 left. One moved up to the bunker in front of me, popped up and tried to keep me in, I snap shot and gogged him twice. I see the ref run to him and call him out so I pop back out and look for the rest. As soon as I look out the guy that I had just gogged popped up and started shooting at me again, which scared the living crap out of me. So I jumped back from reflex as the refs jump all over him, while his nice buddy runs around and bunkers me from 2 ft away. Shoots me 8 times, twice in the neck, once in the arm, once in the chest, breaks my hopper with one, and shoots my angel 3 times. They got hit with major penalty points for that game. I really wanna know how I would have done if the guy hadnt scared the crap out of me.

11-08-2002, 11:55 PM
This one happened two weeks ago and it will probably happen again later during the winter, Spyders and other Spyder type guns shooting hot and jumping cause of the weather (and because the kids are too dumb to know to cut their springs). This one kid, don't know how he got by the chronoing, but he did, shot me from about 15 feet away on my bare arm, shooting 330 (field limit is 280). He proceded to shoot my friend in the head. My friend's hit wasn't as bad since he got hid on a beanie cap, but mine was an instant bruise and was bleeding instantly. Needless to say I was pretty mad, but we got him back later, heh. :D

Pile & A Half
11-09-2002, 01:15 AM
The thing that I hate most is when you go to bunker some one and after you bunker them they shoot you like 5 times.
Well here it gos:

This was a 3 on 3 game. I play med. but anyways I run of the right side tape line and slide into my bunker. My back player is yelling and telling me where every one is. I peek out of the right side and notice there back players pack. I start to rip and the refs calls him out. I tuck back in and peek on the left side of the bunker. I scan the area and don't see any body to my left. My front player some how got eliminated and another one of their players gets out too. So I yell to my back player asking where he is.....he yells and tells me that he is not more than 20ft away in front of me. So I get up and dive into this bunker about 10ft to my right. For some reason he didn't see more or notice that I was still in; one off the two. So I peek around the left side and notice that he wasn't in that bunker. I look farther right and notice he moved back. So I have an angel on him but its not that great of one and I think that hey what the heck he doesn't know that I'm here so I think I will go for the bunker. I get up and sprint at him. I run to the left side of the bunker and it just so happens he was facing that side. I shoot him 3 times, one in the thigh, one on his belt, and one on his shoulder. So after I shoot him he claims he wasn't hit and starts to unload up on me from about 6ft away. Shoots me like 3 times in the back one in the hand and one in the pack. I was like OOoooOOo good one dude. The ref runs over and shows him all the places he got hit. After that nothing really happend to him because it was an "accident". But I guess some people feel that if they get shot hey...why not shoot them anyways. Owell.....Memories I guess :)

11-09-2002, 01:34 AM
During a rec game I had the bunker directly infront of my brothers, about 5 feet away. I'm leaning out to shoot and I get nailed real hard in the back of the head. As it turns out, my brother was firing above me... chopped a ball... and the next one corkscrewed into the back of my head... I saw many... many stars =P

11-09-2002, 03:41 PM
I was playing rec ball during an open play day at my home field where I also work (paintball blitz, IL) and I was running for the flag on the break in this huge woods game and I was going to just grab it and keep going but nobody bothers to tell me that they have the flag hung on a nail on this big post.

So I run by and grab the handle and proceed to keep going to get in the next bunker but the flag didn't come with me and jerked my arm backwards anme flying up in the air and landing on my back from about 3 feet above the ground. And to top it all off since I ended up in there side of the field I got shot by pretty much there entire team (43 welts on my body plus the ones that didn't break).

Or the time we played terminator and I was the terminator and didn't give up and ended up with over 100 welts on my body, ohh man that was so much fun let me tell yea.

11-09-2002, 06:37 PM
i got a new one today at my local field we were playing attack the hill on the woods filed and i was defending and the whole attacking team rushes fence side *my right side* so i shout to all the bunkers to my left *RUSH BACK RIGHT FLANK* and me and 10 others move down the creekside of the hill and circle around the opposing team and just as we get there i see wayne and i start shooting at him and he hit me in my packsnd i didnt feel it at all not even splatter and the meantime i am sprinting and have shot him live 5 times and he ets pissed of and starts fanning me i counted and i have 63 bleeding welts on my back alone and about 3 on the bottom of my wrists *those hurt*

and that was my day, i couldnt do anything about it neither because the guy who did it *wayne* owns the field

11-09-2002, 06:49 PM
Well, this didn't happen to me but I saw it happen. A guy was getting ready to fill his nitro tank. The person running the fill station told him to hold onto the hose, and make sure it was securely connected. Well, this guy didn't listen. The hose came off and smacked him square in the nuts. After about 10 mins of his cryeing, they started filling again, so it was okay:)

11-09-2002, 11:28 PM
I was playing some rec ball, and i was about 2 feet away from a guy, he was in sort of a enclosure that was about 3 feet by 3 feet, and it had a window, it was surrouded 3 ways, and i saw the guy and shot him and saw my paint break on him, then he didnt call himself out, so he shoots be from 2 feet away or closer in my hand, and it absolutley mangled my hand. it looked like someone took a knife to my thumb and chopped it up. I was bleeding and had shell stuck in my cut. The ref saw it, and chroned the guy AT 370!