View Full Version : I would like to thank

Warped Designs
11-12-2002, 10:11 PM
the people that treated me like a newbie on Sunday when I showed up in camo with a Brass Eagle Tigershark and a 12 oz co2 tank.

+++Background info on small open/walk on games we draw paintballs to see who is on what team (random to keep it sort of even)+++

The guy that traded my younger brother his paintball to be on another team because he didn't want to get stuck on the handicapped team (because you know a pump can not compete with semi's).

The 2 guys paid no attention to my while they were guarding the flag station (both of which ended up wearing my paint) before I ran the flag back.

Also the four guys on another team that tried to rush the guy with the pump (paying little attention to my back players, you can guess what happened there).

The "tourney" player that thought he could hose me out while I snap shot.

And finally the person that ignored me while I walked to the flag station because I was not a threat (even thou he was the last man on his team).

and stuff

11-12-2002, 10:13 PM
I cant tell if what you are saying is a good thing to you or not

11-12-2002, 10:29 PM
i dont care if your a newbie or not if your in camo your getting hosed

11-12-2002, 10:47 PM
because you know a pump can not compete with semi's i beg to differ

edit: on a lighter note... happy 100 posts to me. happy 100 posts to me. happy 100 posts to me... happy 100 posts to me :p

11-12-2002, 10:57 PM
Dude, he was being sarcastic...

11-12-2002, 11:03 PM
yeah, ditch the camo and buy a jersey, it will raise your skill level to unbelievable heights.

Warped Designs
11-13-2002, 01:17 PM
Dansim that has got to be the biggest load of crap I have ever heard, but what did I expect. You are more then likely the wanker that thinks because you play on certain type of field, with that marker, and use this gear you are a pro and everyone is bringing down the sport. That twib attitude replies more first time players and beginner then a person dressed in camo.
I guess the the numerous photos of Bill Mills of Warpig.com in camo makes him an idiot also deserving of you hosing him?
Durty Dan commonly played in camo also (but you know more then him and are a much better player then he ever was/is.

No "pro" or serious player would ever wear anything other then a offical paintball jersey and those slider pants, nevermind those old photos of Bob Long, David Youngblood, Bud Orr, and this list goes on....

Actually I have about a dozen jerseys.
The facts of the matter is I live in Wisconsin
(and it gets freaking cold)
We are only allowed 2 layers of clothing
(a tee shirt and jersey is not going to cut it)

11-13-2002, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by dansim
i dont care if your a newbie or not if your in camo your getting hosed

Remember the quote about its better to keep your mouth shut than remove all doubt about being a fool??? You've opened yours so many times I have gone past the point of thinking of you as anything BUT a fool.

I commonly wear tigerstripe pants along with my various Jersies... why? because BDUs are great no matter what type of ball you play.

Warped Designs- Way to go representing Pump Play! :)


11-13-2002, 03:27 PM
I think that you may be taking Dansim's post a little seriously. I think that it was meant to be a joke. Lighten up a little. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

At one time or another, we all wore BDU's or the like so don't rag on them when you out grow them.

Just my thoughts.

11-13-2002, 04:08 PM
everyone attacked dansim on this one, i read it as he doesnt care who you are if you come up on him hes gonna hose you, doesnt matter if youre experienced or not.
just my .02

11-13-2002, 04:14 PM
Looks kinda like Warped was just itchn' to post that second one. Hope it made you feel better.

You've opened yours so many times I have gone past the point of thinking of you as anything BUT a fool. Right:rolleyes:

Seems like a few people need to calm down and grab the midol.

11-13-2002, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Warped Designs
Dansim that has got to be the biggest load of crap I have ever heard, but what did I expect. You are more then likely the wanker that thinks because you play on certain type of field, with that marker, and use this gear you are a pro and everyone is bringing down the sport. That twib attitude replies more first time players and beginner then a person dressed in camo.
I guess the the numerous photos of Bill Mills of Warpig.com in camo makes him an idiot also deserving of you hosing him?
Durty Dan commonly played in camo also (but you know more then him and are a much better player then he ever was/is.

No "pro" or serious player would ever wear anything other then a offical paintball jersey and those slider pants, nevermind those old photos of Bob Long, David Youngblood, Bud Orr, and this list goes on....

Actually I have about a dozen jerseys.
The facts of the matter is I live in Wisconsin
(and it gets freaking cold)
We are only allowed 2 layers of clothing
(a tee shirt and jersey is not going to cut it)

okay some points here, I will shoot you know matter what your wearing, do i know bill mills, or durty dan? no, so piss off and where do you get the nerve to say i suck as a player thats how i read it ive never even met you, youve never seen me play so why dont you just shut the hell up, and a another point is everyplace ive played your only aloowed two layers of clothes...what your point?

oh yeah those old photos huh...were all they have is just goggles not face masks...well there wearing camo so i will too, and hey they dont have the mask on ill just take this off oh yeah that feels good right in the ear..unh huh, the sport is evolving get with it or get under it.., and when did i say anyone wearing camo is an idiot? jebus man you people read far to into theese things and their little minds start to wander....heres a tip dont let it wander..its far to small to be outside by itself.

11-13-2002, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Fred

Remember the quote about its better to keep your mouth shut than remove all doubt about being a fool??? You've opened yours so many times I have gone past the point of thinking of you as anything BUT a fool.

I commonly wear tigerstripe pants along with my various Jersies... why? because BDUs are great no matter what type of ball you play.

Warped Designs- Way to go representing Pump Play! :)


Wait when did this turn into a pump playdebate? oh thats right it didnt, no your saying people thought you were a noob from the gun you were using and the clothes you were wearing...i really dont belive you story anyway. anyway i happen to love playing pump against all the super electros, and big bad semis, its exhilirating and builds skill, go ahead and put on your bdus, play soldier thats as close as youll get, go pump your self to hell fred

11-13-2002, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Fred
I commonly wear tigerstripe pants along with my various Jersies...

Interesting, so do I, sort of. My jersey isn't exactly a jersey. It is a team long sleve "t-shirt" that I modified. :D I play in the woods, however.

11-13-2002, 04:53 PM
alright, who put the squirrel in dansims pants eh?!?!?!?!

anyways...... i think that warped designes needs to cool off a bit and realize that wearing camo for paintball is frowned upon by many and needs to grow up and state his oppinion in a mature fashion. not trying to insult people.

11-13-2002, 05:28 PM
Chill out, Dansim has been here a whole lot longer the you have, show a little respect. You sound like you are about 8 years old. Dansims comment was meant to be directed in a sarcastic and non sarcastic way. He ment he will hose you if your wearing camo, but he will also hose you if your wearing a jersey. LIGHTEN UP BUDDY. I would like to see you go into a big time tournament and complain cause someone made a rude comment to you, you will get laughed off the field

11-13-2002, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by dansim

Wait when did this turn into a pump playdebate? oh thats right it didnt, no your saying people thought you were a noob from the gun you were using and the clothes you were wearing...i really dont belive you story anyway. anyway i happen to love playing pump against all the super electros, and big bad semis, its exhilirating and builds skill, go ahead and put on your bdus, play soldier thats as close as youll get, go pump your self to hell fred


I was commenting on your usual nose in the air tone that you take against everyone who doesn't conform to the way you think.

I took your initial comment to mean that just for wearing camos you would hose him.

Relax a bit, and remember, punctuation makes it easier for everyone to understand what you are trying to say the first time. :rolleyes:


11-13-2002, 08:21 PM
well i dont have any puntionation keys on my keyboard ;)

i wont wear camos i did that for long enough as my job i was just stating if i see someone(unless its a broken cocker) i will shoot them thats all

The only thing that bugs me is teh people that wear camos every time they go to the home field(mostly concept)...when they know there arent that many woods fields

if i was playing outlaw in heavy woods i may wher camos again but most likely just a brown jersey

Warped Designs
11-14-2002, 01:35 PM
Well, infact yes I do know Bill Mills (actually my father and uncle does) and have exchanged emails with durty dan. My family hosted some of the first paintball games in this state on our land. Also they were the first local airgun smiths to work on paintball gun (before they were called markers). They later sold some of their tools and equipment to Paintball Dave's and for time to time help them do Pro Comp conversions on VM-68s.

I never said you suck Dansim (if I did it would have been referring to you attitude that sucks).
The camo, that is simple that day the high was in the low 40s with 10 to 15 mph winds and light rain, sure come on out in a light weight breathable jersey and tee shirt.

I don't have to play solider I got that out of my system in the early 90s at Fort Benning. (end subject)