View Full Version : Robotech: Battlecry.......... who's been playin it

11-08-2002, 06:13 PM
ok my fellow RDF freaks.... who has been having as much fun as i have with this......

right now i have 1 mission togo... god i hate defence missions.... its the one where you rescue Hiro.... i even tried to set it on easy to beat this mission and no matter what hiro's destroid keeps getting destroied.... this is more annoying then the burnning bridge mission... and i have even been practicing that one on hard with the VF-1S (yf-1r dont hold enough missiles)...... and i'm doing that mission with just the battliod mode..... but no matter what for the resuce hiro mission i just cant do it.....

otherwise i have done everything else.... just going back through and working on getting all the medals now........

ok so lets hear from my fellow RDF'ers =)

11-08-2002, 06:24 PM
if the hiro mission is the same one i'm thinking of (the one at the end of ambush canyon) you need to fly in fast with jet mode launch a ton of missles at range, then swoop in in gerwalk and grab him. You can pick him up before his mech is destroyed then the mech doesnt' even matter.

I'm personally stuck on the one where you have to go chase down a buch of cantainer ships through hill lands, and can't go over the hills (I forget what the name of the mission is).

The Ironic thing is that i'm wearing the offical battlecry shirt right now! hehe.

Archangel Damien
11-08-2002, 06:28 PM
bought it, beat it looking for something new:D

11-08-2002, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx

The Ironic thing is that i'm wearing the offical battlecry shirt right now! hehe.

now why doesn't that surprise me ;)

your right.... about which mission i'm talkin about.....
see when i find hiro, it goes to a cut sence and then when it comes back it starts you inn battloid.... i should see if i can remap the buttons for the ps2.... having my thumb boost and try to go from pri. to sec. back to pri while still boosting and keeping just high enough to shoot over big rocks, but low enough to beable to hit any pods that do sneak in to close, while tring to keep missles from wrecking havoc, while avoiding jet mode even though chaffs rule, but it moves me to far out of position, and miss gaurdian mode's missles, if i could remap i could make things much easier on my thumbs..... and really start to abuse the transfomations for their special fire modes =)

wow that was long.... sad part is i typed it as i spoke it to myself in one breath..... i guess that can happen when you have sat infront of a comp for a hair over 20years..... WOW i just felt old all of a sudden......

edit: all most forgot.... the missionn your on.... missle the be`jesus out of the shuttles.... if you can 2 volleys of the jet mode missles and finish off with your gun should work..... granted the pods on the ground get annoying kinda quick.... in jet mode the gun takes them down very quickly though....

also on mine.... i've tried to pick hiro up.... but he is still in the destroid, so i cant get hiiim untill he gets out (i had asked elsewhere about it.... for the ps2 it takes him a couple of min to decide he dont wanna be there no more...) i guess i'll have to try picking him up more often.... then again i may also be hovering in the wrong spot... i do that sometimes too....

11-09-2002, 11:35 PM
my friend has it and i play it and its awesome! too bad i cant buy it, but im saving for paintball. paintball takes priority over all. even food. how i miss food.

11-10-2002, 12:27 AM
beat it. didn't like the end. the last boss was way too easy. i've only got one more medal to earn. gotta find some battle pods to destroy. i'm on the last 100.

make sure you fly around in guardian mode to beat that hiro mission. just fly around really using your boosters and blow them up before they get clear of the rocks. fire off a volley of missiles and finish them off with your gun. don't hover. actively go after anything you see on your radar. hovering only works well on the base defense missions. hiro's life is too low for him to take any hits. don't even let them fire a single shot at him. this mission took me a few tries too. it just takes practice sorting out which targets you should go after first.

the hunting down the shuttles mission also took me a few tries. they kept escaping! grrrrr. the only real advice i can give you is use missles in fighter mode to destroy them as quickly as possible. and ignore the battle pods. fire a missle volley at them as you fly by if you must. but don't stop to fight them.

11-10-2002, 08:05 AM
ok... i've beat it now..... only got 1 or 2 medals too go........

1 being the 50mpa's in sniper mode.... i ferget what the other is..... at anyrate... i know my friends wont do the vs mode against me.... esp seeing they have not played it at all yet... that and the fact they suck at games where there is this may degrees of movement.... or any flying game for that matter.... i really pissed them off while playin descent both on the psx and the pc... they were always like where did you comefrom and how did you get in that posistion to shoot me.... though i might beable to get them to play if only for the fact that it is robotech and they have most episodes on dvd just shy of the masters.... oh well...