View Full Version : Things in paintball that you don't like but seem popular

11-10-2002, 06:28 PM
I'm bored at work and thought I'd see what people had to say on the subject.

One thing I don't like is splash anodized anything. Solids or fades are one thing, but splash just looks ugly to me. Judging by how much splashed stuff is out there, I must be in the minority.

What about you?

11-10-2002, 06:37 PM
The super light triggers. It doesn't seem like there is enough resistence to pull back your finger.

11-10-2002, 06:43 PM
autocockers. i dont like them because i think they are expensive troublesome markers that dont give you any features besides looks and being able to be customized. ill admit they shoot smooth(when they are working) but for the money why wouldnt you get a mag w/ level 10 or a nice emag or an angel. im gonna have to disagree with you 2. i think splashed anodizing is very outdated but it still looks cool in its own way. Also, super light triggers are awesome because you can double tap it very fast. same thing as walking a mechanical trigger but light triggers enable you to tap it with great ease. these are just my opinions. take them how you want.

11-10-2002, 06:49 PM
Stock Impulses
My cocker (and ANGRYGUY'S too)
head first dives :)

11-10-2002, 06:55 PM
sights. i see em too many times and i dont see any real purpose. especially people who have the serious telescopic scopes. i roll my eyes (behind by mirrored lenses :D) when i hear a bunch of newbies making oos and ahs about how some guy has a scope and immediately call him for their team. a paintball gun is not a rifle. and even if it were the distances we are shooting at are close enough where you should be able to hit what you aim without a sight. and as for that theory of making the first shot count. i dont know many people who will be able to dodge my 20 BPS barrage

edit: had to follow my ritual of putting a title every first post :p

11-10-2002, 06:58 PM
Impulses and dropforwards defenetly

11-10-2002, 07:06 PM
hmmm.... CHEATING!

11-10-2002, 07:08 PM
accualy a scope could help see things in the distance i suppose specially with my bad eyes but the one thing i find annoying is people jumping into one bunker and sticking their head out when im shooting and get scared when i shoot without paint its pretty popular at my field for people to annoy me :\

11-10-2002, 07:21 PM
I REALLY hate swimsuits that cling to you when you get out of the pool...but wait...thats not paintball, sorry.:(

11-10-2002, 07:24 PM
Dancing pies that capture flags.

11-10-2002, 07:33 PM
'Cocker bashing

11-10-2002, 08:13 PM
Cocker Bashing


People who think they know everything and that your
equipment/setup sucks badly

Automags! (jk)

11-10-2002, 08:16 PM
electronic spyders and wiping.

11-10-2002, 08:20 PM
women who charge too much

11-10-2002, 08:36 PM
Sock hats

11-10-2002, 08:39 PM
1 People who trash others ( be then newb's, certain marker owners...ect)
2 People who talk smack (Especialy those wh do it and suck)
3 People who hide in the back and make up same lame excuse why... i dont care if your scared, far be it from me to judge you but dont lie about it...

11-10-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by SirOssis
women who charge too much

:confused: I understand your comment, but this is supposed to be about paintball.

Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I REALLY hate swimsuits that cling to you when you get out of the pool

11-10-2002, 08:46 PM
-tippmenn! (sorry 4 tho of u who like them)
-lil 15 year old girls that come along with their mom or dad to work at paintball depot and think they know everything but give false info..

the story.. me and my two friend were at Paintball Depot in ledgwood Newjersey. We had off and i guess one of the workers had to bring their child along. Well we called regarding a boblong part.. responce from her, we have lots aparts and hung up. its a 40+ min drive so we went down bc we were bored. They ddid have the part:)

then a noobie to the sport walked in with his mom with a nice some of money.

him: what should u get as a first gun?
her:Tippmenn mod 98, best gun out
him: let me look at it
Me: dont go for the tipp, look into their spyder amg,em1,shutter.
him: wow i think i want this spyder i like it.
her: no u want a tippmenn all my brothers friends use them.
And if u get a "leckt" trigger frame its better then an angel which is the best gun made.
Me: i thought a tippmenn is the best?
her:yes it is.

me and my friend were like WTF bc he had 600+ in his hand and looking into the spyders and an automag rt (not pro) and i think an.. geddon tank (dont quote lol)

so pretty much ge got stuck with a m98/electric trigger and 24oz co2 tank. When he could have had a pretty spyder/or Automag with a Nice tank.

11-10-2002, 08:59 PM
people who bash spyders with electronic triggers because theyre not a "true electro" but then ooooh and aaaah over a cocker with an e frame, just because it costs more than a stock cocker.

11-10-2002, 09:07 PM
Freaking skull caps they all wear now ....

at my feild all the wannabe lil rich kids bust out their skull caps.... man i wanna see them wear them in the city.

11-10-2002, 09:49 PM
heresa short list:

-getting out in general (very popular)
-getting out off break
-noobs who try and buy their way into skillz
-outshooting my hopper
-breaking paint
-guns going down
-dumb people
-people who dont surrender and then complain that you lit them up
-seeing the tip of somones knee or pod or gun and just missing it EVERY time
-tourney players who whine about being bunkered
-people who repeat their mistakes constantly and whine about it but still dont learn
-the way a warpfeed threw off the balance of my gun (my own personal one)
-the obnoxious hump tumor thing found on the bottom/back of emags and all timmys but the GZ (again personal)
-getting shot without a cup

thats it enjoy

11-10-2002, 09:57 PM
- Cocker bashers.
- Angel bashers.
- People with Spyders and Draguns that think their gun can perform just as well or outperform all high end guns.
- Realistic Guns.
- Flatline barrels.
- Cheaters.
- I hate to say this, but some Mag owners are starting to become worse than everyone else about preaching for their gun and putting down others (Cocker bashing lately has been terrible, and most of it is ignorance).
- People who think their guns can defy the laws of physics.
- Scopes.
- People who don't take care of their $1000+ setups.
- People who still say Mags chop, I mean who hasn't heard of Lvl 10 yet?
- People who say electros are just for people with no skill.

11-10-2002, 10:10 PM
they can and do still chop with lvl 10 (and i can quite easily prove that) but thats a side topic (and im on the smallest carrier possible)... its darn good but not as 100% as everyone seems to make it out to be

in fact ill add that to my list

-People who arrogantly think that LVL10 stops 100% of all chopping and also magically stops barrel breaks.

which also reminds me

-people who think that a ball leving gun x at 300 fps will travel farther than ball leaving gun y at 300 fps

-people who think a ball leaving gun X has a flatter trajectory than ball leaving gun Y...

cmon now its JR HIGH PHYSICS on the last two

11-10-2002, 10:23 PM
Demonguy get a new o-ring inside of your carrier, and try again. Also make sure you put oil on it, otherwise it can wear down very quickly and become to big for even the smallest carrier.

11-10-2002, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by nastymag
Freaking skull caps they all wear now ....

at my feild all the wannabe lil rich kids bust out their skull caps.... man i wanna see them wear them in the city.
Their not skullcaps, they have longer tails which makes them sandanas, and i like them because they do what bandana's do and keep your hair clean =)

11-10-2002, 10:39 PM
Sights! They are soo useless, trust me. If you are out of your bunker long enough to look in a sight, unless you are playing total newbs, your gonna be gogged.

I dont really like splash anno either, some looks good, but most of it doesnt.

11-10-2002, 10:40 PM

Spray Painter
11-10-2002, 10:50 PM
he said things that you don't like but are popular. jumping into a bunker headfirst isn't popular and nither is chopping:)

11-10-2002, 10:55 PM
-people who say that there gun shoots farther stright just because.

-those who think that if they buy the most expensive barrel, and paint, that it'll b a perfect accusaey

-people that argue those two topics


-people who take FAAAAAAAR to long to reload there air/guppies, and make other wair for another game

-people who goof off when they ar saying rules, and than mes sup later and say they didn't kno

-the tubes on sup' air feilds

-pink paint... shutter

-Things like the salm incident happening in the "PRO" division.

-Foul languge, on off feild, as well s in staging area

-Smoking in staging area, speicall with kids around

-any kinds of alcahal around a pball feild

-kids with snotty attitudes

-outrages paint prices at tounys (100+ a case)

i'm sure there more, but that the jist of it

11-10-2002, 11:11 PM
-people who think if u have a spyder, you must be new and/or bad
-Steel brand paint
-Jeremy Salm, but he's not popular anymore so that doesnt count

11-11-2002, 11:49 AM
-Cheating in general.

-Laser dot sights. Not laser sights, but dot sights, like the ones izon makes. What the heck do these do?

-The phrase "It be blingin'" or "blingy". Though I guess this is really just a caryover from pop culture, which is usually moronic.

-Machismo. Leave that garbage off the field. It just starts fights. Why people would challenge someone to fight who is holding a paint marker is beyond me.

-The whole cocker ignoring the laws of physics thing. Not bashing, if it works for you great, but ignorance is still ignorance.

-Throwing paint and/or shooting in undesignated areas. Also ignoring safety rules. Every time I play I see at least one idiot lift up his mask on a field.


11-11-2002, 12:46 PM
macro line vs. steel braided line debated

my marker vs. your marker debate

woodsball vs. airball debates

Online paintball stores who charge $1 over cost - how do you stay in business

People behind keyboards that seem to just want to raise hell

all of these things are popular - i just don't like'em

11-11-2002, 05:31 PM
vertical feed
"low pressure" guns
squeegies on laynards around the neck
annodizing guns
forgot to add companies :
Viewloader (because BE owns them)
JT (see above reason)

11-11-2002, 05:34 PM
Bright colors.

Thats good for the Tour De France, but I don't like them in paintball.

11-11-2002, 05:57 PM
-chrome guns/acces.

-jerseys at a rec field.

-bashing anyone, or there equipment.

-friendly fire.

Will Wood
11-11-2002, 06:41 PM
Autocockers. I don't know why. I just hate them. Well, I hate ANY gun with that thing that moves back and forth on the back. If it DOES have the moving thing, HAS to be on the side or top. Can't explain it...cockers are just EVL.

Dropfowards. Don't like em. They are pointless. Balancing my gun? I don't care...I'm a big boy now...I can handle a lil paintball gun.

Clear hoppers! Um..ok. Why do you want me to know how much paint you have left, when I am on the other team?

Exesively shiny guns. Looks silly.

Kids who's mommy bought then a Angel.

11-11-2002, 07:21 PM
Will Wood, are you saying if your Mommy offered to buy you an Angel you'd say no? Didn't think so =) I really hate that as soon as people see kids (around 14) with good guns they assume their parents bought them. Drives me crazy that people think that, I actually worked for my stuff. And so what if people's parents bought them stuff, you wouldnt complain if yours did. I also dislike short barrels and humungus drop forwards.

11-11-2002, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by skipdogg
vertical feed
"low pressure" guns
squeegies on laynards around the neck
annodizing guns
forgot to add companies :
Viewloader (because BE owns them)
JT (see above reason)

strait shots belong in ur pants or what?

11-11-2002, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Laxpunk2006
Will Wood, are you saying if your Mommy offered to buy you an Angel you'd say no? Didn't think so =) I really hate that as soon as people see kids (around 14) with good guns they assume their parents bought them. Drives me crazy that people think that, I actually worked for my stuff. And so what if people's parents bought them stuff, you wouldnt complain if yours did. I also dislike short barrels and humungus drop forwards.

ya and there wer 6 14 yr old kids at the field that thought they were a "Team" i nicknamed them "team my mommy bought my gun" cause one kid had a STO,and a bushy and claimed he had a mag at home... and when we were explaining the rules and he asked what bunkering was, and he was ooh ing at an AMG... obviosly a kid who tried to buy his way into skill and experiance. im not saying all kids are like that i mean im 16 and bought my own mag. but you can tell when people didnt work for thier marker... and i would turn down an angel... an Xmag is a differant story all together;) :D

11-11-2002, 07:47 PM
Well I love mags, but they aren't too popular...:(

Will Wood
11-11-2002, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Laxpunk2006
Will Wood, are you saying if your Mommy offered to buy you an Angel you'd say no? Didn't think so =) I really hate that as soon as people see kids (around 14) with good guns they assume their parents bought them. Drives me crazy that people think that, I actually worked for my stuff. And so what if people's parents bought them stuff, you wouldnt complain if yours did. I also dislike short barrels and humungus drop forwards.

No, I think you've misunderstood me. Perhaps I should say, kids with no skill, but big guns. I don't assume a kid who is young automaticaly has a marker bought by his parents. I'm talkig about the kids that BRAG about their mommy/daddy bought marker. And for the most part, know nothing about paintball. They, in some cases, may be able to fire the marker faster then me, and beat me, but it's just annoying.

I've been beaten before by a 5 year old with an angel. I was going to take it easy on him and not shot him, but turns out the marker that was taller them him managed to fire a ball that found its way to my mask.

11-11-2002, 08:55 PM
The most irritating to me are kids who have been playing 6 months and are shooting 1,000+ setups.(Trying to buy skill)
People with high end electro's who i shoot out with a 68 or pro-carbine and say they lost because "i havent tweaked my trigger" or "i dont have my freak yet".
People who trash talk and are not respectful.
People who give bad advice to newbies.
People who say mags break paint and are worthless now.
Arrogant people who think they know EVERYTHING about the sport and equipment.
There us alot of irritating stuff people do in paintball lol.

11-11-2002, 09:00 PM
i have a question for everyone saying dropforwards. whats wrong with drop forwards? i think there better than having a big tank sticking out the back of your gun? imagine an emag. if it had a bottomline, wouldn't it look alittle silly if a 114 tank went from the bottom, straight back. that would be very awkward(sp?) gun for me to shoot.

even if it was a spyder or something. with a 20oz on the back, that would still put the gun too far forward for me. some type of drop would be nice.

11-11-2002, 09:34 PM
people who think that all canadians suck at paintball.Just because were from a country thats right above the U.S were told were "america junior" and we suck at every thing and were all jsut a big group of lumberjacks that drink beer and have to fight off poler bears in the front yards of our igloos.... And than whine there butt off when i shoot em in the goggles,claiming "thats bullcrap u cheated"... Also i cant stand people who whine if there gun gets shots. This one time i shot a so called "tourney player" in the front block of his coldfusion cocker, and some how "broke" something ( i dont understand cocker mechanics, lol) than complained to me for 3 hours telling me that i had to pay him 100$ to get it repaired!!! I mean thats just stupid..

11-11-2002, 09:44 PM
- People who complain about people who have their guns bought for them by their parents. Don't tell me you wouldn't take a $1000+ setup if your parents offered it. Just because you bought your own crap, doesn't mean you run 10% faster and shoot 60% more accurately. And no, I'm not trying to defend either side, I myself bought my own stuff.

11-11-2002, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
- Just because you bought your own crap, doesn't mean you run 10% faster and shoot 60% more accurately. And no, I'm not trying to defend either side, I myself bought my own stuff. i dont think you get what we are saying.... i am fine with parents buying kids markers... thats how i got my first one... what i have a problem with is people (especialy kids having thier parents try) buying thier way into skill. and people who make it seem that they are really good when all they have is a expensive marker.

11-11-2002, 10:39 PM

11-11-2002, 10:55 PM
You mean a paintball poser?:)

11-11-2002, 10:57 PM
sock hats
those ninja headband things
jerseys with "loud" graphics and bright colors
getting out on the break
falling over while going for the flag
dropping all of the paint in your pods
leaving revvy lid open after reloading
cocky front players
very large packs
teams with badarse names when the team is actually not a bunch of toughguys
proteus(makes your head look small, way to overpriced)
newbie(to a friend newbie): wow he has an automag.. you know thats automatic rite?
getting gogged
getting beat
getting rained on when playing
expensive fills
people who make fun of other people cause they are not so good
getting shot in the privates
people who ask "what color paint did you get hit by" after the game
i could go on, but its late

11-12-2002, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by bigstino
people who think that all canadians suck at paintball.Just because were from a country thats right above the U.S were told were "america junior" and we suck at every thing and were all jsut a big group of lumberjacks that drink beer and have to fight off poler bears in the front yards of our igloos.... And than whine there butt off when i shoot em in the goggles,claiming "thats bullcrap u cheated"... Also i cant stand people who whine if there gun gets shots. This one time i shot a so called "tourney player" in the front block of his coldfusion cocker, and some how "broke" something ( i dont understand cocker mechanics, lol) than complained to me for 3 hours telling me that i had to pay him 100$ to get it repaired!!! I mean thats just stupid..
What are you saying, we Americans are wrong? ;)

(I am kidding here...)

Angry Man
11-12-2002, 01:11 AM
Cocker bashing....definitely too much of it.

Stock mag trigger frames! Hate the pull.

Halos on markers that are too slow to need them.

Low pressure blowbacks...something about them just seems wrong, although I'm gonna mess with my spyder's valve for fun so I shouldn't talk.

Fancy jerseys...it's like camo for speedball, you wear it for no reason but to look cool (not really, I'm just too cheap to buy one!)

Cockers breaking....

11-12-2002, 02:03 AM
I dunno if someone already bought this up .. but ..

Sight rails on center feed guns or guns that it doesn't clear the powerfeed .. WTF!? *cough* e-mag *cough* .. why not just offset it to either side of the gun? Sight rails on any type of these guns are totally useless.

11-12-2002, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier

What are you saying, we Americans are wrong? ;)

(I am kidding here...)

lol, of course im saying that ;) .

11-12-2002, 08:53 AM
Things in paintball that you don't like but seem popular
my list, but not in any particular order (obviously my opinions):
* center feed markers
* double finger triggers
* JABB's (too many clones)
* JAAC's (too many clones)
* JAAM's (too many clones)
* JAE's (too many clones)
* sights and lasers on markers
* cheeting/wiping and other items of lack of integrity.
* scammers (gee, I'll sell you a URL on ebay, so you can buy an angel and it will only cost $300! - arghghg)
* "tourny-boys" - the stereotypic ones, not all! the ones with the attitude that they are all that and that rec-painbtball should go away - bah.
* People tha tthink that the culmination and end-all in paintball is tournaments - bah!
* People that are not patient with or don't otherwise "tolorate" players that can't afford a "nicer" marker
* People that will defend their marker to the end (because it is theirs and not for any real reason, otherwise)
* people that shoot up or otherwise belittle newbies.
* "Evil" products (controversial, but hay, I am the founder of the CPPA)
* "military" stlyed-looking markers in normal rec. play (or in tournaments) - they may have thier place in specialty scenarios etc, but not in normal play
* renegade/outlaw players that have no respect for property or safety
* the publics stereotypic view of paintball players (bah, we aren't all a bunch of militia crazies)
* PB players that don't care about what other people think about paintball and paintball players image.
* people who think that cheeting/wiping is okay, cause it is done all the time and you can't win without it - bah
* people who wnat something for nothing or that otherwise think that the world owes them a living. (especially ones that ask me for free stuff)
* I suppose there are more, but I gotta get back to work...

11-12-2002, 09:57 AM
Well I love mags, but they aren't too popular...

Popular does not equal good;)

When thing I do love is shooting those 14 year olds with the $1,000 guns with my 15 year old Bushmaster:D

Tom Sparkman
11-12-2002, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by flatacid
-chrome guns/acces.

-jerseys at a rec field.

-bashing anyone, or there equipment.

Umm, aren't you bashing Chrome guns and jerseys? :)


11-12-2002, 04:11 PM
Things that annoy me:

- these 17 year old kids who shoot an Angel mommy bought for them, have the stupid looking ninja headband and think they're hot stuff.

- people who sit behind a bunker and spray a case of paint per game and think they're good.

- techno snobbery. If you don't have an Autococker with $7000 worth of asinine extras or an Angel you're not a "serious" or "good" player.

- players who give you a blank look when you talk about when you used to play woodsball with Stingrays (back in the day).

- teams that have twice the money but half the skill yours does, so they get to compete more.

11-12-2002, 04:29 PM
Sight rails that are centered on the gun can be used if you have an internal red dot and you keep your eyes open. It will impose on the target of your open eye. However... I agree that sights are stupid. These paintball gun thingy's don't shoot 3000 fps...

Blowback electros (like a spyder) shoot WAY better than other electros.

cockers shoot way further than mags.

shiny guns shoot better!

Ahem, thought I would argue the other side a bit there... I'm done now. I hate idiots that say those things.

11-12-2002, 05:14 PM
People who ***** about stupid stuff!

11-12-2002, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

those ninja headband things


getting out on the break
falling over while going for the flag
dropping all of the paint in your pods
leaving revvy lid open after reloading
cocky front players

teams with badarse names when the team is actually not a bunch of toughguys

proteus(makes your head look small, way to overpriced)

getting gogged

WOW! it sounds like you hate everything that I pretty much do/also hate in some regards all the time!!! However, the ninja headbands rule man...as do the badarse team names:D

11-12-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by flatacid

-jerseys at a rec field.

don't understand that one... :confused:

I don't like...

--Look-alike markers... like all of the "Model 98 Commando kits"

--Refs who don't know crap about markers.... "You're mag doesn't have that kind of range"

--guys that bash drop-forwards... u might be a beast with 3 foot long arms, but I'm not! :D

--newbies with 5 shirts on that complain when you shoot them more than once because the paint bounced the first time...

11-12-2002, 08:20 PM
- any marker bashing
- useless stuff, like(in some cases)remote, 18 inch barrels, laser sights. (have actually seen) Halo on a almost stock tippmann, and a revy on a pump!
- how people who are bad at paintball and either wipe or make excuses, then talk trash in your face.
- the "Know it all"
-feilds that make you buy paint that is about $20-$40 too expensive.
and of course
-the classic newb, won't follow directions, won't move up, fires at own team mate and gloats when they eliminate another player(which could have been that own player)

Warped Designs
11-12-2002, 08:47 PM
sneezing in my mask
having to pee just as (or just before) a game starts
lenses that fog
leaving the revy lid open
forgetting to turn on my revy
ghetto slang and foul language
poorly done splash anodizing (which is most)
sights and scopes (had one on a marker once it was just another thing in the way)
low pressure markers just for the being low pressure (not for efficiency)
Any marker/band/product bashing (who cares more players and more games)
people that think speed ball and tourney ball is the only way to play paintball
(yes I play speedball/sup air/tourney style games)

Also as a side note nice pumps with auto triggers (any really nice pump has one)
*example Sterlings
can really benifit form a revy

and stuff

11-12-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher

my list, but not in any particular order (obviously my opinions):
* center feed markers
* double finger triggers...

I agree with his entire list. I don't like that "stuff" either. Good list.

11-12-2002, 09:12 PM
i dislike and or hate:
people who think accuracy and trajectory are the same thing;
people who think that cockers are more accurate then mags;
people who think that mags are more accurate than cockers;
people who think that mags have the same trajectory as cockers;
people who think the lvl 10 chops;
splash anno;
realistic looking guns;
ignorant people in paintball (and rest of world);
girls that don't want to go out with me;
overpriced drop forwards(i really hate that);
poorly engineered guns and or equipment;
little kids that have expensive guns that suck a hellalot
not being able to use the semi colon right; in paintball related threads;
biased people

I think that covers it... oh ya, hot woman not playing paintball

11-12-2002, 09:14 PM
And whats wrong with a rev on a pump? Sometimes they are needed :) Besides, I dont like to carry a "special" hopper for my pumps.

11-12-2002, 09:26 PM
I hate:
:Rich kids talkin trash that since they have an angel they are better than me.
:Noobs who buy "tricked out tippmans" instead of getting a nice mag or cocker.
:Paintball guns that look like real guns.
:People refering to paintballs as ammo and relating paintball to war.
:People who think that angels hurt more than other guns.
:People gettin really pissed off because they lost. (and possibly throwing their very nice and expensive guns on the ground)
:People who dont like cockers just because they "break down alot" My freeflow has never broken down during a game, at all.
:People who bash mags.
:Idiots who buy some cheep paintball gun at wallmart or some place and go shoot someone or something and give our sport a bad name!!!!!!

11-12-2002, 10:11 PM
intolerant/arrogant/ignorant people....
but that goes for all things, not only paintball

11-12-2002, 10:27 PM
i hate timmys

i hate drops

hmm theres probly more but im tired lol :p

11-12-2002, 11:16 PM
1. Spyders
2. People who whine about paintball guns that look anything like a real gun.

11-13-2002, 12:21 AM
double triggers

11-13-2002, 01:36 AM
This thread:mad:

11-13-2002, 02:52 AM
People who whine excessively about the image, safety, etc aspects of paintball. These things are obviously important but enough is enough we've heard it all over and over and over (especially here on AO). Please give us a break. If you want to go teach newbies go ahead but for gods sake WE KNOW!

11-13-2002, 03:13 AM
I dislike: (hate is too strong of an emotion)

Ppl that give refs a hard time. They have a hard enuff job as it is, y make it worse.
Ppl that bash any other gun(s) that they dont own. If they like it and bought it, mommy or not, dont worry about it.
Ppl that wipe or give up in mid-game cuz their teammates were shot out.

11-13-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by MinimagRockin'
People who whine excessively about the image, safety, etc aspects of paintball. These things are obviously important but enough is enough we've heard it all over and over and over (especially here on AO). Please give us a break. If you want to go teach newbies go ahead but for gods sake WE KNOW!
And how many other topics get posted OVER and OVER and OVER again on AO? And we KNOW there are no newbies on AO or that might read it.:rolleyes:

Things that I dislike....
- when folks label everything they disagree with as "whining".
- when folks don't apply the same standard and rules evenly.
- when people care more about "having fun at any cost" than what it may do to the sport in general, or others around them.
- camping out!!!! For pity sake, MOVE! :p
- crappy weather.
- watching someone put catchup on a good steak.
- that "green" catchup.
- hemoroids.
- slow servers.
- slow drivers in the fast lane.
oh.... sorry.... got off topic there. ;)

11-13-2002, 08:49 AM
- hemoroids.

oh.... sorry.... got off topic there.

Ya think?:p

I agree with SHartley's list until he got off topic.... =)

To add a few things to the growing list though:

~I'm not a fan of people who won't talk when they're playing. If you see someove moving on the right side, yell about it.
~Those new to the sport that think it's a really good idea to crowd in the bunker with the guy with the 'automatic gun'.

Now SHartley, what cha got against us that put catchup on a good steak, huh?

11-13-2002, 10:11 AM
Real annoyances:

People who drop of their 10 and 12 year old kids for the day at the local field. Wouldn't it be so much better if dad played to? I'm a ref not a babysitter.

People that can only worry about getting on TV. I play therefore the world should watch me?

Players that are to good to work with the rest of their team.

People that slam mags and have no knowledge to base their comments on.

People that throw fits on or off the field. It's a game.

People that don't know that when you're walking off the field with gun raised and green barrel plug in you are out.

Other ref's who have no enthusiasm for working with new players and helping them out. Open play is for everyone.

11-13-2002, 10:13 AM
Things I dislike:

1: People bashing BE (and its related companies) just because it's the thing to do

2: People saying (when referring to my Rainmaker), "Wow, that's a neat 'Cocker. Where's the 3 way?"

3: People bashing anyone else's playing style

4: People accusing me of trying to buy skill when all I'm looking for is reliability and speed in a marker

There's probably more, but I can't think of any now.

11-13-2002, 11:03 AM
Definaltley Scopes On MArkers

11-13-2002, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by shartley
- slow drivers in the fast lane.

I drive really slow, in the ultra fast lane, while people behind me are going insane!

Splat Max
11-13-2002, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by CpSuPeRkId
autocockers. i dont like them because i think they are expensive troublesome markers that dont give you any features besides looks and being able to be customized. ill admit they shoot smooth(when they are working) but for the money why wouldnt you get a mag w/ level 10 or a nice emag or an angel.

* misinformed people ^^^^^^

You obviously have had little or no experience with autocockers.
*Expensive-just like mags you have the $300 dollar versions on up to the $1600 dollar versions, alot of the higher end cockers price does come from cosmetics but it's the same way with the extreme emag alot of that cost is cosmetic
*Cockers breaking all the time is a myth that I lot of people hear, scared me away from cockers to begin with, but I ending up buying a nice one, and I never had a problem with it, people who say they break all the time are the people who are always messing with their guns but don't know how to work on them, leave them alone and they'll work fine, same thing applies to any gun.
*They give you the same features any other gun has, they throw paint, generally don't chop or break paint.
I'm not trying to bash mags or say that cockers are better, me personally I'd take a nice cocker over a mag/emag any day, I'm just not a mag person can't shoot reguler mags, and I don't personally care for the way mags shoot. But I do think they are good guns, just not for me. I not trying to critizize you, just telling you from experience that cockers aren't like alot of people say, it comes down to personal preference.

11-13-2002, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by bofh

I drive really slow, in the ultra fast lane, while people behind me are going insane!
LOL Why does that not surprise me? ;)

I however would not be one of those going insane…. to go someplace means you are not already there. ;):D

11-13-2002, 12:39 PM
Why you be on the road if you weren't going somewhere? :)

Oh yeah. I see now.

Also, I missed putting a smiley in the first post.

11-13-2002, 01:41 PM
*Expensive-just like mags you have the $300 dollar versions on up to the $1600 dollar versions, alot of the higher end cockers price does come from cosmetics but it's the same way with the extreme emag alot of that cost is cosmetic

Not bashing, but only the CnC Xtremes with 2 color fades and polsihing have "cosmetic" properties. Your not paying that much for looks (on the stock Xtremes), ur paying that much for performance and reliability. (ACE, Lvl. 10, Emag Valve, lighter body, blah blah blah)

P.S. I dont no what kind of u steak u ppl that put anything (A1, ketchup, wheat germ) on it, but a good steak (rare mmmmmm.....) needs nothing....

11-13-2002, 02:09 PM
when Shartley says "FOLKS" lol:D ;)

11-13-2002, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Marek

P.S. I dont no what kind of u steak u ppl that put anything (A1, ketchup, wheat germ) on it, but a good steak (rare mmmmmm.....) needs nothing....

lol i know, i cant stand it when people start slappn on ketchup. And i agree with u withthe mmmmmmmmm..... rare..

11-13-2002, 07:30 PM
i stongly dislike people who dont hold the air hose to their n2 tank while its being filled

ive got more, but oh well


11-14-2002, 02:57 AM
When people post their first three "dislikes" specifically targeted at another AO users post, even though they would never have listed those otherwise (*cough* shartley).


11-14-2002, 04:43 AM
RICH 15 yr olds, I'm 23 and finally bought my first high end gun, how did YOU buy yours?:rolleyes:

11-14-2002, 06:01 AM
Not thru my parents, they dont even like me playing paintball. Got my gun from good ole work.

11-14-2002, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by MinimagRockin'
When people post their first three "dislikes" specifically targeted at another AO users post, even though they would never have listed those otherwise (*cough* shartley).

How about just coming right out and saying my name, and not "coughing" it? Talk about lame. ;)

What I posted was not invalid just because you reminded me that I did not like it. After all, wasn't YOURS targeted at other people's posts too? Let me refresh your memory....

Originally posted by MinimagRockin'
People who whine excessively about the image, safety, etc aspects of paintball. These things are obviously important but enough is enough we've heard it all over and over and over (especially here on AO). Please give us a break. If you want to go teach newbies go ahead but for gods sake WE KNOW!
Please drop it..... thanks.

11-14-2002, 07:43 AM
I think MinimagRockin' is right. I dont think we should have to hear about the rules every single time we play. In fact, we should just forget about the rules all together, take off our masks, turn on our Emags to full auto, and go nutz. :)

11-14-2002, 09:02 AM
- bank account all the time in negative cuz this sport cost To much money

- DYe
- Dye clone

11-14-2002, 09:10 AM
paint companies who charge way to much for crappy paint, or good paint....... lets just say paint in general


11-14-2002, 09:29 AM
I dislike:

-Woodsball bashers that have never played woodsball

-People who answer the newbie question of "whats the best gun?" with "it's not the gun it's the player, go get an e-mag or a Rat Impulse."

-Cockers.(personal experience)

-People who make fun of me and my DropBackward(tm) :)

-BE bashers. Nothing wrong with them in my opinion, so most of the stuff is sub-standard. They made paintball affordable

-People who make fun of me and assume I'm a sniper when I say I like the rush of stalking.

-People who play against newbies and think they are invincible.

-People who look at you funny when you show up at a field with a non-electro-atomic-pneumatic-uber-nifty-"it cost way more than yours" gun.

-Britney spears *cough*SLVT*cough*

11-14-2002, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher

my list, but not in any particular order (obviously my opinions):
* center feed markers
* double finger triggers
* JABB's (too many clones)
* JAAC's (too many clones)
* JAAM's (too many clones)
* JAE's (too many clones)
* sights and lasers on markers
* cheeting/wiping and other items of lack of integrity.
* scammers (gee, I'll sell you a URL on ebay, so you can buy an angel and it will only cost $300! - arghghg)
* "tourny-boys" - the stereotypic ones, not all! the ones with the attitude that they are all that and that rec-painbtball should go away - bah.
* People tha tthink that the culmination and end-all in paintball is tournaments - bah!
* People that are not patient with or don't otherwise "tolorate" players that can't afford a "nicer" marker
* People that will defend their marker to the end (because it is theirs and not for any real reason, otherwise)
* people that shoot up or otherwise belittle newbies.
* "Evil" products (controversial, but hay, I am the founder of the CPPA)
* "military" stlyed-looking markers in normal rec. play (or in tournaments) - they may have thier place in specialty scenarios etc, but not in normal play
* renegade/outlaw players that have no respect for property or safety
* the publics stereotypic view of paintball players (bah, we aren't all a bunch of militia crazies)
* PB players that don't care about what other people think about paintball and paintball players image.
* people who think that cheeting/wiping is okay, cause it is done all the time and you can't win without it - bah
* people who wnat something for nothing or that otherwise think that the world owes them a living. (especially ones that ask me for free stuff)
* I suppose there are more, but I gotta get back to work...

What he said