View Full Version : power overwhelming (read this if youre thinking bout an e-mag)

11-12-2002, 04:10 PM
omg the POWER :D today was the day i was finally able to have the gun gassed up and actually do a little firing. wow... first of all as my name implies i started out with a tippmann model 98. sure it was upgraded but the e-mag is like a 1000% improvement. in this thread i will basically review the e-mag and i will try to disprove and support various conflicts i encountered when i was deciding whether to get this gun or not.

pictures of this gun do not do this gun ANY justice. this is the sweetest gun (next to the x-mag) i have ever held (and possibly seen). nothing else comes close to the mag look. its really slick and aiming is really nice since its like looking straight down the barrel unlike other guns where there is a slight offset from barrel to body. i preferred the chrome/black color scheme but i think it would look great either way. definitely if youre buying for looks you want the e-mag/x-mag.

ok if any of you can recall. earlier i criticized those who thought the e-mag was heavy. i still stand by that statement but am beginning to understand those who think it is heavy. i dont care if you bench 600 pounds. the e-mag will be heavy compared to other guns regardless of your build. interestingly enough the most surprising heavy part is not the sight rail (which weighs next to nothing) as most people have said but it is in fact the battery pack and the retro valve. i dont find the body rail to be that heavy but the battery pack seemed very hefty when i held it and definitely made the gun back heavy once removed. not a big problem tho. i also found that a good drop forward can create a good pivot point on your gun and raising the gun up is very smooth since you can let the weight of your tank bring up your gun. having not measured it but using my best judgement i would say the e-mag fully equipped is between 10-20 pounds. big reach but i dont want to give a definite reading. although if you can handle an autococker (at least the ones i have held) it should be about the same with a better looking body :) now then there is the grip. i think it is fairly well done. i mentioned earlier but to make a long story short my hands are approx 7.5 inches long from base of palm to middle finger tip and i have no problem with comfort using the grip. i dont see a real need for sticky grips but then again i do not hold my grips in a conventional manner but rather more like the new vertical angel grips so it doesnt really matter. the battery pack is very comfortable though i dont use it as a grip during play. the trigger is divine you must feel it to understand its true glory. and the buttons are well placed to prevent accidental depressing. overall the only concerns i have for this gun that can easily be solved later on with lighter part upgrades is the weight issue. but its not like it should be a real deciding factor when buying a gun anyway.

ok i was slightly disappointed with the silence. maybe i was expecting too much but it sounded as loud if not louder than my tippmann. i know it wasnt going to be like a slight hiss or anything but i could feel the ringing in my ears when dry firing indoors. but whatever it will just sound that much more scary when you hear my machine shooting 20 BPS at the bunker youre hiding behind :p

to conclude... its an excellent gun. perhaps the last one ill ever need to buy for a LONG time. if you are a prospective e-mag owner and have specific questions that need answering please ask me and ill answer and post on this thread. i didnt include any firing aspects since i think its pretty much been covered and i cant really express how sweet that part of it is. this was mainly supposed to be for those of us interested in the gun but have never held it. hope this helps.

11-12-2002, 04:19 PM
werea ll glad your happy. An e-mag with warp etc, gets to about 12 pounds.

The body rail and the retro are turely the heaviest parts. Tom has corrected this tho! when you want, the ule body rail is for sale in the agd store. Your using the stock barrel right? its a little loud, but no biggie, all markers sound loud inside while dry firing. also, dont worry about a new barrel any time soon, the stock is amazing

11-12-2002, 04:22 PM
my setup is in my sig.. its 10 lbs

11-12-2002, 04:24 PM
ok ok like i said i didnt weigh the thing :) and on closer inspection i guess the body rail is heavy but doesnt anyone else find the battery grip heavy? maybe its just cause it was so solid. but it felt like a brick to me. and YES the stock barrel is amazing.

11-12-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by TippmannMan
and YES the stock barrel is amazing.

i actually own a stock emag barrel for my mag, and i am disgusted with it.. its very loud, extremely unacurrate, and doesnt shoot through breaks good at all.. the last time i used it was before i got my lx though,and i broke alot before that.

11-12-2002, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by TippmannMan
ok i was slightly disappointed with the silence. maybe i was expecting too much but it sounded as loud if not louder than my tippmann. i know it wasnt going to be like a slight hiss or anything but i could feel the ringing in my ears when dry firing indoors. but whatever it will just sound that much more scary when you hear my machine shooting 20 BPS at the bunker youre hiding behind :p
First of all, ALL markers sound louder indoors than outdoors, and louder when dry firing as well. There are many reasons for this, but I don't think folks want me to write a book on it.... so, just trust me on this one. ;)

I think when you take it outside and fire it with paint, you will see a big difference. And if you don't trust your ears, hand it to someone else and stand away from them. That will be more like what others will hear, but more likely they will hear less.
However, on the note of how it sounds when you are shooting it at 20BPS to the person IN the bunker..... LOL They will not be able to hear you shooting at all. The sound of the paint hitting the bunker (with their head next to it) will be the ONLY sound they hear..... not your marker firing. :D

11-12-2002, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
i actually own a stock emag barrel for my mag, and i am disgusted with it.. its very loud, extremely unacurrate, and doesnt shoot through breaks good at all.. the last time i used it was before i got my lx though,and i broke alot before that.
This is odd... my stock barrel shoots darts. And in fact I have YET to buy and shoot ANY paint that didn't shoot well through it..... I stick to medium paint, nothing special.

As for breaks.... I have YET to have a single break and I do not have LX. I will however be putting in my LX soon (it is sitting on my desk) but not because I have ever had a problem.

11-12-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I stick to medium paint, nothing special.

As for breaks.... I have YET to have a single break and I do not have LX.

i usually dont measure my paint... or find out what bore size it is..

you are the only person ive ever heard say that in my entire life. i broke more paintballs than paintballs left my barrel(get that?). then i got LX.. its all good now.

11-12-2002, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

i usually dont measure my paint... or find out what bore size it is..

you are the only person ive ever heard say that in my entire life. i broke more paintballs than paintballs left my barrel(get that?). then i got LX.. its all good now.
Maybe you SHOULD check the size..:rolleyes:

And if I am the only person you have ever heard that has not broken paint with their marker.... look around, there are quite a few RT Pro owners here on AO that know the deal, and have even stated so.

And if you broke more paint than what left your barrel, I think you are either grossly exaggerating, or you have a serious shooting problem... and the LX is only saving you from yourself. ;)

(edited.... damn typos... LOL)

11-12-2002, 05:47 PM
My emag thats in the shop is light..
I guess thats because its alluminum :D
But I bet if you slapped a tank and revy on it it would get heavier.. well duh, of corse it would.. :p
I know that the Armson that comes with the micro emag is a good barrel, and I dont plan on switching it out for a while. I have learned how much I like solid barrels better than ones with inserts.

11-12-2002, 05:53 PM
i have to agree with shartley. my RT Pro stock barrel shoots my field's severe no problem. it fits so well i don't even bother to use my freak

11-12-2002, 06:03 PM
I have the stock emag barrel on my classic and that is all I use since I got it. Nothing I have tried shots better. :D It also has dual nubbins which is good when you have a warp. :D

11-12-2002, 06:11 PM
trun: if you have an extra freak layin around collecting dust, just give it to a poor little fourteen who cant afford a RTpro that never chops.

i did chop more paint than left my barrel one or 2 times, then again, i only shot like 10 times:D . the reason i shot 10 times is b/c i was at the field, waitin in line to chrono, and i shoot once over the chrono.. i chop, all the paint in the breach causes the balls to not feed all of the way into the chamber.. which results in a pinch. i chop a few more over the chrono then my mag starts givin me crap.. as usual.. this happened to me very often back in the day, then invested some money into my gun and i love it now.

as for the stock barrel, i must either be seein things when i constantly shoot corkscrews, or i just have a horrrrrible paint to barrel match, the paint is RPS and its horrendisly (im dumb, ignore the sp on that last word) overpriced at 80 bucks a case.

btw, if any one wants to buy my stock e barrel pm me.

11-12-2002, 06:30 PM
EsPo: 2 reasons i don't give the freak away. first, there are virtually no other mags at my field, and every time i offer to let one of the other mag users borrow my freak they don't want it. second, i don't always play at my field. i also play with my ROTC battalion, which not only doesn't fill nitro, but also has a smaller bore paint. it's by no means a 'spare' freak, it actually gets a decent amount of use. besides, the freak is quieter, which can make a difference out in the woods

Psycho Chicken
11-13-2002, 04:32 AM
You wanna talk heavy, I have a full size matrix with a 88/4500 and a warp on it... Now that thing gets heavy quickly, but i haven't seen anything quieter or faster on semi.