View Full Version : Got a situation here...

11-10-2002, 09:04 AM
Alright, this is how it goes:

Our team yesterday got 3rd in a tournament. We all got PMI glass wrapped 68/3000psi tanks. I have a steel 47/3000psi tank. I would really like that tank. We worked damn hard for those tanks and now the way it is set up our sponsor being the field owner gets our prize. Do you think it would be wrong to give him my entry fee and keep the prize or should I give him the prize?

11-10-2002, 09:24 AM
Did you play in the pmi in Texas? and if so are you the team from Alexandria LA.

11-10-2002, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by WhyIsItUpsideDown?
Alright, this is how it goes:

Our team yesterday got 3rd in a tournament. We all got PMI glass wrapped 68/3000psi tanks. I have a steel 47/3000psi tank. I would really like that tank. We worked damn hard for those tanks and now the way it is set up our sponsor being the field owner gets our prize. Do you think it would be wrong to give him my entry fee and keep the prize or should I give him the prize?
Well I guess that all depends on what you mean by “Sponsor”. Now days I see a lot “sponsorships” going around that don’t mean a whole lot. I would say that you would know your sponsorship arrangement better than we do, and because of that would know if it would be “wrong” or not to do what you want to do.

I would also suggest talking this over with your “Sponsor” and see what they think about it.

11-10-2002, 09:26 AM
how the heck does he get your tanks?!

11-10-2002, 11:56 AM
wait, is this the field that hosted the tournament? If so your sponsor is just getting his prizes back, and that is pretty low. Also, what does his sponsorship provide? why does he diserve your prizes thats just wrong. Sponsors sponsor to get their name out, not to get crap back in return besides sales and revenue.

A good sponsor would not collect your prizes, he would collect the money he made from revenue of your team winning. Thats how it is supposed to be. those tanks should be yours, and if he wishes to collect your tanks, then drop your sponsor, and find a better one. You are a winning team, it will be easier to find a sponsor now.

Edit for jonno... In the hose business, we do something like this. It works like this. There is a classified pro rider, who rides in the open competitions. The owner of the horse the Pro rider is riding, pays all the entry fees and such, and if the rider wins, the collect the winning money, trophies etc. THat is how i think this sponsorship is working, but it is useless for a situation like this. It is olny profitable if your sponsoring a high caliber team who is playing high caliber competitions

11-10-2002, 12:43 PM
At my first tounament, everyone told me after getting 3rd that Mr. home field owner gets our prizes. Him being the sponsor pays for our entry fee, air, not paint. Gives us jerseys and head wraps(which are paid by another sponsor.:rolleyes:). Its basically his team. I can understand last time because we stayed the night and he payed for your hotel, but this one we just drove. Yeah sucks huh?

Oh Laser, I play for Crossfire Blue and we are out Tyler, Texas. The tournament was at Longview paintball.

11-10-2002, 02:06 PM
Id drop him personally...If our sponsor did that Id say cya lata! In fact, our sponsor plays on the team and he gives HIS prizes to the alternate that goes!!!

11-10-2002, 08:14 PM
If the sponsor wanted my winnings he better pay for my ride includeing paint.

I was at the pmi tournament both yesterday and today. The action was alot better yesterday.

Did you play many games off the mound field?

Congrats on your 3rd place finish.

11-10-2002, 10:02 PM
No we played like 3 on the mounds thankfully, I hate mounds. And the hyperball was tiny, you could see the other team off the break and it is like 20yds long! The only field I liked there was the airball. Who won today?

11-11-2002, 08:02 AM
I dont know who won it yet, it was so boreing I left early

11-11-2002, 10:23 AM
Whats worth more? The benefit you got from your sponsor, or the prizes you won?

If you are going to do it logically, look at the long run, and figure out what would be more beneficial.

If you are winning tournaments that have decent prizes, you are probably better off dumping your sponsor, paying the entry fee yourself, and keeping the prizes. You can always search for another sponsor to pay your entry, and at least you'll have some nifty prizes to play with in the meantime :)

11-11-2002, 05:29 PM
If the sponcer only pays for your entry fee but not your paint then they aren't contributing much. My team always spends more on paint then on the fee (which includes air). I'd give him back his fee, keep the tank, and tell him where he can shove his "sponcership."

Basicly, the way you have it now, you're paying to play (paint costs) with no possibility of winning anything other than a trophy. That sucks.

11-12-2002, 11:44 AM
The sponsor may have a right to get back some of the costs from prizes after all your expenses are paid only if he foots the entire bill for your team at the tournament. By getting your prizes and only paying the entry and air, he is making a profit on your team. That is not what a sponsorship is all about. Expenses for a tournament may include costs for practice leading up to the tournament as well.

Tell your sponsor that you will give him back his tournament costs after your tournament costs are covered by any prizes that are sold for compensation. If the prizes don't cover the total cost of the tournament then you owe nothing. If the prizes exceed the tournament costs (including sponsors entry) then any excess should go into an account to cover practice and future expenses.

If a sponsor is willing to pay for all tournament costs and give some money or paint towards practice costs then he may set up a deal where he wants all money/prizes won by the team to go back into a pot to support that team and other teams he may sponsor. That should be acceptable given the cost of fully sponsoring teams.

Good luck with your situation.

11-12-2002, 01:35 PM
i would recommend getting a contract written. you cant just go along hoping that everything will go your way with sponsorship. i mean, did they pay your entry? did they pay yuour paint? what do you do for them?

its thinks like that that cause problems in instaces like this