View Full Version : how long do till you clean your gun?

11-10-2002, 01:50 AM
ok heres the deal, i was playing in my tourney today, (got my mag working, thanks to all who lent advice, especially havoc) and i was standing around talking with the other teams and i found out that some of them have been playing for like 6 months, and have never cleanded their gun!, now this sounds weird to me, since i cant sleep that night if i dont clean all my stuff, so i posted this poll to see what the general consensous is on gun matinence.....

11-10-2002, 02:15 AM
I clean my gun when it gets dirty. If I take alot of gun hits or 3 or 4 play sessions, whichever comes first.

11-10-2002, 02:19 AM
When I get home from paintballing, it's usually 8:00-10:00 pm, so I just set my gun down for later. I usually clean it the following morning.

11-10-2002, 02:43 AM
Most of the time, I clean my gun the same day, occasionaly, I leave it till the next day!!! The extent to which I disassemble my gun, however, depends on how dirty it is, or if I have taken any hits in it!!!

11-10-2002, 07:02 AM
well i like it to fester in its on filth for at least 5 days before i get around to cleaning it, now oiling...well i nevr do that until i hear a lek..is that bad?;)

11-10-2002, 09:18 AM
I keep up with cleaning while I am using it. I can’t stand using a messed up marker.

A buddy of mine and his kid came over to play at my field, and it almost made me sick the lack of care they took with their equipment. And seeing folks walk around with messed up equipment is just aggravating and shows complete lack of pride and respect for their equipment.

When I leave a field (after each game), I have a routine…. DRINK WATER, Check and clean mask, check and clean marker, check and clean my clothes, check my air, fill my hopper/pods, and then relax. If you do that, your full breakdown cleaning is a snap, and is no real rush. I try to get to mine within a couple days of playing… but I admit that it has at times been weeks.

11-10-2002, 11:36 AM
i always, no iffs ands or buts, get my marker clean that night. I take it into the bathroom, and onto the linoleum floor(as to not loose any small e-mag pieces) and i dissassemble it. Then i plug the bath tub, and fully rinse out the body, barrel and body rail. then i washoff the valve, and clean any gunk. I re assemble her, and go oil her. I also try to drop a drop of oil in the asa every other day, ancd cycle it through. I want my marker to last.

The Frymarker
11-10-2002, 01:02 PM
Well the outside of the marker I definitely clean after every game or the refs might think that is a fresh shot.

Lube and clean, after a days worth of playing.

It is best to strip and clean your marker after each outing.

11-10-2002, 04:26 PM
The last marker failure I had was with an angel. Not being able to "open it up" after every day of play never sat well with me. So I sold it. :)

Yea... I clean and lube all my regs and marker after every day of play. Right now I'm shooting a Shocker so... that may increase to every case of paint :eek:

The whole point is to be sure that what I'm shooting never lets me or my team down.


Creative Mayhem
11-10-2002, 05:16 PM
There are two great things about the Mag,(classic and rtp);
1)it actually doesn't need cleaning, i know a guy that never cleans his mag, and it works like the day he got it.
2)you can clean it by leaving it gassed up, and dunking it in water and swishing it around... as on the AGD maintnance video that came with my mini.

I love simple cleaners, my angel is the pits for cleaning, I have to actually pay attention when cleaning it. My mag gets a lot less when I clean it.

C Mayhem

11-10-2002, 05:59 PM
Marker hits: I wipe those off after the game.
Barrel: I clean it when it's had a break inside. With my LX, that's been once since 7/3/02.
Body: Same as the barrel.

11-10-2002, 08:32 PM
do you guarantee that Creative Mayhem? cause if you do then that would be awesome :) but still id clean the gun as soon as you can because paint gets in the most unusual places and might have gotten inside your gun somehow.

11-10-2002, 09:00 PM
i wipe off the paint on the outside and oil before play everyday...thats it

11-10-2002, 09:29 PM
i try not to clean the inside unless i broke a ball in there. Wipe the outside always. I used to dunk it in water, but then some of the allen screws started rusting out, and my main bolt spring totally rusted bad. It did this by like the second time i did this with normal tap water. Do you guys have this problem?

11-10-2002, 10:08 PM
I clean my mag that night, I'll strip the gun clean everything, reassemble, and oil it.
I think we should add another category "Clean?? What’s that?"

That would be my friends’ response, we played today and his gun was cleaned from the last time we played, which was like a month ago.

Creative Mayhem
11-10-2002, 11:07 PM
Tippmanman, With my Minimag, I would forget to clean it, then need to at the last minute before going to play. All I would do is gas it up and run it under a warm shower, presto-change-o, all is clean again. I guarantee that Tom says you can rinse it off in a bucket WHILE GASSED UP on the video. I will not be liable for rusty bolt springs, or screws. :D All I can tell you is that I've done it, and it works.


11-11-2002, 12:30 AM
Here's what I do for my Cocker:
The night I get home, I just wipe most of the paint and grime off the outside. The next morning I remove the bolt, and run a squeegee through the top tube. Then I wipe off the bolt and put a light coat of lube on it. Then I wipe all the small paint shells, grit, and paint out of all the nooks and crannies on the marker. Lastly, I put three drops of oil in the ASA, gas her up, and shoot about 15 shots. See, maintanence on a Cocker ain't so bad.

About once every two months I'll take apart most of the marker (excpet maybe the valve, you don't really need to pay attention to it anyway unless it gives you problems): I'll wipe out any grit on my trigger frames guts, put a drop of oil in the three way, and mainly just make sure everything looks normal.

11-11-2002, 02:40 AM
So far, I think I might be worse than everybody. I have 2 cockers now and I take it apart and clean it even if I haven't played. I take both of them entirely apart and clean every little piece about once a week, more so if I'm playing a lot that month. I see people running their guns under faucets after we get done, and it actually makes me sick to think of my cocker getting soaked like that. I'm not a neat and clean person either, my markers are just a totally different story.

11-11-2002, 09:05 AM
With any normal gun, I'd clean it that night. I did that when I had my spyder, and with my cocker while I had it, and if I played with my Timmy, I'd do it too.

With my mag, I've gone months between cleanings. It just doesn't need it. I toss it in its bag, and pull it out the next time I play, and its good to go. Its one of the best parts about owning a mag :)

11-11-2002, 10:27 AM
i like my minimag up to par, usally what i do when i come home, i run some water in the kitchen sick, and rinse out the body tube to clean the bolt and anything else down there(presurized of corse)i then just take out the valve assembly dry it off, put little bit of oil on the bolt, powertube, and spring, but 2 drops of oil in those little holes that say oil, and put 3 drops in the quick disconnect on the valve and cycle that through

11-11-2002, 06:54 PM
I clean the outside of my gun at the field before i leave then later that night I usually take it apart and clean and oil every thing.

11-11-2002, 07:38 PM
My E-mag gets cleaned when I HAVE TO take it apart. When something breaks or stops working, i'll clean whatever pieces off that I end up taking apart. The outside gets wiped down if it gets paint on it, thats about it. Oil only goes in my valve if I sense any problems (quickest and easiest fix, but usually does nothing).

11-11-2002, 08:47 PM
I still dunk mine in water.. Been doing it since I got it. Best way to clean every little bit of it.. only problem is getting everything dry so that nothing rusts.. but my routine is come home, dunk in bathtub, then off to garage to spray with air hose.
My friend does the same thing, except he uses 20oz CO2 tanks on a remote.. silly huh?? but it works the same.

11-11-2002, 09:40 PM
hah i never have time. When i get home around 5 or 7 depending if i have to reff or not, i'm just all whiped out. I just want to take a hot shower and hit the hay and not wake up until 7 AM and be late for school next morning. Many times i dont get around cleaning my gun until a few hours before i have to use it again :D. Sometimes i just forget and end up not cleaning my goggles, pack, shoes or gun. Bad habit though.

Pile & A Half
11-11-2002, 11:05 PM
I do it every time I get done playing. And some times I do it just because I am bored and can't find anything better to do.

11-12-2002, 10:47 AM
I try to get the cleaning out of the way the same day. If I leave it, I have a tendency to forget. There's nothing worst than getting out your equipment for a day of palay only to find that it is gummed up with half dried paint goo in places you never knew paint could get into.

11-12-2002, 11:23 AM
If I'm playing in an outdoor field (Im in Arizona) then I clean it the night I get home ....

If I'm playing indoor (which I have lately cause our local indoor field is huge) then unless I break paint I clean it a few days later ... clean the whole regulator and relube it ....


11-12-2002, 01:12 PM
Anyone else find themselves cleaning off the outside of your gun while playing? I always catch myself whiping dirt off it with my shirt :P

11-12-2002, 01:24 PM
lol, no i dont do that ... BUT I still find myself shaking the hopper form time to time ... not realizing its a Revvy 12v and its not gonna need it ... stupid habit from the past!
