View Full Version : Post your AOSC memories and stories!

paint magnet
11-10-2002, 02:18 PM
Well, first of all I would like to thank Muzikman for letting me shoot his TiCocker all day (and it is sweet :D ), Load for the pie stickers, Personman and Kevmaster for taking pics and being on my team, Tom for being there and signing my jersey, roll of teflon tape, barrel plug and allen wrench set:D , Fatman for having some of my pie, Jon for taking pics, and everyone else who was there.

Man, it was fun. I remember getting bunkered by Moose, talking to Devil (so what if she just asked when the game started;) )shooting the Ticocker, the hill challenge field and of course, playing with TK and personman in his pie costume :D

It was fun playing 1 on 1 with Riotz, especially when I gogged him, and running around letting him shoot me for no reason. Also thanks to boomer for letting me shoot his Emag. I think I'm now a mag convert:D Anyway, what were your memorable moments at SC AO day?

paint magnet
11-10-2002, 02:20 PM
Oh yeah, and I was suprised only one person told me I should have bought a mag instead of a cocker when mine broke :D

11-10-2002, 02:33 PM
im glad you had a good time... its the typhocker btw and yea, it is hella sweet. IM glad you had a blast, now where are your pictures?

paint magnet
11-10-2002, 02:51 PM
Sorry, I can't spell. My digital camera died after 3 pics, so I had to use the disposable one. I'll try to post them though.

11-10-2002, 03:06 PM
haha that was funny when you went up to Tom and told him that you would trade him all those guns (including a stingray :eek: ) for his extreme :D

11-10-2002, 03:14 PM
Well, Lance offered to trade his 2k Angel for Toms extream... RIGHT!

I think the best memory was... Well... Getting bunkered by Tom himself...

Creative Mayhem
11-10-2002, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Trench
I think the best memory was... Well... Getting bunkered by Tom himself...

Trench, I hope you got Tom to autograph the balls he hit you with and the welts you received from them.:D

Welcome to AO!

C Mayhem

Load SM5
11-10-2002, 05:27 PM
I might as well go ahead and get this out before Tom gets back and goes off on me.

I played with my trigger a few days before SC to see what it would be like a little lighter. Apparently I made it too light. The ever changing I Ate All The Pies team consisted of Tom, Fatman and myself in this game. Right before the 10 second could we all turned to put our barrels on the blue start station barrel when I tapped mine against the blue barrel a little hard. My finger was no where near the trigger but of course the gun went off hitting Industry Giant Tom Kaye directly in the right cheek (not the one on his face). Apparently, it did'nt feel really nice by the way Tom was yelling and hopping around the field. Definately not my crowning moment.

He did get me back later at the last game of the day by shooting me as I went to bunker the last guy on the team, but he claims he's not satisfied because it did'nt welt me. I have to watch my back around him from now on.

And Tom, you'll be pleased to know I've just added a magnet back in my frame to make the trigger less sensitive. I hope you can sit in a chair normally soon;)

Creative Mayhem
11-10-2002, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
My finger was no where near the trigger but of course the gun went off hitting Industry Giant Tom Kaye directly in the right cheek (not the one on his face). Apparently, it did'nt feel really nice by the way Tom was yelling and hopping around the field. Definately not my crowning moment.

He did get me back later at the last game of the day by shooting me as I went to bunker the last guy on the team, but he claims he's not satisfied because it did'nt welt me. I have to watch my back around him from now on.

And Tom, you'll be pleased to know I've just added a magnet back in my frame to make the trigger less sensitive. I hope you can sit in a chair normally soon;)

WOW It sucks to be you.:D I guess that if you ordered an X mag it's gonna take EXTRA long to get to you.;)

Hope you feel better Tom *snicker*:) jk


11-10-2002, 06:10 PM
Tom was just lucky he didn't play the disgruntled squirrles...I mean bunnies:D :p

11-10-2002, 06:16 PM
The first rain to hit California in nearly a year, turned out to be a huge Pacific storm. Well, that delayed Sarah's and my flight to L.A.

Getting to L.A. finally, we discover there has been a security breach, and OUR plane has gone back to the hanger to be inspected. So we waited at LAX for 4.5 hours, doing the departure gate shuffle. When we finally boarded, LAX had begun to fog in from the storm, so we waited another hour to finally get permission to take off, and another .5 hour to get onto the runway!

Got to Dallas 4 hours AFTER our connecting flight left, so AA put us up in a hotel. we scored a $250 dollar a night room for $37! swEEt! No-one knew where we were, so a serious phone tag was going on between cphilip and my wife! We finally got that straight though.........ok, I got my butt kicked by my wife!

We arrived at Greenville at noon, and cphilip's son ccaleb, picked us up, (he was easy to spot in the lobby, with his RASE pants on!) Finally got to Gold Dragon field, dumped out our gear, set up our stuff, got paint, got air, got totally dizzy from lack of food! Sarah and I had to scarf down some hot-dogs and great chili first!

It was so cool to put faces on all you AO members. The day was sunny, the air cool, the play was fair and honest, the crowd was the best. We had personmans Mom there. She drove him all the way from Atlanta after much begging and negotiating. I do believe she had a good time too, considering all the jumping and clapping she did!

The after-party was super. Great food (LOTS of food!) plenty of cold yellow bubbly liquids, Tom on the mic to give away around $1500 worth of stuff, a great bluegrass band, (..and I don't really care for bluegrass!), a great staff of ladies at the Explorers Restaraunt, and a family atmosphere that could only be AO.

(The AFTER after party will not be discussed around the younger membership!)

Fatman gets my bottom-of-my-heart gratitude, for putting Sarah and I up for the weekend. Your wonderful wife and kids are a joy to be around. Thank you.

Major thanks, kudos, way to go's, atta boy's, slaps on the back, hearty handshake's, and heartfelt HOOAH's, to cphilip for going the 2 extra miles to organize this superb day. He worked so hard for all of AO, that he never even got to shoot ONE paintball at ANYONE all day! Dedication, thy name is Phil!

All you members that thought about going, but had every wrong reason not to, had better make plans to attend the next one. AO days are nothing but the best day of paintball and friendship you can have. The next one I can get to, I'll be there!

11-10-2002, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I might as well go ahead and get this out before Tom gets back and goes off on me.

I played with my trigger a few days before SC to see what it would be like a little lighter. Apparently I made it too light. The ever changing I Ate All The Pies team consisted of Tom, Fatman and myself in this game. Right before the 10 second could we all turned to put our barrels on the blue start station barrel when I tapped mine against the blue barrel a little hard. My finger was no where near the trigger but of course the gun went off hitting Industry Giant Tom Kaye directly in the right cheek (not the one on his face). Apparently, it did'nt feel really nice by the way Tom was yelling and hopping around the field. Definately not my crowning moment.

He did get me back later at the last game of the day by shooting me as I went to bunker the last guy on the team, but he claims he's not satisfied because it did'nt welt me. I have to watch my back around him from now on.

And Tom, you'll be pleased to know I've just added a magnet back in my frame to make the trigger less sensitive. I hope you can sit in a chair normally soon;) this was in the same game where tom bunkered my teammate after he was hit.

11-10-2002, 07:19 PM
My mom jumped and clapped?:confused:

Heh, It was pretty fun/ny playing in that pie costume.. but it took away alot of the game so I diddnt do it again :D
What do you say boomer? How do you like playing against a giant pie???

11-10-2002, 07:23 PM
sounds like a great day. I wish i could have been there. We need to get one of these going towards the western part of the us so that i can get there.

11-10-2002, 08:17 PM
Tom got shot in the butt by load. LOL AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA.

11-10-2002, 08:25 PM
Then the ref wipped the paint off of his butt and tried to sell the towel for $5...

11-10-2002, 08:31 PM
I would have bought the towel ;)

11-10-2002, 08:35 PM
Hehe... Oh yeah, I am not sure that the bunkering by Tom counts or not...

The guy on their team in the back right stand up (Dont remember who) actually hit me out. I was at the 30 in the middle bunker and saw Tom coming around... I was WAY to late... So, I fell out the right side of the bunker to try and hit him so Moose would be ok, and got hit in the figre by the stand up, then about 6 by Tom... So, if it counts it counts, but oh well...

(Moose did get bunkered, he ran out of paint and tom was already running *Grin*)

11-10-2002, 08:45 PM
Ok, since I think everyone will agree that it was a great day / Weekend...so I'll get right to the cool stuff / quotes...

Clem(p)son - With a silent P, that is not really there and not really silent...

Sleeping in the closet...

Tom's Saturday morning room serice breakfast... Nothing like a 15 hour old Subway sub...

The fog in Virginia / West Verginia... Video to come...

Sarah...there really are evil squirls in SC...

Tom showing us his butt welt...not the prettiest sight:)

Devil nearly shooting me while I am taking pictures (on the field)...I think she was just test firing her gun, but missed me by just inches.

Getting lost going to dinner...Thanks Phil for talking Load through getting there even though he has a GPS in his car.

Well...that's all I can think of right now...maybe more to come. Keep an eye out for all the pictures...

Load SM5
11-10-2002, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman

Getting lost going to dinner...Thanks Phil for talking Load through getting there even though he has a GPS in his car.

Hey, it only works if you know where your going and the name of the place. I was just following the pack, just like you.

11-10-2002, 09:39 PM
oh the times...

let's see.....


Getting Bunkered by the main man himself... Tom.
I thought about having him sign it with a sharpy and taking a pix of it... but I was sick, so I wasn't thinking too much, and still am not thinking...

Sitting in my hotel room when the door opens and Tom walks in.... he installed my LvL 10 in my NEW emag... fix our minimag, and told us to get NEW plugs! (which I never did) remember.. I was sick, so I wasn't thinking....

Hurting my shoulder ... well, I didn't hurt it.. Devil hurt it... ... and then telling everyone at the after party who hurt my shoulder..... and ... kinda how...
really.... heheheh... we were just "laying" on the bed.... ;)

Bunkering a guy off break on the SupAir Field!-)
and then next game... bunkering two off break at the same spot!!!! hehehhehe...

.... let's see....
I could keep going on and on... but the whole thing was just great!! I also have about 20 new pods!!! thanks Rob!!!
and... Thanks Devil for ... shoot... being the most beautiful girl around.... :D

see what I get to be with!!! what a wonderful sweet little Devil she is!!!! =]

Creative Mayhem
11-10-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Army
All you members that thought about going, but had every wrong reason not to, had better make plans to attend the next one. AO days are nothing but the best day of paintball and friendship you can have. The next one I can get to, I'll be there!

Army, don't take this the wrong way, but I resent this comment you made. My 4yr old brother's health condition demanded that I remain home incase he took a turn for the worst. I'm sure you agree that family comes first, and while I do consider AO to be my extended family, blood comes first. As for the question, will I be at the next big meet? That is up to the man upstairs. I'm sure the AOers that didn't make it have their own reasons for not being there.

This is not a personal attack, just my reason for missing out on this AO meet. IF you want, I can bring a note from my mommy to allow me into the next meet.:D;)

Load SM5
11-10-2002, 09:48 PM
Mayhem, he said every wrong reason not to go. Your's was a right one. I'm sure Army would agree.

11-10-2002, 09:55 PM
Exactly, you had your brother to think of first, that is a right reason. I find nothing but love in you, that you would forego AOIII in order to help him.

I'm talking about : "It's too far" (PaintballerAK came from Alaska, Sarah and I came in from Calli), "There's no one to drive me!" (personman's Mom dropped one of her engagements to bring him from Atlanta. The New Jersey contingent all piled into one car, members from Fla. made it too).

11-10-2002, 10:24 PM
someone is sucking up...(he's sore and sick...I gotta play nurse...and look what he does while I'm out getting food and movies...)

silly moose!

(Thanks though...muaaahh...kisses**);)

Creative Mayhem
11-10-2002, 10:34 PM
I thank you for your understanding and I appologize for my statement. I must have misread/misinterpreted what army said. I WILL be at the next AO Day that I can attend. I look forward to meeting/playing with all of you. Like I said before, AOers are like family, and I believe families should get together and celebrate being a family.


11-10-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Army
I'm talking about : "It's too far" (PaintballerAK came from Alaska, Sarah and I came in from Calli), "There's no one to drive me!" (personman's Mom dropped one of her engagements to bring him from Atlanta. The New Jersey contingent all piled into one car, members from Fla. made it too).

Actually, having just returned from SCAO in the downgraded NJ party bus. (which in the end became just a 20 year old SUV where the only partying was when we stopped for bathroom or fuel breaks, and turned off the engine so we could talk...) I would actually say that, yes, it is too far. :)

11-10-2002, 11:04 PM
Yes, it was one hell of a long drive, after just getting out of BOFH's truck, but it was one hell of a fun weekend. It was great getting to meet Tom, and seeing Phil and Fatman again, and just meeting everyone else, like Load, Wyn, NTN, Potatoboy, and everyone else. The party in my and Riotz's room was a blast. Who new a Days Inn room could hold so many people?

Not to mention getting to see Jon again, and witness him putting his foot in his mouth with such classic lines as "Lord have Mercy on me!" Sorry, if you weren't there you won't get it.

Also, Jeff, remember to always "push up the daisies to let them grow up"

11-10-2002, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by govnamac
Also, Jeff, remember to always "push up the daisies to let them grow up"

Roitz, I have to find out what that song was,... I need a new torture device. I think the chorus of that would crack anybody in minutes.

11-10-2002, 11:45 PM
Sup guys, Rob (not bob :-) long

Reffing was fun, it meant I got
to wipe Tom's BUMM, nobody would
buy the towel, oh well....

I got to see a lot of really
good play and meet a lot of cool

It was great to connect faces an
screen names of all you guys.

AGD / TK: wow.....there is not
an appropriate response :-)

I really didn't expect what I
saw from Tom. He seemed to
really be having a good time,
and he actually bothered to
come hang out in the hotel
room and party w/ us.

AGD_Jon / Master Wang:
Well, we got to hang out in my
office till like 2:30 am, that
was very interesting. He
seems like a devoted man. Jon,
it was a lot of fun to meet you
and put a face w/ the legend.
You are welcome anytime, please
let me know man. -rob

Load SM5 ; cool man. you and
moose and devil and allen, and
....(I'm really bad w/ names).
I had a blast guys.. can't wait
till the next meet.

Fatman and Cphilip, well, I
literally work for fatman, and
I sold cphilip the first marker
he bought so his son could play,
so I guess I have to like these guys.

Honestly, the donut orgy take
2 was great.

Sitting with all the guys,
tuna jr, wc_keep, army, tsc,
moose, devil, jon, and everyone
else, that was cool.

riotz was always taking or jumping in

WC_Keep.....wow, really?
Well, I was on his bunker list,
but since I reffed, he had to
settle for shooting me in the
back :)


Wow, I'll post some more later
too, I'm messing w/ a slug body
right now.

11-10-2002, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5

Hey, it only works if you know where your going and the name of the place. I was just following the pack, just like you.

Yeah yeah yeah, thats what you get for following the guy from Florida, who HAD NO CLUE where the hell we were going or how to get there for that matter. All in all I had a great time, it was very nice to put some faces/names together. I will definately make every effort to meet up again. I will be postng all my pictures (almost 100) on a photo album courtesy of sony imagestation. This of course will have to wait for me to get back to Florida on monday evening.

I hope everyone there had as good a time as I did... and I know theres a couple of people who need a pm from me.. and I'll get that taken care of when I return. AO has got to be one of the greatest "bunch" of people around! Peace until I return to good ole warm and sunny FL..

11-11-2002, 12:54 AM
well...does everyone like my new sig pic...I just created it...hehe!! That's really my gun...

Tomorrow I will post a list about everything I enjoyed...it's just long and I need to go to bed...have a good night!!

11-11-2002, 01:18 AM
Well, I just wanted to thank everyone for such a great time on saturday. I was looking around while shopping for a gun and found the forums here, and found out that this was happening just a short drive from clemson. It sounded like it would be fun, and I had my mag ordered and was planning on driving home to get it and coming back on saturday morning to play with it. but of course something was backordered and nothing made it. I was mad, but i figured i might as well go and play with a rental. Even though the gun wasnt that great, it was definately more fun than sitting in an empty dorm room!! I had a great time, all the people there were nice and very welcoming. Thanks for the great time!! And by the way, when you clemson area people go and play on the weekends let me know, im willing to go pretty much anytime.

11-11-2002, 04:06 AM
stickied the thread for yall!!!

There defeintly was a lot of good moments (Please forgive the master on his poor choice of spelling. I have been up all day/night because my flight was canceled due to bad weather...it is past 4:00 AM right now)

Let's see, staying at ez's office in Clemson, looking for Lance's car in pea soup...

playing against the squirels with all 3 of them gunning for me and we stil won without me getting hit, then going up against Blackcell and getting the same treatment AND getting hit...

getting lost on the way to explorers....


Getting stuck at the airport because of severe weather conditions and a late plane arrival. No sign of Tom in sight which means he made it home ok.

11-11-2002, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by Devil
well...does everyone like my new sig pic...I just created it...hehe!! That's really my gun...

Tomorrow I will post a list about everything I enjoyed...it's just long and I need to go to bed...have a good night!!

Beauty sig devil!!! Sweet! but I dont see a quarter sized bruise on her head ;)


11-11-2002, 08:28 AM
The SC AO meet was an incredible experience - these are the crowning moments for me ...

Devil, great sig! You ARE a cutie! Loved your tattoo! Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Jon, you provided my bewbs with much needed protection! Next time we'll work on size OK? Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Personman, after all the worry as to whether you'd make it, Mom came through (hope she had a good experience) and you ended up playing with me and Load and Tom and Jon and you PLAYED IN A PIE, didn't get hit and ran in the flag! Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Paintmagnet, the only AO'er who thought to actually BRING pie - and spent the day trying to get people to eat some. Of course the FatMan couldn't pass that up - two slices of peach pie (and it was good). Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Load, what can I say, buddy, team-mate, dude! You shot Tom in the ***! Point blank range! In front of EVERYONE! And he was limping around holding his butt crying out "that hurt!" Good thing I had a mask on because I was laughing so hard! That was the 2nd funniest moment of the day! Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Tom! You are so good with people. Hangin' with you is so easy, and for a guy as well known as you, that's a compliment! And of course, at the party, you SHOWED us (well, a select few of us) the welt left by Load's errant paintball. Yes folks, I have SEEN Tom Kaye's ***! THAT was the funniest moment of the day! Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Kelly! You are SO sweet! Phil and I had an event in NJ when we double-kissed Capo for the camera. Now you have turned that event into a TRADITION when Phil and I double kissed you! And you got out there and played too! Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Army, Sarah, you MADE it! Not quite the way we wanted, but you made it! Y'all are welcome any time! Thanks, you made my experience complete! (yeah, I know I said "a-s-s" a couple of times! don't ban me!)

The Angle Guy and their entourage (sp?). You guy are wild! Hope you found the ladies fashion store! Thanks, you made my experience complete!

Cher (not sure if its spelled right) is Regulator's mom. It was Regulator's first tourney, and Cher's first time to watch him play, and he WON! The all time best moment of the day was Cher's reaction when I told her they'd won. She was jumping up and down and cheering. There were other moms and sisters and dads, and even a grandma I think cheering. This was their FIRST paintball experience! Now THIS is what its all about folks. Cher told me she had tried to discourage him from paintball. She had all the typical misconceptions. But the AO crowd made a believer of her. Get that folks WE are the model for what paintball needs to be. Not the pro tourneys, US! They came to the party, they had a great time, they were so enthusiastic. Thanks, you made my experience complete!

There are so many others, Riotz, PantballerAK, Frausty, Tunaman Jr., Musikman, ALL of you guys who came, it was so much fun! Thanks, you made my experience complete.

And finally, there's Uncle Phil. Between the two of us we make about one good paintballer. He's my other half. He was busy takin' care of stuff all day - and I KNOW he LOVES it. He was fixin' guns and loanin' out guns, and talking about Level 10 and meeting moms and sisters and hobknobbing with the bigwigs. Which left me plenty of time to have fun and goof around, which is what I do best. It wouldn't have happened without you man! And it did happen, and it was a success! And we're going to do it again next year! Thanks, you made my experience complete!


11-11-2002, 10:30 AM
Thanks a lot guys!!! I had the time of my life!!

And yes that was my mom and my little sister. The other lady with short brown hair was my best friend and teamates mom(the guy with the grey JT Flame jersey). And for the "elderly lady" that was not a grandmother but my Third teamates mom. he is 25.

Thanks a lot, i hope there are more pics coming!!!!

11-11-2002, 12:18 PM
where to start
ok things I learned in SC
-clemson is actually clempson, but the p is silent, and not -actually there, and it's not actually silent (inside joke)
-Load has the scariest grin in the world
-Uncle phil is really short (we need a pic of him next to simon)
But on to the rest. I spent 30 hours on the road this weekend. Drove through fog that you couldn't see but a little ways in front of you (check muzik's pics, that was on the expressway), got chased out of akron by the storm that wrecked havoc up here, and then a massive down poor for the remainder of the way. Was it worth it???? unfortunately yes, which means I'll have to do it again. It also helps to have entertaining characters along for the ride (muzikman, ntn4502, and potatoboy all in a 4 door dakota for at least 10 hours each way).
We got to SC about 1AM on friday, hung out with in Riotz room as usual with Load, Gov and crazy man riotz (who promptly fell asleep and had pics taken of him). We then decided sleep might be good. But before hand we left tom a present (6 inch steak and cheese sub from subway that had been in the truck for at least 6 hours by then) on his door, thought he might get the munchies. Got to bed that night around 3:30-4:00.
Back up sat morning at 6Am to get to the field. Saturday was just a blast. Our wonderfull team disgruntled squirrels (tater, NT and myself) got waxed nearly every game. But we knew this going in a decided to just have fun. The last game army and sarah had just showed up. Tater and I snagged each snagged a set of bunny ears from them and played our last game in them. But right before we changed our name to disgruntled bunnys. Tater was then dubbed bunny wang (look for muz's pic of him behind a bunker). I'm not completely sure, but I'm thinking we pulled last place. Regardless we had a blast.
That night we all hung around the fire pit outside. Talking, having story time with fatman, and partook in adult beverages. It was a great time. But I'll have to leave it at that for now, cause I got work to catch back up on. Pictures to follow later this week (all from sat night in riotz, the party man's room).

I'm having trouble remembering all the shananagins. So I'll just finish with NT's wang story. All weekend we where trying to think up a decent wang name for him. So we kept telling him to do or say something stupid and he tried and tried, but the magic of a wang name is you're not supposed to put any effort into it, it should just come to you, well he is now "say something stupid wang" (or SSS wang for short) for just that reason.

but before I get, I would really like to thank Uncle phil and fatman for putting the whole thing together. sure there are a lot of people that deserve thanks, but you two crazy (insert colorfull word of choice) put the whole thing together and made it happen. Tons of people had a great time this weekend and it's because of you.
(PS I'm surprised I'm able to post, after threat of permanent banishment from uncle phil)

Load SM5
11-11-2002, 12:31 PM
A Wynn, a little something for you http://www.sillyhumor.com/banjo.html


11-11-2002, 12:32 PM

Not the Banjos!

We can't escape them!

11-11-2002, 12:34 PM
I hate you

to think I almost forgot about that part.

11-11-2002, 12:47 PM
ok couple more I just remembered

-I nearly got Sarah disowned, she took my timmy out and Army got a little surly
-It's near to impossible to get a break on bunny ears
-Never ask Jon to talk with a southern accent
-Riotz has something against garbage cans
-Tunaman is going to take a bounty out on us (tried to pull a fred on Tuna Jr.)
-Army seems a lot bigger online than in person and is actually a pretty nice guy
-Load has a thing for goats

11-11-2002, 01:19 PM
- Actually getting to meet and party Tom Green, (or his designated clone.) Sorry, FrAuStY :)


- Discusing etymology with Master Wang and Army at 1:30 am.


- Having some of the most fun I've ever had playing paintball, and getting to play with other people's amazing markers, sydarms, customs sydarms, all the wonderful e-mags I got to shoot.

- Playing Bunker Hill. I love that field. I loved playing that field weither we won or lost. I loved watching people play that field. I loved that fact it had fire and tiki torches, and holes that would make we "turtle" on my back.

- And getting to put faces on the names of the people on the forums.

- also, getting to slap a picture of the I Ate All Pies guy on the belly of Fatman, AGDjon and Load_sm5

Load SM5
11-11-2002, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370

-Load has a thing for goats

You lie!

Wyn showed me that you can save amazing amounts of money on paint if you get shot out of every game within 45 seconds.;)

11-11-2002, 02:53 PM
you forgot that you don't need a warp if you don't take hopper hits (cause there's bigger easier targets to hit, like a leg, torso, arm)

Load SM5
11-11-2002, 02:58 PM

11-11-2002, 05:48 PM
oh, yeh, i won one of the warp feeds :D

11-11-2002, 05:55 PM
Meeting everyone and enjoying the brotherhood and sistahood that AO reflects.

You can not put it into words how much fun it is just hangn' with the crowd.

The whole event is just full throttle party time with many smiles and laughs til your belly hurts cuz the AO crew is so kewl.

C-YA !!!

paint magnet
11-11-2002, 07:56 PM
lol, I wondered why Tom was sitting kind of funny at the afterparty:D It also looks like BOFH had a little too much fun after they got the keg running. The expression on cphillip's face was pretty funny when he found out the keg wasn't working.;)

Personman, I also tried to trade everything I owned for Muzikman's Typhocker and offered Tom my Stingray if he would let me shoot the Xtreme :D

Fatman, glad you enjoyed the pie. I left it at the party when I left so I don't know how many people had some, but I never did get Tom to have some.

It seemed like most of the people looked a lot different than what I had expected, especially cphillip. But it was cool getting to put faces with the names.

Anyway, I had a great time and can't wait until the next one.

Oh yeah, I know I asked you at the field, but Tom or Jon, if you ever change your mind and want to buy my cocker, email me :D Or trade for that Xtreme...

11-11-2002, 07:59 PM
Here's a link to all my pictures from the dinner party... sorry I can't put names on faces for all of you that didn't show up... but you can match `em up with the ones in the thread "Who's the face behind the screen name" started by polishpickles. I'll try to get a link up later..just home and am keeping my promise.. (Getting pictures up asap)

<A HREF="http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4291128207" target="_none"><IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/images/is/community/this_album_button.gif" BORDER="0"></A> <- Dinner Pictures <A HREF="http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4291128049"><IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/images/is/community/this_album_button.gif" BORDER="0"></A> <- Field Pictures

11-11-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
It also looks like BOFH had a little too much fun after they got the keg running.

Oh lord, what did I do? I don't remember doing anything that bad, I didn't dance or nothing.

11-11-2002, 08:14 PM
some things I've learned,

-try not to get in a conversation with cphillip when your teams on deck
-know what Jon means when he asks for a "some" paint
-don't rely on certain people to bring the women to the after party
-dont use the 'entire team shoots at one player' stratagy, doesn't seem to work
-dont shoot popcorn from an sfl at 1 in the morning, some people dont find it funny
-dodge dakotas have uncomfortable back seats
-and last but not least, stay away from tornados!

great time...how many times am I gonna say that?

Load SM5
11-11-2002, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by ntn4502

-dont shoot popcorn from an sfl at 1 in the morning, some people dont find it funny

Especially the owner of said SFL.;)

11-11-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by ntn4502
-dont shoot popcorn from an sfl at 1 in the morning, some people dont find it funny

Notably, the person directly in front of the marker. :)

11-11-2002, 08:46 PM
hahaha =X

11-11-2002, 10:12 PM
I'm still picking popcorn outta
my hand !

lol :)


11-11-2002, 11:36 PM
I didn't get home as Jon thought I ended up being stuck in SC for the night too. I just got back this afternoon and came down with a cold in the process.

I am not feeling too well so I will make this brief and just say that I had a great time meeting and playing with everyone! It was SO relaxing especially after spending a week listening to complaints about reffing and cheating it was a pleasure to play paintball again. The whole time no one got upset or swore and not a single person wiped! BRAVO!!

It was tremendous fun and I was glad that I could make it. Now for the next one at the Wayne Dollack Last Blast in a couple weeks!!

Thanks everyone for showing up and making it a great weekend!


11-12-2002, 01:02 AM
No AO member would swear, get upset, or cheat we are too cool for that :D

Tom... come to the northwest AO meet... or atleast... jon... or atleast can we have that cool "Official AO Day" flyer... can we get some stickers... how bought a couple of warpfeeds too... some extreme's with flatlines wouldn't be too much to ask for would it?

Just kidding :p

Come to the Northwest AO meet... hopefully sometime in march/april

11-12-2002, 01:04 AM
Swear maybe...

After all, there was no Robbot there to kick us.

11-12-2002, 08:50 AM
Swear? No never!! Ask AntwanRT :)

11-12-2002, 12:14 PM
Ahh memories. Let's see...... :)

- Going restaurant hopping (I wish we went to hooters) :p
- Sticking American flag stickers on the angel guy's car with Tom. I mean uhh... That wasn't us.
- Falling asleep and then having pictures taken while you sleep. (Thanks Muzik, Wyn, govnamac and whoever else plotted that)
- Black Cell shooting out master wang's pick-up team in 49 seconds
- Watching TK be a "super-star" on the field
- Playing 1 on 1 vs. WC Keep (hehe you need to call yourself out louder)
- Playing 2 on 1 vs. Army and Sarah
- Running around getting shot at with a pump gun by paint magnet (heh, I think it was him)
- Getting lost by following Frausy to the after party
- TK showing us his "welt" at the after party
- Hanging behind the bar with Shannon and the waitresses
- Spending $75 on "paintball soda" for the AFTER after party (Courtesy of Muzik, Load, Wyn, govnamac and myself)
- Having everyone laugh at me for getting upset over the no girls showing up. =(
- TK saving me from jumping, hehe
- Shooting 3 KPS (Kernels per second) with Load's SFL.
- The constant buzzing in my ear. :p

And finally the best memory: seeing all the old faces from Shatnerball and other AO meets again. As well as lots of new ones!

Thanks cphilip, fatman and wives for organizing a great event. It was lots of fun and put together well. The after party and food was very good. (I dunno about the band though, hehe j/k)

P.S. The song is by Ween called "Push the little daisies" =]

11-12-2002, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
I dunno about the band though, hehe j/k)

heh...at least ours showed up! LOL ;)

No seriously now... realy... I been reflecting a lot the last two days on how much this one seemed to turn into a Family thing. I was a little surprised at first. Now when I think about it I am more than pleased it did each day. It seemed to cross a wide range of ages and people. And brought people in that normaly do not play Paintball but gave them a chance to see it in a great atmosphere. I know for a fact there are some Moms out there that now are way more supportive of their kids playing Paintball than they were before that day. And for that I am surely proud and all you AO memebers should be too. If we accomplished that we did a good thing.

And I am even more pleased with the organized Party after format than I even thought I would. Its one thing to play that day but its another to bring everyone back together after they clean up and joke over the things that happened and relate those things to those who missed them. I think that was a very important aspect to the whole thing. Several of you said we set a new standard that will be hard to beat. Well yes and I think that should be our goal every time out. Bigger and better every one! And this one will take some lessons learned and adjust those few things to adapt to the throng of spectators and cater a bit more to them as they seem to want to come watch. But all and all it was pretty the kind of event we wanted to happen. Watch for another one next year same time frame.

Again thanks for coming and keep those comments going here!


11-12-2002, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

heh...at least ours showed up! LOL ;)

No seriously now... realy... I been reflecting a lot the last two days on how much this one seemed to turn into a Family thing. I was a little surprised at first. Now when I think about it I am more than pleased it did each day. It seemed to cross a wide range of ages and people. And brought people in that normaly do not play Paintball but gave them a chance to see it in a great atmosphere. I know for a fact there are some Moms out there that now are way more supportive of their kids playing Paintball than they were before that day. And for that I am surely proud and all you AO memebers should be too. If we accomplished that we did a good thing.
This is a very important thing.

If you look at most of the successful sports out there, they start them young.... and you can't do that without the support of families. Heck some sports (such as football, soccer, and baseball) now start out at almost first grade level in some communities.

So, the next time folks want to act like Paintball is not sport for families or that they really don't belong (as I kept reading from folks about paintball events posted here on AO in the past), keep this AO Day in mind. Paintball does not exist in isolation, and neither do paintball players. ;) Without the support of our families many of us would simply not play.

Good job guys, I am very happy things turned out so well.

11-12-2002, 12:39 PM
yes...its very important for the Band to show up Sam...:D


11-12-2002, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
yes...its very important for the Band to show up Sam...:D

Well, you know what they say about music….. it soothes the savage beast! :D


11-12-2002, 12:45 PM
Hey now, our band showed up. We just didn't have any power... :(

11-12-2002, 01:00 PM
Sorry...but I just couldn't resist the temptation Riotz! http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/aha.gif

11-12-2002, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Riotz

- Having everyone laugh at me for getting upset over the no girls showing up. =(

Uh huh...I'll remember this...what am I?? I was there for a few minutes...but I guess that doesn't matter!


11-12-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by AGD

Now for the next one at the Wayne Dollack Last Blast in a couple weeks!!

When/where is that?? Maybe I can get in on it...sorry about your cold...that's not good! I hope you get to feeling better!

(TK:If you read this post...pm ME please...I gotta question...and someone said you don't like getting pm'ed)

paint magnet
11-12-2002, 06:51 PM
Hey, how come you didn't model that itty-bitty WDP shirt you won for us, Devil?:D That was pretty funny when Tom was up on stage giving them out, calling for models and saying "all girls not wearing shirts please come up on stage":D

paint magnet
11-12-2002, 06:53 PM
Oh yeah, and Riotz that was me shooting you with my Phantom. You forgot to mention that I also shot you during a game:) And I ran around and let you shoot me too:D And sorry about overshooting whoever that was for like 5 games ("I'm out!" "where are you hit? I don't see a break" "well I didn't get hit but [bap!] oww!")

11-12-2002, 07:55 PM
You mean that game where it was two on two and then we won and I turned on you? hehe. I was going easy on ya. :p :D Goodtimes

11-12-2002, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Devil

When/where is that?? Maybe I can get in on it...sorry about your cold...that's not good! I hope you get to feeling better!

(TK:If you read this post...pm ME please...I gotta question...and someone said you don't like getting pm'ed)

Not sure if this is exactly the one he's talking about but here you go:


thats Wayne's World Schedule for the remainder of the year. It's in Ocala Florida.. about 3 hours from the GA/FL line if you come through Jacksonville. If you come straight down I-75 it's about 2 hours.. Great scenario's usualy a large turnout.. 200+ About 2 years ago..there was 1300+ people for a 24 hour scenario game.

Wc Keep
11-12-2002, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
You mean that game where it was two on two and then we won and I turned on you? hehe. I was going easy on ya. :p :D Goodtimes

i think hes talking about when it was 3 on 1 against me and in the few previous games i had vocal problems on calling myself out.

devil was at the after after party??? i didnt really notice her did anyone else???:D

11-12-2002, 10:03 PM
let the blackmailing begin!


11-12-2002, 11:13 PM
I swear to god moose, it might have been just her, Tom and I all alone on the bed but nothing happened;) ,isn't that right Tom...Tom?

11-12-2002, 11:30 PM
Cant you see I'm standing right
there w/ a gun!?

I wouldn't let anything happen.
Even if it doesn't have a
feedneck or hopper, and if
they chopped off my head!


11-13-2002, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Devil

Uh huh...I'll remember this...what am I?? I was there for a few minutes...but I guess that doesn't matter!


Devil, you being there those few minutes made the after after party worthwhile for me. I was lost in a sea of testicular bravado :( until you showed up and brightened things up. :p I particularly liked looking at your ... uh ... tatoo, yeah, your tatoo! :D

Wishing I was young enough to fight whats-his-name for you,

11-13-2002, 02:08 PM
Look, about Devil, and blackmail.... they just don't work in the same post... .. how can you blackmail the Devil?

Devil showed her tat... (even though she was showing it all night, cause her shirt didn't cover it up) ... =]

Devil and I are working on a Paintball Picture Book.. I've got a picture book of her modeling.. +80 something...
I'm thinking about putting together something, to help her come up with some extra cash to help her out in school,and with her car*which is broke* so she can afford to play more paintball...... it's an idea.. so look around, I might be selling SIGNED pictures of Devil.. with all $$$$ going to Devil.

it's an idea.... 8-)

11-13-2002, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by boomerfoxtrot
Look, about Devil, and blackmail.... they just don't work in the same post... .. how can you blackmail the Devil?

Devil showed her tat... (even though she was showing it all night, cause her shirt didn't cover it up) ... =]

Devil and I are working on a Paintball Picture Book.. I've got a picture book of her modeling.. +80 something...
I'm thinking about putting together something, to help her come up with some extra cash to help her out in school,and with her car*which is broke* so she can afford to play more paintball...... it's an idea.. so look around, I might be selling SIGNED pictures of Devil.. with all $$$$ going to Devil.

it's an idea.... 8-)

I don't know what you're talking about blackmail ... I just really enjoyed seein' her. Would enjoy seein' more of her. If those signed pics are of her in her undies I'll pay $$$ for 'em! :D

(I'm just kidding man - and you are one lucky bas ... uh, I can't say that ... well you're lucky)


11-13-2002, 02:39 PM
http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/ignore.gif http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/offtopic1.gif

11-13-2002, 02:44 PM
woh boys!!


We don't want Uncle Phil to start whiping up on all of you, now do we??

11-14-2002, 08:39 AM
Here I am, four days after the tourney...well, it's 8am, and I have a few minutes...here is what I enjoyed about the SC:AO!!

*1* Meeting Tom, Uncle Phil,(and his wife), shannon, WANG!, FatMan, Jeff(Load), Rob(Ref), Lance(another ref)...(during the games refs...during breaks and parties-> my good buddies!!)...Jeremy...(good buddy)...and of course, Jack and Claire!
PLUS!! everyone else that I met ...Kelly and Kim!!...all their men...Frausty...Dr.Evil...Goon...(one of you helped me with a problem...thanks so much and forgive me for not remembering which one...plus all the jerzee boys...Regulators...plus everyone else!!(I'm sorry I can't remember all...remember... only have a few minutes here...

*2* Playing Paintball...It was AWESOME!!! If someone overshot me...(not gonna mention any names...you bruiser you!)...there was 1000000000 apologies....if you lost against me...there were no bad attitudes...when I lost there was "Good Game"...it really was wonderful...I thought I was gonna get murdered by all of you...but you gently just mowed me over a few times!!Regardless...it was GREAT!!

*3* The fields...good set ups...bunker hill(different experience)...air ball(my first!)...and next time I get up there I hope to play on that one on one field!!

*4*The PARTIES...and food...it was definately an experience eating on Friday night with everyone...waiting for a table for an hour...getting fed up...then going to 3 different restaurants...then settling at Athena's...Tom trying to walk in on me in my hotel room while naked...bad Tom! The dinner Saturday night...even though the music was alittle old school, it was very well planned...I liked the buffet thing...and the wings were great! Then at the hotel after party...it was fun, would've stayed longer...but I had a sick moose back at the Ramada to tend to...he already gets alittle steamy wondering where my hands are in one of the pics of me and Tom...hehe...they were on MY leg!!

**ALTOGETHER** it was a great weekend and as soon as I can get some $$ saved up and some bills paid I'll be out there again!!


11-14-2002, 04:37 PM
oh the memories!!

another one... =]

One the way up to SC we (Devil, Trench, Ya'll, Myself) meet up with Load... and we grabbed something to eat.. being sick I was going to take a nap.. so I let Devil drive... BAD IDEA!!!

every 10 mins I'd wake up with a bit of a rush as the brakes were being hit! She would like to come up on people and then HIT the brakes hard!!!! so needless to say... at the next stop, I started to drive !!!!

11-14-2002, 07:10 PM
Moose, I tell you contantly that she drives like me... But no! Never listen to me *Grin*

I haven't posted it yet, but I would like to thank Uncle Phil for his excelent help in trying to my gun up and running. And not only that, thanks for letting me use your RT Pro... Thanks to you, I am in the market for an RT Pro or an E-mag... Maybe both... lol!

11-15-2002, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Trench
Moose, I tell you contantly that she drives like me... But no! Never listen to me *Grin*

I haven't posted it yet, but I would like to thank Uncle Phil for his excelent help in trying to my gun up and running. And not only that, thanks for letting me use your RT Pro... Thanks to you, I am in the market for an RT Pro or an E-mag... Maybe both... lol!

Muahahahaha....and my clever plan works! :D

he he... No problem Trench glad to keep you out on the field! Have any luck extracting that Screw yet?

paint magnet
11-17-2002, 03:46 PM
Hey, no point in getting both, because getting the emag is getting both :D Just wish I could get one.

11-17-2002, 04:46 PM


If you close, come out!! it's a blast!!!

11-18-2002, 10:20 PM
Hey Phil, not yet... I haven't had much time to work on it... I am going to an RT Pro though... thanks to you 8-)

Hey, call Tom and demand a 10% commision *Grin*