View Full Version : how'd they do that?

11-12-2002, 04:00 PM
I was browsing some old threads and foudn the SFL pic thread, on the emag battery, how did they get this "pattern"


I'm getting an emag soon and was wondering if that's a home brew job or is that machined or what?

11-12-2002, 04:02 PM
it looks like someone wrapped rubber around it that was textured like that

11-12-2002, 04:10 PM
it was te grip from a flashlight if i remember correctly, then johnny bravo spreypainted it to match

11-12-2002, 04:30 PM
heh, I remember seeing that before. IMO it's fugly, but, yeah, it's a "home brew" job, and magman is right about the flashlight part.

11-12-2002, 05:28 PM
you ever see spinloaders(imitation vl200) with the grip on the front, ive seen emag batteries with grips like <a href="http://www.actionvillage.com/014-2021.html">that</a> on them.

11-12-2002, 05:32 PM
espo, thje one you speak of is killaiuakids sfl... sorry for butchering the name

Also, as a side fact, that thread's poll, is the thread that started the pie revolution!

11-12-2002, 05:34 PM
Every time I see that picture it brings to mind the saying…..

Just because you CAN, does not mean you SHOULD.


11-12-2002, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by magman007
espo, thje one you speak of is killaiuakids sfl... sorry for butchering the name

that would be pronounced kill-eye-oo-uh- kids.. lol

11-12-2002, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Just because you CAN, does not mean you SHOULD.


I dunno Shartley, I kinda like it. Adds character I think.

11-12-2002, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod

I dunno Shartley, I kinda like it. Adds character I think.
Jimmy Durranty's(sp?) nose added character too, but I don't think many would think it made him look "good". ;)

But in all seriousness... whatever makes folks happy and they think looks good to them, IS. After all, it is theirs, and that is what matters. :)

11-12-2002, 08:41 PM
it really does kind of mess up the SFLness of it to me... he should use like some thin black rubber and then brush it with a metal brush