View Full Version : Big Thanks to Tom and the rest of AGD

11-11-2002, 07:53 AM
Just wanted to give a big thanks to Tom and the rest of the AGD crew for producing an excellent marker. I've had my EMag for 2 years now and the thing is solid. It isn't the sexiest, and it came in a plain white box (LOL) but I haven't had any problems with it yet (knock on wood) and after another good day of playing yesterday, and watching other people having problems after problems it makes me VERY glad to own my 'mag.


Brad DeWees

Creative Mayhem
11-11-2002, 08:33 AM
What can I say, mags are the best. There isn't another marker that can last the test of time like the mag. Mine is 10 yrs old and it's performance hasn't changed from the first day I brought it home.

C Mayhem

11-11-2002, 09:05 AM
Hey, wait till you get a new x-mag....oooh the box is OUTSTANDING! It is big, and...um, well, its white too.

11-11-2002, 11:38 AM
i think the e-mag is one of the sexiest guns out there. and the x-mag is THE sexiest gun out there. the only truly unique looking stock guns that come to mind are tippmanns and automags (note i said come to mind meaning there could be more). im not a fan of the angel/shocker/matrix/impulse/intimidator etc look. they all look the same. oh and especially when you take the rail off the e-mag. it looks so slick cause aiming is done by lookin down a nice clean shaft of polished steel :D