View Full Version : Looking for backup, need some opinions

11-12-2002, 06:30 PM
I'm looking to get a backup within a few weeks, so I'm starting to research and get info on markers I'm potentially interested in. I have a list and want to here some opinions on them if possible, such as good-bads, like-dislikes. As for what I'm looking for, I'm looking for something reliable and that will work when needed (and just don't tell me mag,mag,mag). The list:

Automag(of course! I already know about this though)
BKO (don't know much about it, not sure on its reliability though since it's new)
Spyder AMG
M3 Black Dragun LED
2k3 Autococker (possibly)
B2k (Bushmaster)

Basicly you get the idea of what I'm looking for (really PREFER a vert feed, but I may settle on a pf feed). So any opinions, stories, help or whatever on the markers is appreciated (and if you have a suggestion of a marker that I don't have listed that I can get reasonably priced, because I may not be restricted to $300, then list it please). Thanks!

11-12-2002, 06:35 PM
I say a mag .. and not cause its the AO boards, but because I have had my mag for 5yrs and only thing I've replaced are standard replacement parts (orings, etc) in the entire time .... its been the most reliable marker I've worked with.

Although its a lil back heavy its so nominal you dont care ... pick up a classic mag and put on a nice boomstick or something and a dropforward PMI tank for a low cost good gun.

Dave K

11-12-2002, 06:36 PM
oout of that list i would go with the b2k BUT if i were to buy a bushmaster it would be the new '03 Bushmaster. those are uber sexy! My $.02

11-12-2002, 06:54 PM
nothing like having a back up for a back up.

chrome mag = primary
black mag = back up
rebel le = back up for the backup

11-12-2002, 06:57 PM
thats odd... you shoot a benchy frame over a intelli?

i would go with tha bko.. cheap, fast rof(newer bko's arent capped)

11-12-2002, 07:25 PM
lol. i just got the chrome mag. i'm getting a chrome intelli for xmas. i just threw on my black intelli on the chrome one for grins.

11-12-2002, 07:35 PM
Buy my XTS!
Well.. I think your best bet would be a rainmaker or something around that price range.

Warped Designs
11-12-2002, 08:58 PM
I have a Mag and Rainmaker and switch off and on reguarding which is a back up
After that is a Tippmann Model 98rt
Then a Sherridan VM-68
Also 2 Stingrays ll (one is no where near stock)
An old Canadian Brass Eagle Poison
Those are my favorite semi autos currently
(yes I have more and am trying to find a decently priced Sherrridan Equalizer)

If all else fails there are pumps

11-12-2002, 09:08 PM
The Mag is a perfect back up gun. It's always ready to shoot when you need it to, and the maintanence is easy. Plus it's very durable. Combine that with the fact that it also performs well, and you've got everything you need for a backup.

11-12-2002, 09:14 PM
AKIMBO PT EXTREMES :D first of all its all about the player right? and then it just looks cool toting two o these bad boys

11-12-2002, 09:56 PM
I have a Rainmaker and I like it. Biggest problem I've ever had was a LP hose slipped off the fitting and took 5 minutes and $1.50 to fix. Plus, they come with a decent stock barrel and only cost $170.

11-12-2002, 10:08 PM
I like the spyder :)

11-12-2002, 10:29 PM
I say go for a cocker, the new 2k3's are very nice, they come with a hinge and millled and anoed body, IMO its the best deal. I'm thinking of getting one just because I want another cocker...